The world's rapidly growing population has many languages and cultures. These have evolved through long and complex histories in which human societies have developed. In this development the different religions of the world have sought to answer three important questions: 'Where do we come from?' 'Why are we here?' and, 'What happens after we die?'
However, any student of history can recognize that differences in religious belief have been used to justify terrible violence, and this continues to be true in our time. This diversity of understanding between faiths, and within faiths, is used to deny the value - and sometimes the humanity - of those perceived to be 'different', or 'wrong'. It seems inconceivable when core teaching in each faith promotes peace and mutual respect, however it is a reality that must be addressed.
For people to be better educated about the core beliefs of each religion offers hope and a way forward. When we know the stories and core beliefs of our neighbor's religion, and they know ours, there is a much greater likelihood we will respect one another and ?ourish.
'360 Excerpts' is an exciting project intended to help people gain insight into the core beliefs of major religions, and religious denominations. I am very grateful for the invitation from the Pure Land Learning College Association to choose 360 excerpts from the Bible. It has been a blessing to systematically read through the Bible gleaning those portions which best represent the faith which sustains me. Then to discuss these choices with others, review, and edit.
In the Bible there are significant values expressed and Laws stipulated which have helped to govern and shape community life through many centuries. The suggestion that we treat others the way that we would want to be treated (Excerpts 122 & 187), and we not murder (Excerpt 13), are clearly found in other faiths. But each religion has a unique story, and a unique contribution to be make. So, together with values, laws, and proverbs I have selected excerpts which express a Christian understanding of the ongoing relationship between God, creation, and humanity.
These give answer to the questions of origin, purpose, and ultimate destination articulated previously. We have an understanding of God as Creator: a loving Father, who leads us from captivity to freedom. A God of justice who cares for all and who has a particular heart for those on the margins of society. We have an understanding that around two thousand years ago God became human in a Palestinian man called Jesus, and that through him all of humanity has opportunity for relationship and new life with God. We have an understanding that we are called to follow this same Jesus as disciples, to love and forgive as he did, and to be empowered by God's Spirit each day to live lives that make a difference for good.
The Bible is a library of wisdom containing different genres of writing that have been selected and gathered together to give hope and purpose. As Christians we believe that the documents were each inspired by God, but inevitably some parts are given greater emphasis than others. The thirty nine documents of the Old Testament were originally written in Hebrew for the Jewish faith, and were written between two thousand eight hundred and two thousand years ago. In contrast the twenty seven documents of the New Testament were written in koine Greek two thousand years ago, over a period of about eighty years.
There have been many translations of these texts into English and there is great value in looking at different translations to appreciate where the translators have made choices about words and structure resulting in differing emphasis and interpretation. However, for this '360 Excerpt' project all quotes have been taken from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).
Usually such projects are done in commit- tee with Biblical scholars and theologians from around the world. Because of the time frame this has not been possible, and consequently there will be some bias because I am an English speaking, middle-class, white, male, Australian, Anglican Bishop! To bring some balance I asked UK based Biblical scholar, Dr Paula Gooder, to choose the excerpts from Paul's letters (Excerpts 253 - 324). I am very grateful for Paula's wisdom and encouragement.
My prayer is that God will use these excerpts to bless people in their journeys of life and faith, and draw them more deeply into an understanding and experience of God's infinite love.
The Rt Reverend Cameron Venables Toowoomba - 2016