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Sickhism 360

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S eek the Support of the One Lord, and surrender your soul to Him; place your hopes only in the Sustainer of the World

Sikhism quote 7096 |  ANG 927 SGGSJi  

Look nowhere else for support other than Waheguru: the True Lord. Surrender your soul to Him and let Him guide and sustain you


T he humble servants of the Lord are exalted and elevated, forever on high; they are adorned with the Word of the Gurus Shabad O Nanak, He Himself forgives them, and merges them with Himself; throughout the ages, they are glorified

Sikhism quote 7097 |  ANG 769 SGGSJi  

The True Lord loves His devotees and keeps them lofty. The devotees who follow the Word of the Gurus Shabad (Guru Jis teachings), the True Lord Himself forgives them and keeps them close to Him


T hose who are imbued with the Lords Name, in the Saadh Sangat, cross over the terrifying world-ocean The corrupting sins of birth and death are eradicated, and no stain ever sticks to them again

Sikhism quote 7098 |  ANG 927 SGGSJi  

Keep company of the truthful people and cross over this world ocean. The cycle of birth and death will be wiped out and no marks of dirt (bad deeds) will remain on you


O my mind, meditate on the Name of the One Lord The happiness of all happiness shall well up, and in the Court of the Lord, you shall be dressed in robes of honor

Sikhism quote 7099 |  ANG 45 SGGSJi  

Time and time again one is reminded to meditate. Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru reminds us that if one meditates then one is forgiven and received with the utmost respect and honour in His court


K indness as their deity, and forgiveness as their chanting beads - they are the most excellent people

Sikhism quote 7100 |  ANG 1245 SGGSJi  

To be kind is seen as an attribute to Waheguru: the True Guru and forgiveness a rosary. Do not hurt anyone and be willing to forgive those who are unkind to you


I f there is birth, then there is death. If there is pleasure, then there is pain. If there is enjoyment, then there is disease If there is high, then there is low. If there is small, then there is great If there is power, then there is pride. If there is egotistical pride, then there will be a fall Engrossed in worldly ways, one is ruined Meditating and vibrating on the Lord of the Universe in the Company of the Holy, you shall become steady and stable. Nanak vibrates and meditates on the Lord God

Sikhism quote 7101 |  ANG 1354 SGGSJi  

Always remember the One God through meditation and the high and lows; sadness and happiness; etc will not affect one. One should take ego out of them and make this life worthwhile by accepting His hukum (command)


E xcruciating pain, countless killings, reincarnation, poverty and terrible misery are all destroyed by meditating in remembrance on the Lords Name, O Nanak, just as fire reduces piles of wood to ashes

Sikhism quote 7102 |  ANG 1355 SGGSJi  

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru tells us again that meditation is important in our lives. Meditation destroys ones pains; and gets one out of the cycle of reincarnation. Through meditation one is forgiven. One must mediate daily


T hose who focus their consciousness on the True Guru are perfectly fulfilled and famous Spiritual wisdom wells up in the minds of those unto whom the Lord Himself shows Mercy Those who have such destiny written upon their foreheads obtain the Name of the Lord

Sikhism quote 7103 |  ANG 45 SGGSJi  

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru writes this shabaad. One who focuses his / her attention on the Almighty God will be fulfilled and He will show mercy and forgive. Those who had this written in their destiny obtain the Naam of Waheguru


D ont blame others, O people as you plant, so shall you harvest By your actions, you have bound yourself You come and go, entangled in Maya

Sikhism quote 7104 |  ANG 888 SGGSJi  

When things go wrong dont look to find blame in others. What happens in ones life be it financial problems or physical ailments these are a result of our past actions. Forgive those who have done wrong to you rather than find blame and fault in them for things going wrong in ones life. Good actions will bring happy times and contentment in ones life


W hen the True Lord Himself grants forgiveness, then one does not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation again He does not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation again, and he is emancipated in the end; as Gurmukh, he obtains glorious greatness

Sikhism quote 7105 |  ANG 571 SGGSJi  

The cycle of reincarnation is taken away when the True Lord Himself forgiveness. As human beings we too should forgive and let go. With the True Lords forgiveness so much can be gained. Lets be of the calibre that He forgives us so we too can be glorious in our ventures


S ri Guru Granth Sahib Ji the Sikh Holy Scriptures begin with the number 1 (One) indicating that there is only One God. This means that there is only one Force. There is no other force or power running parallel to the One Force to God.

Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas Ji writes: By writing 1 (One) in the beginning, it has been shown that Ik OanKaar, God, who subsumes all forms in Him is Only One. Ura, the first Gurmukhi Letter of the alphabet, in the form of OanKaar shows the world controlling power of that One Lord. The One God or Waheguru created all mankind and everything else. We are all His Creation

Sikhism quote 7106 |  ANG 1 SGGSJi  


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