World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Saint Paul

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Saint Paul : Biography

Christianity might have remained a small Messianic cult had it not been for the efforts of Saint Paul (A.D. ?3-64). As a youth, Paul was one of the Jewish authorities who fiercely suppressed this emerging sect. But the spiritual visions he had on the road to Damascus-dazzling lights, voices, sudden darkness-convinced him that he had seen and heard the risen Christ, and that Christ was the Messiah. The next thirty years of Saint Paul's life were spent traveling, teaching, writing letters, and unifying the many newly found Christian groups. Through his dynamic leadership the precepts of this new faith were shaped into a compelling and universal religion of salvation. Called "the second father of Christianity," Saint Paul is truly an epochal figure in history.

Source : Jonathan Star, The Inner Treasure

Saint Paul : Bibliography

- Epître aux Galates. (Bible)
- Epître à Philémon.
- Epître aux Romains.
- Epître aux Colossiens.
- Epître aux Ephésiens.
- Epître aux Philippiens.
- Epître à Tite.
- Epître aux Hébreux.
- Epîtres aux Thessaloniciens.
- Epîtres aux Corinthiens.
- Epîtres à Timothée.

Saint Paul : Portraits

Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul selon Greco
Saint Paul
Saint Paul selon Rembrandt

Saint Paul : Links

Christianity / Catholicism, Christianity / Gnostics, Christianity / Orthodoxy, Christianity / Protestantism, Abbé Pierre, Abbot Vasilios of Iveron Monastery, Angela of Foligno, Appolonius Of Tyana, Archimandrite Sophrony, Athenagoras, Dante Alighieri, Desert Fathers, Diadochos of Photiki, Dionysius the Areopagite, Ephrem, Fénélon, François De Sales, Heinrich Suso, Henri Le Saux, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Hildegard of Bingen, Hippolytus, Jacob Boehme, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jesus Christ, John Ruusbroec, Martin Luther King, Meister Eckhart, Mother Teresa, Nicephorus the Solitary, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicolas Berdiaev, Origène, Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Evagrios the Solitary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Hesychios the Priest, Saint Isaac the Syrian, Saint Jacques, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Macarius of Egypt, Saint Mark the Ascetic, Saint Paul, Saint Seraphim de Sarov, Saint Silouane l'Athonite, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Simon Le Mage, Simon Magus, The Bible, The Corpus Hermetica, The Philokalia, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Traherne, Unknown, etc.

