quote 3932 |
The Law of Manu
1, 5-16, Translation by G. buhler, in Sacred Books of the East, XXV (Oxford,1886), PP. 2-8
1 Tamas, a darkness both physical and mental. The Samkhya system finds considerable significance in this stanza: tamas, one of the three twisted strands (gunas) of cosmic substance, represents inertia.
2 Svayambhu, an epithet of Brahmin (masculine), who is the impersonal Absolute (Brahman neuter) personified as manifest god.
3 Atindriya, literally that spirit or mind 'beyond the senses.'
4 i.e., became self-manifest.
5 Or, released.
6 As 'the shape of Darkness' (vs. I) and the environmental 'waters' recall the Rig Vedic creation hymn X, 120, so does this golden 'egg' (anda) and its seed (bija) recall the hiranyagarbha of Rig Veda, X, 121.
7 Brahmin's.
8 An example of popular etymology, nara being primal man or eternal spirit.
9 Literally, having existence (sat) and non-existence (asat) as its nature.
10 See the Purushasukta, Rig Veda, X .90
11 Early commentators disagreed, some saying that the 'year' was a 'year of Brahmin,' others maintaining that a human year is meant, as in the similar version of this selection, Shatapatha- bramana, XI, I, 6, 1 ff.
12 Meditation (dhyana).
13 Manas, mind or intelligence, as distinct from spirit (atman).
14 Ahamkara, literally 'the making of "I" (aham)'; the principle of individuation.
15 Mahat, the 'great'; in Samkhya also called buddhi, consciousness.
16 Atman.
17 Gunas.
18 Tanmatras, subtle elements.
19 Again, the Indian commentators are at variance in their interpretations of these last three lines. Probably 'those six' are classes of tattvas (elements) mentioned in the preceding two verses, in the order: manas, ahamkara, mahat, atman, tattvas affected by the gunas, tanmatras. 'It is interesting to compare the Samkya evolutes of prakriti. Here twenty-five tattvas, a rearrangement of 'those six' above, evolve with greater systematization: (1) purusha; and from prakriti, (2) mahat, (3) ahamkara, (4) manas, (5) five sense organs and five motor organs, (6) five subtle elements (tanmatras) and five gross elements (mahabhutas).