World  Philosophical  Heritage

History and dogmas of the christian religion

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Christianity : History and dogmas

Christianity originated in the first century AD, apparently from the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Acts 11:19 and 11:26 in the Christian New Testament, Christ's followers were first called Christians by non-Christians in the city of Antioch, where they had fled and settled after early persecutions in Palestine. After Jesus' death, early Christian doctrine was established by Paul of Tarsus.

Relative peace and good roads throughout the Roman Empire allowed Christianity to spread quickly over the next three centuries, but more important was the conversion of Emperor Constantine in 312. Combined with his Edict of Milan in 313, Constantine's conversion effectively made Christianity the favored religion of the Empire, and he organized the first of several ecumenical councils for resolving doctrinal issues. Between about 410 and 1050, missionaries from Constantinople, Ireland (from about 450), and elsewhere evangelized Christianity throughout Europe, translating the Bible into local languages and sometimes incorporating elements of native culture into Christian custom (see for example Easter: Symbolism of Easter, Halloween: Christianizing the Celtic Samhain).


Christianity : Art & Paintings

Roi David, jouant de la Harpe, France, XVIIIe siècle
Moise recevant les 10 commandements, XIVe siècle, tirée de la Hagada de Sarajevo
Saint Jean le Precurseur
Saint Jean le Précurseur, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Paul
Saint Paul, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Peter
Saint Pierre, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Gregory
Saint Grégoire, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint  Basile le Grand
Saint Basile le Grand, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Dimitrios
Saint Dimitrios, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint George
Saint George, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Gregoire
Saint Grégoire, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Gregory
Saint Paul, Ecole de Moscou, XVIe siècle
Saint Paul
Rembrandt van Rijn (and Workshop?), The Apostle Paul, c. 1657, Widener Collection
Saint Paul Peter
El Greco, Apostles Peter and Paul, 1587-92, oil on canvas, The Hermitage at St. Petersburg.
Saint Paul
Saint Paul par Lorenzo di Niccolo (15e siècle)
Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul Peter
The Embrace of Sts. Peter and Paul in the Vatopedi Monastery, Mt. Athos? Anonymous Greek fresco (XII Century)

Christianity : Links

Christianity / Catholicism, Christianity / Gnostics, Christianity / Orthodoxy, Christianity / Protestantism, Abbé Pierre, Abbot Vasilios of Iveron Monastery, Angela of Foligno, Appolonius Of Tyana, Archimandrite Sophrony, Athenagoras, Dante Alighieri, Desert Fathers, Diadochos of Photiki, Dionysius the Areopagite, Ephrem, Fénélon, François De Sales, Heinrich Suso, Henri Le Saux, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Hildegard of Bingen, Hippolytus, Jacob Boehme, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jesus Christ, John Ruusbroec, Martin Luther King, Meister Eckhart, Mother Teresa, Nicephorus the Solitary, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicolas Berdiaev, Origène, Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Evagrios the Solitary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Hesychios the Priest, Saint Isaac the Syrian, Saint Jacques, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Macarius of Egypt, Saint Mark the Ascetic, Saint Paul, Saint Seraphim de Sarov, Saint Silouane l'Athonite, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Simon Le Mage, Simon Magus, The Bible, The Corpus Hermetica, The Philokalia, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Traherne, Unknown, etc.

External Link Charter

All links to religious organisation are forbidden. Only links to informative content Website are approved. If you find any link in contradiction with our charter, please let us know by email.

External Links
Pictures : Art Search Engine
On line Books : On line Books about Christianity
On line Books : On line Books about Christianity
Study : Study: Mysticism: Buddhism and Christian

