Mah Yasht (chapter 7)
> Mah Yasht (chapter 7)  :
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(Avestan version)

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7. 0  
(pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mâh i buxtâr mâh ýazat bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, (Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.) månghahe gaocithrahe gêushca aêvô- dâtayå gêushca pouru-saredhayå xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!
- May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice,prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani], the holy and master of holiness.... Unto the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull; unto the only-created Bull and unto the Bull of many species; Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... (Ⅱ)
7. 1  
nemô ahurâi mazdâi nemô ameshaêibyô speñtaêibyô nemô månghâi gaocithrâi nemô paiti-dîtâi nemô paiti-dîti.
- Hail to Ahura Mazda! Hail to the Amesha-Spentas! Hail to the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull! Hail to thee when we look at thee! Hail to thee when thou lookest at us! (Ⅱ)
7. 2  
kat må uxshyeiti kat må nerefsaiti, pañca-dasa må uxshyeiti pañca-dasa må nerefsaiti, ýå hê uxshyãstâtô tå nerefsãstâtô tå nerefsãstâtô ýå hê uxshyãstâtascit, kê ýâ må uxshyeiti nerefsaiti thwat.
- How does the moon wax? How does the moon wane? For fifteen days does the moon wax; for fifteen days does the moon wane. As long as her waxing, so long is the waning; as long as her waning, so long is the waxing. 'Who is there but thee who makes the moon wax and wane?' (Ⅱ)
7. 3  
månghem gaocithrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, tat månghem paiti-vaênem tat månghem paiti-vîsem raoxshnem månghem aiwi-vaênem raoxshnem månghem aiwi- vîsem, hishteñti ameshå speñta hvarenô dârayeiñti hishteñti ameshå speñta hvarenô baxsheñti zãm paiti ahuradhâtãm.
- We sacrifice unto the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull, the holy and master of holiness. Here I look at the moon, here I perceive the moon; here I look at the light of the moon, here I perceive the light of the moon. The Amesha-Spentas stand up holding its glory; the Amesha-Spentas stand up, pouring its glory upon the earth, made by Mazda. (Ⅱ)
7. 4  
âat ýat månghem raoxshne tâpayeiti mishti urvaranãm zairi-gaonanãm zaramaêm paiti zemâdha uzuxshyeiti, añtaremånghåsca perenô-månghåsca vîshaptathåsca, añtaremånghem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, perenô-månghem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide. vîshaptathem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide.
- And when the light of the moon waxes warmer, golden-hued plants grow on from the earth during the spring. We sacrifice unto the new moons, the full moons, and the Vishaptathas. We sacrifice unto the new moon, the holy and master of holiness; We sacrifice unto the full moon, the holy and master of holiness; We sacrifice unto the Vishaptatha, the holy and master of holiness. (Ⅱ)
7. 5  
ýazâi månghem gaocithrem bakhem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem afnanguhañtem tafnanguhañtem varecanguhañtem xshtâvañtem îshtavañtem ýaoxshtavañtem saokavañtem zairimyâvañtem vohvâvañtem bakhem baêshazem.
- I will sacrifice unto the Moon, that keeps in it the seed of the Bull, the liberal, bright, glorious, water-giving, warmth-giving, wisdom-giving, wealth-giving, riches-giving, thoughtfulness-giving, weal-giving, freshness-giving, prosperity-giving, the liberal, the healing. (Ⅱ)
7. 6  
ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna månghem gaocithrem zaothrâbyô, månghem gaocithrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana, hizvô danghangha mãthraca, vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca, arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide!
- For its brightness and glory, I will offer unto it a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull. Unto the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull, we offer up the libations, the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightly-spoken words. Yenghe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
7. 7  
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi månghahe gaocithrahe gêushca aêvô- dâtayå gêushca pouru-saredhayå. ashem vohû.... ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...) atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi. ashem vohû...!!
- Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength and vigour of the Moon, that keeps in it the seed of the Bull, and of the only-created Bull, and of the Bull of many species. Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good. Give unto that man brightness and glory, give him health of body, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones. (Ⅱ)

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