G ratitude after eating is like forbearance during fasting. mosque quote 5950 | Muhammad Hadiths share
S ouls are like mustered armies: the similar come together and unite, the dissimilar part ways. mosque quote 5949 | Muhammad Hadiths share
M ost people take two blessings for granted – health and leisure. mosque quote 5948 | Muhammad Hadiths share
H earts are conditioned to love those who are kind to them and to hate those who are cruel. mosque quote 5947 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T est people and you will come to hate them. – be slow to trust. mosque quote 5946 | Muhammad Hadiths share
L essen your burden of sin, and you will be less terrified of death. mosque quote 5943 | Muhammad Hadiths share
B lessed are those who earn an honest living; whose hearts are pure, whose actions are noble, and from whom no one need fear any evil. mosque quote 5941 | Muhammad Hadiths share
B e a good neighbour to those around you and you will be a true Muslim. mosque quote 5937 | Muhammad Hadiths share
W ish for others what you wish for yourself and you will be a true believer. mosque quote 5936 | Muhammad Hadiths share
C onduct your worldly affairs with integrity and work hard for the Hereafter. mosque quote 5932 | Muhammad Hadiths share
L ove your friend with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your enemy. Hate your enemy with some restraint, for the day may come when he is your friend. mosque quote 5931 | Muhammad Hadiths share
E at dinner, even if just a handful of dry dates – skipping dinner will age you. mosque quote 5930 | Muhammad Hadiths share
T wo hungry wolves do not wreak as much havoc to a flock of sheep as love of glory and wealth to a Muslim’s faith. mosque quote 5927 | Muhammad Hadiths share