World  Philosophical  Heritage

Islam 360

360 selected exerpts   | Page 5 / 15
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S eek God’s protection from greed – greed leads to disgrace.

Islam quote 5761 |  Hadiths  


D o not be jealous of one another and do not nurse enmity against one another.

Islam quote 5762 |  Hadiths  


V erily, God has revealed to me that you should adopt humility.

Islam quote 5763 |  Hadiths  


V erily, God does not look to your bodies or your attire nor to your appearances but He looks to your hearts and your deeds.

Islam quote 5764 |  Hadiths  


I n the presence of three people, two should not hold secret counsel, to the exclusion of the third.

Islam quote 5765 |  Hadiths  


K eep away from associating anything with God in worship.

Islam quote 5766 |  Hadiths  


T he Prophet (pbuh) cursed the one who accepts usury and the one who pays it, and the one who records it, and the two persons who stand witness to it.

Islam quote 5767 |  Hadiths  


N one of you should walk wearing one shoe, you should either wear them both or take them off both.

Islam quote 5768 |  Hadiths  


I f you do not respect the elderly, show kindness to the young, command good, and forbid evil, you are not one of us.

Islam quote 5769 |  Hadiths  


G rant shelter to him who begs for it in the Name of God, give to him who begs in the Name of God, accept the invitation of him who invites you, and requite him who does a favour to you, but if you are unable to requite him, go on praying for him till you are sure that you have requited him adequately.

Islam quote 5770 |  Hadiths  


A true believer does not taunt or curse or abuse or talk indecently.

Islam quote 5771 |  Hadiths  


I ndecency does not leave anything untainted, and decency does not leave anything ungraced and embellished.

Islam quote 5772 |  Hadiths  


N one of you should say: My soul has become evil. He should say: My soul is in bad shape.

Islam quote 5773 |  Hadiths  


A person should not enter into a transaction when his brother has already negotiated, nor should he make a proposal of marriage when that of his brother is pending, except with the permission of the latter.

Islam quote 5774 |  Hadiths  


T he Prophet (pbuh) never refused a gift of perfume.

Islam quote 5775 |  Hadiths  


I f you get wind of the outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it, and if it breaks out in a land in which you are, do not leave.

Islam quote 5776 |  Hadiths  


T he Messenger of God (pbuh) never found fault with food. If he had inclination to eat it, he would eat; and if he disliked it, he would leave it.

Islam quote 5777 |  Hadiths  


T hose who overburden themselves with their faith will find it overwhelms them.

Islam quote 5778 |  Hadiths  


T he strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, but the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage.

Islam quote 5779 |  Hadiths  


G ive up what is doubtful to you for that which is not doubtful; for truth is peace of mind and falsehood is doubt.

Islam quote 5780 |  Hadiths  


F ear God wherever you are, do good deeds after doing bad ones. The former will wipe out the latter, and engage others with beautiful character.

Islam quote 5781 |  Hadiths  


D o not belittle any good deed, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.

Islam quote 5782 |  Hadiths  


T he Prophet (pbuh) heard a person lauding another person or praising him too much. Thereupon he said: “You have ruined the man.’’

Islam quote 5783 |  Hadiths  


B e satisfied with what God has apportioned for you and you will be the richest of people.

Islam quote 5784 |  Hadiths  


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