Raag Maaroo
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16 Slokas | Page 1 / 1
(Khalsa Consensus version)

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57. ||2||  
The spiritual teachers and meditators proclaim this. He Himself nourishes all; no one else can estimate His value. ||2||
57. ||3||  
Love and attachment to Maya are utter darkness. Egotism and possessiveness have spread throughout the expanse of the universe. Night and day, they burn, day and night; without the Guru, there is no peace or tranquility. ||3||
57. ||4||  
He Himself unites, and He Himself separates. He Himself establishes, and He Himself disestablishes. True is the Hukam of His Command, and True is the expanse of His universe. No one else can issue any Command. ||4||
57. ||5||  
He alone is attached to the Lord, whom the Lord attaches to Himself. By Guru's Grace, the fear of death runs away. The Shabad, the Giver of peace, dwells forever deep within the nucleus of the self. One who is Gurmukh understands. ||5||
57. ||6||  
God Himself unites those united in His Union. Whatever is pre-ordained by destiny, cannot be erased. Night and day, His devotees worship Him, day and night; one who becomes Gurmukh serves Him. ||6||
57. ||7||  
Serving the True Guru, lasting peace is experienced. He Himself, the Giver of all, has come and met me. Subduing egotism, the fire of thirst has been extinguished; contemplating the Word of the Shabad, peace is found. ||7||
57. ||8||  
One who is attached to his body and family, does not understand. But one who becomes Gurmukh, sees the Lord with his eyes. Night and day, he chants the Naam, day and night; meeting with his Beloved, he finds peace. ||8||
57. ||9||  
The self-willed manmukh wanders distracted, attached to duality. That unfortunate wretch - why didn't he just die as soon as he was born? Coming and going, he wastes away his life in vain. Without the Guru, liberation is not obtained. ||9||
57. ||10||  
That body which is stained with the filth of egotism is false and impure. It may be washed a hundred times, but its filth is still not removed. But if it is washed with the Word of the Shabad, then it is truly cleansed, and it shall never be soiled again. ||10||
57. ||11||  
The five demons destroy the body. He dies and dies again, only to be reincarnated; he does not contemplate the Shabad. The darkness of emotional attachment to Maya is within his inner being; as if in a dream, he does not understand. ||11||
57. ||12||  
Some conquer the five demons, by being attached to the Shabad. They are blessed and very fortunate; the True Guru comes to meet them. Within the nucleus of their inner being, they dwell upon the Truth; attuned to the Lord's Love, they intuitively merge in Him. ||12||
57. ||13||  
The Guru's Way is known through the Guru. His perfect servant attains realization through the Shabad. Deep within his heart, he dwells forever upon the Shabad; he tastes the sublime essence of the True Lord with his tongue. ||13||
57. ||14||  
Egotism is conquered and subdued by the Shabad. I have enshrined the Name of the Lord within my heart. Other than the One Lord, I know nothing at all. Whatever will be, will automatically be. ||14||
57. ||15||  
Without the True Guru, no one obtains intuitive wisdom. The Gurmukh understands, and is immersed in the True Lord. He serves the True Lord, and is attuned to the True Shabad. The Shabad banishes egotism. ||15||
57. ||16||2||  
He Himself is the Giver of virtue, the Contemplative Lord. The Gurmukh is given the winning dice. O Nanak, immersed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one becomes true; from the True Lord, honor is obtained. ||16||2||
57. ||...||  
Maaroo, Third Mehl: One One True Lord is the Life of the World, the Great Giver. Serving the Guru, through the Word of the Shabad, He is realized.

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