Raag Nat Naaraayan
> Raag Nat Naaraayan  >
11 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

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O my Lord and Master, You are great, inaccessible and unfathomable; all meditate on You, O Beautiful Lord. Those whom You view with Your Great Eye of Grace, meditate on You, Lord, and become Gurmukh. ||1||
3. ||2||  
The expanse of this creation is Your work, O God, my Lord and Master, Life of the entire universe, united with all. Countless waves rise up from the water, and then they merge into the water again. ||2||
3. ||3||  
You alone, God, know whatever You do. O Lord, I do not know. I am Your child; please enshrine Your Praises within my heart, God, so that I may remember You in meditation. ||3||
3. ||4||6||  
You are the treasure of water, O Lord, the Maansarovar Lake. Whoever serves You receives all fruitful rewards. Servant Nanak longs for the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har; bless him, Lord, with Your Mercy. ||4||6||
3. ||1||Pause||  
Nat Naaraayan, Fourth Mehl, Partaal: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: O my mind, serve the Lord, and receive the fruits of your rewards. Receive the dust of the Guru's feet. All poverty will be eliminated, and your pains will disappear. The Lord shall bless you with His Glance of Grace, and you shall be enraptured. ||1||Pause||
3. ||1||  
The Lord Himself embellishes His household. The Lord's Mansion of Love is studded with countless jewels, the jewels of the Beloved Lord. The Lord Himself has granted His Grace, and He has come into my home.The Guru is my advocate before the Lord. Gazing upon the Lord, I have become blissful, blissful, blissful. ||1||
3. ||2||1||7||  
From the Guru, I received news of the Lord's arrival. My mind and body became ecstatic and blissful, hearing of the arrival of the Lord, my Beloved Love, my Lord. Servant Nanak has met with the Lord, Har, Har; he is intoxicated, enraptured, enraptured. ||2||1||7||
3. ||1||Pause||  
Nat, Fourth Mehl: O mind, join the Society of the Saints, and become noble and exalted. Listen to the Unspoken Speech of the peace-giving Lord. All sins will be washed away. Meet with the Lord, according to your pre-ordained destiny. ||1||Pause||
3. ||1||  
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is lofty and exalted. Following the Guru's Teachings, the intellect dwells on the sermon of the Lord. I am a sacrifice to that person who listens and believes. ||1||
3. ||2||2||8||  
One who tastes the sublime essence of the Unspoken Speech of the Lord - all his hunger is satisfied. Servant Nanak listens to the sermon of the Lord, and is satisfied; chanting the Lord's Name, Har, Har, Har, he has become like the Lord. ||2||2||8||
3. ||...||  
Nat, Fourth Mehl: If only someone would come and tell me the Lord's sermon. I would be a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to him. That humble servant of the Lord is the best of the best.

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