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(William Wake and Solomon Caesar Malan version)

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3. 1  
SEE that ye all follow your bishop, as Jesus Christ, the Father; and the presbytery, as the Apostles. And reverence the deacons, as the command of God.
3. 2  
Let no man do anything of what belongs to the church separately from the bishop.
3. 3  
Let that eucharist be looked upon as well established, which is either offered by the bishop, or by him to whom the bishop has given his consent.
3. 4  
Wheresoever the bishop shall appear, there let the [*188:1] people also be: as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic church.
3. 5  
It is not lawful without the bishop, neither to baptize, nor [*188:2] to celebrate the Holy Communion; but whatsoever he shall approve of, that is also pleasing unto God; that so whatever is done, may be sure and well done.
3. 6  
For what remains, it is very reasonable that we should [*188:3] repent whilst there is yet time to return unto God.
3. 7  
It is a good thing to have a due regard both to God, and to the bishop: he that honours the bishop, shall be honoured of God. But he that does anything without his knowledge, [*188:4] ministers unto the devil.
3. 8  
Let all things therefore abound to you in charity; seeing that ye are worthy.
3. 9  
Ye have refreshed me in all things; so shall Jesus Christ you. Ye have loved me both when I was present with you, and now being absent, ye cease not to do so.
3. 10  
May God be your reward, from whom whilst ye undergo all things, ye shall attain unto him.
3. 11  
Ye have done well in that ye have received Philo, and Rheus [*188:5] Agathopus, who followed me [*188:6] for the word of God, as the deacons of Christ our God.
3. 12  
Who also gave thanks unto the Lord for you, forasmuch as ye have refreshed them in all [*188:7] things. [*188:8] Nor shall any thing that you have done be lost to you.
3. 13  
My [*188:9] soul be for yours, and my bonds which ye have not despised, nor been ashamed of. Wherefore neither shall Jesus Christ, our perfect faith, be ashamed of you.
3. 14  
Your prayer is come to the church of Antioch which is in Syria. From whence being sent bound with chains becoming God, I salute the [*188:10] churches; being not worthy to be called [*188:11] from thence, as being the least among them.
3. 15  
Nevertheless by the will of God I have been thought worthy of this honour; not for that I think I have deserved it, but by the grace of God.
3. 16  
Which I wish may be perfectly given unto me, that through your prayers I may attain unto God.
3. 17  
And therefore that your work may be fully accomplished both upon earth and in heaven; it will be fitting, and for the honour of God, [*188:12] that your church appoint some worthy delegate, who being come as far as Syria, may rejoice together with them that they are in peace; and that they are again restored to their former [*188:13] state, and have again received their proper body.
3. 18  
Wherefore I should think it a worthy action, to send some one from you with an epistle, to congratulate with them their peace in God; and that through your prayers they have now gotten to their harbor.
3. 19  
For inasmuch as ye are perfect yourselves, you ought to think those things that are perfect. For when you are desirous to do well, God is ready to [*188:14] enable you thereunto.
3. 20  
The love of the brethren that are at Troas salute you; from whence I write to you by Burrhus whom you sent with me, together with the Ephesians your brethren; and who has in all things refreshed me.
3. 21  
And I would to God that all would imitate him, as being a pattern of the ministry of God. May his grace fully reward him.
3. 22  
I salute your very worthy bishop, and your venerable presbytery; and your deacons, my fellow-servants; and all of you in general, and every one in particular, in the name of Jesus Christ, and in his flesh and blood; in his passion and resurrection both fleshly and spiritually; and in [*189:1] the unity of God with you.
3. 23  
Grace be with you, and mercy, and peace, and patience, for evermore.
3. 24  
I salute the families of my brethren, with their wives and children; and the [*189:2] virgins that are called widows. Be strong in the power of the Holy Ghost. Philo, who is present with me salutes you.
3. 25  
I salute the house of Tavias, and pray that it may be strengthened in faith and charity, both of flesh and spirit.
3. 26  
I salute Alce my well-beloved, [*189:3] together with the incomparable Daphnus, and Eutechnus, and all by name.
3. 27  
Farewell in the grace of God.
3. 28  
To the Smyrnaeans from Troas.

^188:1 Multitude. ^188:2 Make a love-feast. ^188:3 Return to a sound mind. ^188:4 Does worship. ^188:5 Vid. Voss. Annot. in loc. ^188:6 Unto. ^188:7 Ways. ^188:8 Vid. Epist. Interpol. ^188:9 Spirit. ^188:10 All the. ^188:11 i.e. the bishop of that church. ^188:12 Vid. Voss. Annot. in loc. ^188:13 Bulk, greatness. ^188:14 Help you. ^189:1 Vid. Voss. Annot. in loc. ^189:2 i.e. The See the reason for the name, Voss. Annot. in loc. Add. Coteler. ib. ^189:3 See Voss. Annot. ex Epist. Interpol.

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Chapter 3
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