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(William Wake and Solomon Caesar Malan version)

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3. 1  
NOW forasmuch as the church of Antioch in Syria, [*191:3] is, as I am told, [one word illegible.--JBH] through your prayers; I also have been the more comforted [*191:4] and without care in God; if so be that by suffering, I shall attain unto God; that through your prayers I may be found a disciple of Christ.
3. 2  
It will be very fit, O most worthy Polycarp, to call a [*191:5] select council, and choose some one whom ye particularly love, and who is patient of labour; that he may be the messenger of God; and that going unto Syria, he may glorify your incessant love, to the praise of Christ.
3. 3  
A Christian has not the power of himself: but must be always at leisure for God's service. Now this work is both God's and your's: when ye shall have perfected it.
3. 4  
For I trust through the grace of God that ye are ready to every good work that is fitting for you in the Lord.
3. 5  
Knowing therefore your earnest affection for the truth, I have exhorted you by [*191:6] these short letters.
3. 6  
But forasmuch as I have not been able to write to all the churches, because I must suddenly sail from Troas to Neapolis; (for so is the command of those to whose pleasure I am subject;) do you write to the churches that are near you, as being instructed in the will of God, that they also may do in like manner.
3. 7  
Let those that are able send [*191:7] messengers; and let the rest send their letters by those who shall be sent by you: that you may be glorified to all eternity, of which you are worthy.
3. 8  
I salute all by name, particularly the wife of Epitropus, with all her house and children. I salute Attalus my well-beloved.
3. 9  
I salute him who shall be thought worthy to be sent by you into Syria. Let grace be ever with him, and with Polycarp who sends him.
3. 10  
I wish you all happiness in our God, Jesus Christ; in whom continue, in the unity and protection of God.
3. 11  
I salute Alce my well-beloved. Farewell in the Lord.
3. 12  
To Polycarp.

^191:3 It has been manifested unto me. ^191:4 In the security of God. ^191:5 Most becoming God. ^191:6 Viz. To the Smyrnaeans, and this to himself. See Pearson in loc. ^191:7 Footmen.

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Chapter 3
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