World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Jesus Christ

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Jesus Christ : Biography

1st-century Jewish teacher and prophet in whom Christians have traditionally seen the Messiah [Heb.,=annointed one, whence Christ from the Greek] and whom they have characterized as Son of God and as Word or Wisdom of God incarnate. Muslims acknowledge him as a prophet, and Hindus as an avatar (see avatara). He was born just before the death of King Herod the Great (37 B.C.–4 B.C.) and was crucified after a brief public ministry during Pontius Pilate’s term as prefect of Judaea (A.D. 26–36). 1

Primary Sources of Information on Jesus
The primary sources for Jesus’ life and teaching are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (see articles on the individual books, e.g., Matthew, Gospel according to), though these are not biographies but theologically framed accounts of the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus, i.e., of the basic subject matter of Christian preaching and teaching. Other books of the New Testament add few further details. Among non-Christian writers of antiquity, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny the Younger refer to Jesus, as does Josephus (Joseph ben Matthias) in at least one passage. The 2d-century Gospel of Thomas sheds light on the development of the tradition of Jesus’ sayings. 2


Jesus Christ : Portraits

Jesus Christ
Entrée de Jesus à Jerusalem & dernier repas, Constantinople, 1650
Jesus Christ
Jésus à Gethsémani, Mosaique Romane de S. Appolinare Nuovo, Ravene, 549
Jesus Christ
Communion des Apotres, Russie, XVe siècle
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
La Nativité, école de Moscou, 1500
Jesus Christ
La Nativité, école Crétoise, XVIe siècle
Jesus Christ
La présentation du Christ au temple, Russie, école du Nord, fin XVIe siècle
Jesus Christ
Le batême du Christ, Russie, moitié du XVIe siècle
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Entrée à Jérusalem, Russie Centrale, fin du XVIe siècle
Jesus Christ
La Crucifixion, école de Moscou, 1600
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Piero della Francesca, le Bapteme du Christ, vers 1450
Jesus Christ
Francesco Albani, le Bapteme du Christ, vers 1630-1635
Jesus Christ
Jean-Batiste-Camille Corot, le Bapteme du Christ, 1845-1847
Jesus Christ
Duccio di Buoninsegna, La Tentation du Christ sur la montagne, vers 1308
Jesus Christ
La Tentation du Christ, tire du Miroir de l'humaine salvation, Flandres, Xve siecle.
Jesus Christ
La Tentation du Christ au désert, tire de la vie du Christ, Allemagne, XVe siecle.
Jesus Christ
Cosimo Rosselli, La Cene, 1481
Jesus Christ
Fra Angelico et atelier, L'eucharistie, 1438-1445
Jesus Christ
Maitre du retable de Regler, Couronnement d'epines (1445-1450)
Jesus Christ
Quentin Massys, Ecce Homo, vers 1515
Jesus Christ
Fra Angelico et atelier, Le Christ cloue a la Croix, fin des annees 1430, debut des annees 1440.
Jesus Christ
Maitre de la pieta de Saint Germain des Pres (actif entre 1502 vers 1505), le Christ montant a calvaire.
Jesus Christ
Lorrenzo Lotto, Le Christ portant la Croix, 1526
Jesus Christ
Diego Velasquez, Le Christ en Croix, vers 1632
Jesus Christ
Emil Nolde, la Crucifixion, 1911-1912
Jesus Christ
Graham Sutherland, La Crucifixion, 1946.
Jesus Christ
Rembrandt, Les pelerins d'Emmaus, 1648

Jesus Christ : Links

Christianity / Catholicism, Christianity / Gnostics, Christianity / Orthodoxy, Christianity / Protestantism, Abbé Pierre, Abbot Vasilios of Iveron Monastery, Angela of Foligno, Appolonius Of Tyana, Archimandrite Sophrony, Athenagoras, Dante Alighieri, Desert Fathers, Diadochos of Photiki, Dionysius the Areopagite, Ephrem, Fénélon, François De Sales, Heinrich Suso, Henri Le Saux, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Hildegard of Bingen, Hippolytus, Jacob Boehme, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jesus Christ, John Ruusbroec, Martin Luther King, Meister Eckhart, Mother Teresa, Nicephorus the Solitary, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicolas Berdiaev, Origène, Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Evagrios the Solitary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Hesychios the Priest, Saint Isaac the Syrian, Saint Jacques, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Macarius of Egypt, Saint Mark the Ascetic, Saint Paul, Saint Seraphim de Sarov, Saint Silouane l'Athonite, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Simon Le Mage, Simon Magus, The Bible, The Corpus Hermetica, The Philokalia, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Traherne, Unknown, etc.

