D o not let fear of others prevent you from standing up for the truth. quote 5812 | Muhammad Hadiths share
B eware of giving voice to suspicions – they are the falsest words. quote 5813 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T here is no good in the companionship of a man who does not regard you the way you regard him. quote 5814 | Muhammad Hadiths share
L et what you know about yourself stop you from disparaging others. quote 5818 | Muhammad Hadiths share
S how compassion to three persons – a wealthy man who has been ruined, a powerful man who has been humbled, and a learned man mocked by fools and dullards. quote 5819 | Muhammad Hadiths share
B e careful what you wish for, you do not know where it will take you. quote 5830 | Muhammad Hadiths share
R emember God in good times and He shall remember you in hard times. quote 5833 | Muhammad Hadiths share
W hen a youth shows respect to the elder because he is old, God ordains that people show him respect when he grows old. quote 5834 | Muhammad Hadiths share