World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Saint Augustine

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Saint Augustine : Biography

The great St. Augustine's life is unfolded to us in documents of unrivaled richness, and of no great character of ancient times have we information comparable to that contained in the "Confessions," which relate the touching story of his soul, the "Retractations," which give the history of his mind, and the "Life of Augustine," written by his friend Possidius, telling of the saint's apostolate.

We will confine ourselves to sketching the three periods of this great life: (1) the young wanderer's gradual return to the Faith; (2) the doctrinal development of the Christian philosopher to the time of his episcopate; and (3) the full development of his activities upon the Episcopal throne of Hippo.


Saint Augustine : Bibliography

- De Beata Vita is translated in The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century, vol 1.3, New City Press, 1990-.
- Contra Academicos is translated in Against the Academicians and The Teacher, translated by Peter King, Hackett Publishing Company, 1995
- Soliloquia is translated in Soliloquies, Library of Christian Classics, volume 6, 1953.
- De Magistro is translated in Against the Academicians and The Teacher, translated by Peter King, Hackett Publishing Company, 1995
- Ad Simplicianum is translated in The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century, vol. 1.12, New City ress 1990-
- Confessiones are translated in Confessions, translated by Henry Chadwick, Oxford University Press, 1991.
- De Trinitate is translated in The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century, vol. I.5, New City Press 1990-
- De Genesi ad Litteram is translated in St. Augustine: The Literal Meaning of Genesis, translated by John H. Taylor, Ancient Christian Writers, vol 41-2, Newman Press 1982.
- De Civitate Dei is translated in The City of God Against the Pagans, translated by R.W. Dyson, Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought, Cambridge University Press 1998.
- Retractationes is translated in The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century, vol. I.2, New City Press 1990
- Epistulae are translated by W. Parsons in the Fathers of the Church series: Letters 1-82, vol 12; Letters 83-130, vol. 18; Letters 131-64, vol. 20; Letters 165-203, vol. 30;
- Letters 204-70, vol. 32; recently discovered Letters *1-*29 are translated by R. Eno in vol. 81.

Saint Augustine : Portraits

Saint Augustine
G. B. BENVENUTI, detto ORTOLANO (sec. XVI), Sant Agostino (particolare della Crocefissione), Milano, Brera
Saint Augustine
VITALE DA BOLOGNA (sec. XIV), Sant Agostino, Bologna, Chiesa dei Servi
Saint Augustine
BOTTICELLI, Sant Agostino in atto di meditazione e di preghiera, Firenze, Chiesa d Ognissanti
Saint Augustine
Fra Angelico (av. 1430), la componction de saint-Augustin
Saint Augustine
BENOZZO GOZZOLI (1465), Sant Agostino in atto di scrivere, San Gimignano, Chiesa di Sant Agostino
Saint Augustine
Saint Augustin préchant à ses disciples, illustration anglaise, 1100

Saint Augustine : Links

Christianity / Catholicism, Christianity / Gnostics, Christianity / Orthodoxy, Christianity / Protestantism, Abbé Pierre, Abbot Vasilios of Iveron Monastery, Angela of Foligno, Appolonius Of Tyana, Archimandrite Sophrony, Athenagoras, Dante Alighieri, Desert Fathers, Diadochos of Photiki, Dionysius the Areopagite, Ephrem, Fénélon, François De Sales, Heinrich Suso, Henri Le Saux, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Hildegard of Bingen, Hippolytus, Jacob Boehme, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jesus Christ, John Ruusbroec, Martin Luther King, Meister Eckhart, Mother Teresa, Nicephorus the Solitary, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicolas Berdiaev, Origène, Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Evagrios the Solitary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Hesychios the Priest, Saint Isaac the Syrian, Saint Jacques, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Macarius of Egypt, Saint Mark the Ascetic, Saint Paul, Saint Seraphim de Sarov, Saint Silouane l'Athonite, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Simon Le Mage, Simon Magus, The Bible, The Corpus Hermetica, The Philokalia, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Traherne, Unknown, etc.

