W orldly goods do not constitute wealth – true wealth is the wealth of the soul. quote 5910 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T hrowing people to the ground does not make you strong – true strength belongs to those who can control their anger. quote 5911 | Muhammad Hadiths share
B e moderate in seeking worldly things – they come naturally to those for whom they have been created. quote 5916 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T he hour will come when children are disobedient; when drought scorches the earth, when the contemptible inundate the land, when the noble are few, when the young are insolent to their elders, and the contemptible insolent to the noble. quote 5917 | Muhammad Hadiths share
I fear three things for my community when I am gone – a scholar’s lapse, a tyrant’s rule, and a capricious whim. quote 5919 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T he Hour draws near, yet people become more and more greedy for this world; while it eludes their grasps more and more. quote 5920 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T hings will get progressively worse, the world will turn its back on you more and more, and people will become greedier. quote 5921 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T he pious will diminish, one generation after another, until only scraps and chaff remain – and God will pay them no heed. quote 5923 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T wo hungry wolves do not wreak as much havoc to a flock of sheep as love of glory and wealth to a Muslim’s faith. quote 5927 | Muhammad Hadiths share
E at dinner, even if just a handful of dry dates – skipping dinner will age you. quote 5930 | Muhammad Hadiths share
L ove your friend with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your enemy. Hate your enemy with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your friend. quote 5931 | Muhammad Hadiths share
C onduct your worldly affairs with integrity and work hard for the Hereafter. quote 5932 | Muhammad Hadiths share