World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Lao Tzu

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Lao Tzu : Biography

Chinese philosopher, reputedly the founder of Taoism. It is uncertain that Lao Tzu [Ch.,=old person or old philosopher] is historical. His biography in Ssu-ma Ch’ien’s Records of the Historian (1st cent. B.C.) says he was a contemporary of Confucius and served as curator of the dynastic archives until retiring to the mythical K’un-lun mountains. He allegedly transmitted his teachings to a border guard who subsequently compiled the Lao Tzu, also titled the Tao-te ching [Classic of the Way and Virtue]. Scholars date the work in the 4th–2d cent. B.C., with some strata perhaps as old as the 6th cent. B.C. Its parables and verse, written in incantatory language, advocate passive and intuitive behavior in natural harmony with the Tao, a cosmic unity underlying all phenomena. It emphasizes the value of wu-wei, “nonstriving” or “non-[purposeful ]action,” by which one returns to a primitive state closer to the Tao, a stage of creative possibility symbolized by the child or an uncarved block. It also promotes a laissez-faire approach to government.

Source : The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press.

Lao Tzu : Bibliography

- Tao Te King : Le Livre de la voie et de la vertu

Lao Tzu : Portraits

Confucius Laozi Boudhha
Le Bouddha enfant avec Laozi et Confucius(à droite) (peinture Chinoise du 18ième)
Confucius Laozi Bouddha
Confucius, Sakyamuni, and Laozi by Josetsu
Fachang Muqi, 13ième siècle, Southern Song Dynasty, Portrait of laozi
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Wang Liyang (1120-1145), Transformation of Lord Lao, Southern Song Dynasty
Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
Laozi par Chen Hong Shou(1598 - 1652)
Laozi par Chao Pu Zhi (1053 - 1110)

Lao Tzu : Links

Daoism / Neo Daoism, Cheng Xuan Ying, Guo Xiang, Ho Shang Gong, Invocations, Kou Houan, Kuo Hsiang, Lao Tzu, Li Daochun, Lü Dongbin, Sima Chengzhen, Tchuang Tzu, The 100 Diseases & Medicines, The Annals of Lu Buwei, The Dao De Che Gui, The Huai-Nan Tzu, The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal, The Liezi, The Qing Jing Jing, The Sanlun yuanzhi, The Su Shu, The Tai Shang Gan Yin Pian, The Tai Shang Lao Jun Jie Jing, The Tai Shang Sheng Xuan Xiao Zai Hu Ming Miao Jing, The Tai Shang Xu hang tian Zun Si Shi Jui Zhang Jing, The Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Ben Ming Yan Sheng Zhen Jing, The treatise on the unseen merits, The Yellow Emperor’s scripture of the Unconscious Unification, The Yunji Qiqian, Treatise of the Most Exalted One on Cause and Effect, Wang Bi, Wenzi, Wu Yun, Zhang Bo Duan, etc.

