World  Philosophical  Heritage

History and dogmas of the buddhist religion

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Buddhism : History and dogmas

Legend has it that the Buddha to be, Siddhartha Gautama, was born around the 6th century BCE. His birthplace is said to be Lumbini in the kingdom of Magadha, in what is now Nepal. His father was a king, and Siddhartha lived in luxury, being spared all hardship.

The legends say that a seer predicted that Siddhartha would become either a great king or a great holy man; because of this, the king tried to make sure that Siddhartha never had any cause for dissatisfaction with his life, as that might drive him toward a spiritual path. Nevertheless, at the age of 29, while being escorted by his attendant Channa, he came across what has become known as the Four Passing Sights: an old crippled man, a sick man, a decaying corpse, and finally a wandering holy man. These four sights, as they are called, led him to the realization that birth, old age, sickness and death came to everyone, not only once but repeated for life after life in succession for uncounted aeons. He decided to abandon his worldly life, leaving behind his wife and child, his privilege, rank, caste, and to take up the life of a wandering holy man in search of the answer to the problem of birth, old age, sickness, and death. It is said that he stole out of the house in the dead of night, pausing for one last look at his family, and did not return there for a very long time.


Buddhism : Art & Paintings

Arhat Vanavasin
Arhat Vanavasin, XIV/XVe siècle
III Dalai Lama
Gyatso, IIIe Dalai Lama, XVIe siècle
Panchen Lama
Panchen Lama et sa lignée de réincarnation, XIXe siècle, NY, American Museum of Natural History
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Les 6 patriarches de l'écoles Hosso
Shinran, le Grand reformateur
Siddharta & les 4 vues qui le mettront finalement sur le chemin de la Libération
Taoists Bouddhists
Arhats Bouddhistes & Taoistes en discussion sur le pouvoir des Sutras Bouddhistes, XIIe siècle
Yi Ming, Boddhisatva
Ding Guan Peng, Bouddha

Buddhism : Links

Buddhism / Mahayana, Buddhism / Mahayana / Madhyamaka, Buddhism / Mahayana / Tantra, Buddhism / Mahayana / Yogacara, Buddhism / Mahayana / Zen (Chan), Buddhism / Theravada, Asanga , Bassui Zenji, Bodhidharma, Brahma Net Sutra, Brug-pa Kun_legs, Buddha Sakyamuni, Buddha Speaks the Mahayana, Infinite Life, Adornment, Purity, Impartiality, and Enlightenment Sutra, Candrakirti, Chen-houei du Ho-tso, Chogyam Trungpa, Divers Sutras, Eihei Dogen, Genpo Sensei, Gizan, Gudo Roshi Nishijima, Guéshé Kelsang Gyatso, Hakuin, Hiuan-tsang, Huang Po, Hui Neng, Huiyan, Kumarajiva, Lin-tsi , Milarepa, Nagarjuna, Naropa, Roshi Suzuki, Roshi Yamada, Santideva, Seng-Chao, Shantideva, Suzuki, Szu-hsin Wu-hsin, Taisen Deshimaru, The Amitayurbhavana Sutra, The Avatamsaka Sutra, The Bodhisattva Dwelling in the Womb Sutra, The Buddha Expounding Amitabha Sutra, The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land School Practitioners, The Dhammapada, The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action, The Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra, The Kalacakratantra, The Khuddaka Nikaya, The Lankavatara Sutra, The Lotus Sutra, The Maha Prajna Paramita, The Maha-Vaipulya Tathagata’s Unimaginable State Sutra, The Milandapanha, The Platform Sutra, The Seng-ts’an, The Shobo Genzo, The Sigalovada Sutta: The Discourse to Sigala The Layperson’s Code of Discipline, The Surangama Sutra, The Sutra in Forty-Two Sections, The Sutra of Immeasurable Life, The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment, The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, The Sutra of Visualization of the Buddha of Infinite Life, The Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas, The Sutra on Praise of the Pure Land and Protection by Shakyamuni, The Sutra on the Buddha’s Bequeathed Teaching, The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra, The Vajradhvaha Sutra, The Vinaya Pitaka, The Zenrin Kushu, Ts’ao-shan Pen-chi, Tsong-mi, Upasaka Precepts Sutra, Various Sutras, Vasubandhu, Vimalakirti, Wang Wei, Wou-men, Yoka Daishi, Yung-chia Ta-shih, etc.

External Link Charter

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External Links
Pictures : Chinese and Tibetain calligraphy
Pictures : 15 000 bouddhist art pictures
On line Books : On line Books about Buddhism
Study : Study: Mysticism: Buddhism and Christian
More quotes per subject : Buddhism quotes
Resources : Resources on Buddhism
Resources : Resources on Buddhism
Introduction to buddhism : Introduction to Buddhism

