Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading. ||3||
There is doubt within me, and Maya is outside; it hits me in the eyes like an arrow. Prays Nanak, the slave of the Lord's slaves: such a mortal suffers terribly. ||4||2||
Raamkalee, First Mehl: Where is that door, where You live, O Lord? What is that door called? Among all doors, who can find that door? For the sake of that door, I wander around sadly, detached from the world; if only someone would come and tell me about that door. ||1||
How can I cross over the world-ocean? While I am living, I cannot be dead. ||1||Pause||
Pain is the door, and anger is the guard; hope and anxiety are the two shutters. Maya is the water in the moat; in the middle of this moat, he has built his home. The Primal Lord sits in the Seat of Truth. ||2||
You have so many Names, Lord, I do not know their limit. There is no other equal to You. Do not speak out loud - remain in your mind. The Lord Himself knows, and He Himself acts. ||3||
As long as there is hope, there is anxiety; so how can anyone speak of the One Lord? In the midst of hope, remain untouched by hope; then, O Nanak, you shall meet the One Lord. ||4||
||1||Second Pause||3||
In this way, you shall cross over the world-ocean. This is the way to remain dead while yet alive. ||1||Second Pause||3||
Raamkalee, First Mehl: Awareness of the Shabad and the Teachings is my horn; the people hear the sound of its vibrations. Honor is my begging-bowl, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the charity I receive. ||1||
O Baba, Gorakh is the Lord of the Universe; He is always awake and aware. He alone is Gorakh, who sustains the earth; He created it in an instant. ||1||Pause||
Binding together water and air, He infused the breath of life into the body, and made the lamps of the sun and the moon. To die and to live, He gave us the earth, but we have forgotten these blessings. ||2||
There are so many Siddhas, seekers, Yogis, wandering pilgrims, spiritual teachers and good people. If I meet them, I chant the Lord's Praises, and then, my mind serves Him. ||3||
Paper and salt, protected by ghee, remain untouched by water, as the lotus remains unaffected in water. Those who meet with such devotees, O servant Nanak - what can death do to them? ||4||4||
Raamkalee, First Mehl: Listen, Machhindra, to what Nanak says. One who subdues the five passions does not waver. One who practices Yoga in such a way, saves himself, and saves all his generations. ||1||
He alone is a hermit, who attains such understanding. Day and night, he remains absorbed in deepest Samaadhi. ||1||Pause||
He begs for loving devotion to the Lord, and lives in the Fear of God. He is satisfied, with the priceless gift of contentment. Becoming the embodiment of meditation, he attains the true Yogic posture. He focuses his consciousness in the deep trance of the True Name. ||2||
Nanak chants the Ambrosial Bani. Listen, O Machhindra: this is the insignia of the true hermit. One who, in the midst of hope, remains untouched by hope, shall truly find the Creator Lord. ||3||
Prays Nanak, I share the mysterious secrets of God. The Guru and His disciple are joined together! One who eats this food, this medicine of the Teachings,