Let the Demon-gods and Goddesses fly far away from hence, and let the good Sraosha make here his home! [And may the good Blessedness here likewise dwell], and may she here spread delight and peace within this house, Ahura's, which is sanctified by Haoma, bringing righteousness (to all).
- vish apãm idha pateñtu vî daêvånghô vî daêvayô, vanghush sraoshô mitayatu ashish vanguhi idha mithnatu ashish vanguhi râmyat idha upa imat nmânem ýat âhûiri ýat haomahe ashavazanghô. (Ⅱ)
At the first force of thy pressure, O intelligent! I praise thee with my voice, while I grasp at first thy shoots. At thy next pressure, O intelligent! I praise thee with my voice, when as with full force of a man I crush thee down.
- frataremcit tê havanem vaca upa-staomi huxratvô ýô ãsush hañgeurvayeiti, uparemcit tê havanem vaca upa-staomi huxratvô ýahmi nikhne narsh aojangha. (Ⅱ)
I praise the cloud that waters thee, and the rains which make thee grow on the summits of the mountains; and I praise thy lofty mountains where the Haoma branches spread.
- staomi maêkhemca vâremca ýâ-tê kehrpem vaxshayatô barshnush paiti gairinãm, staomi garayô berezañtô ýathra haoma urûrudhusha. (Ⅱ)
This wide earth do I praise, expanded far (with paths), the productive, the full bearing, thy mother, holy plant! Yea, I praise the lands where thou dost grow, sweet-scented, swiftly spreading, the good growth of the Lord. O Haoma, thou growest on the mountains, apart on many paths, and there still may'st thou flourish. The springs of Righteousness most verily thou art, (and the fountains of the ritual find their source in thee)!
- staomi zãm perethwîm pathanãm verezyanghvãm hvâparãm barethrîm tê haoma ashâum, staomi zemô ýatha raodhahe hubaoidhish aurvô carânem uta mazdå huruthma, haoma raose gara paiti uta frâdhaêsha vishpatha haithîmca ashahe xå ahi. (Ⅱ)
Grow (then) because I pray to thee on all thy stems and branches, in all thy shoots (and tendrils) increase thou through my word!
- varedhayanguha (râspî,) mana vaca vîspêsca paiti varshajîsh vîspêsca paiti frasparekhê vîspêsca paiti fravâxshê. (vispêsca ... fravâxshê (2)!) (Ⅱ)
Haoma grows while he is praised, and the man who praises him is therewith more victorious. The lightest pressure of thee, Haoma, thy feeblest praise, the slightest tasting of thy juice, avails to the thousand-smiting of the Daevas.
- (zôt,) haomô uxshyeiti stavanô, atha nâ ýô dim staoiti verethrajãstarô bavaiti, nitemacit haoma hûitish nitemacit haoma stûitish nitemacit haoma hvareitish hazangrakhnyâi asti daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
Wasting doth vanish from that house, and-with it foulness, whither in verity they bear thee, and where thy praise in truth is sung, the drink of Haoma, famed, health-bringing (as thou art). [(Pazand) to his village and abode they bear him.]
- nasyeiti hathra frâkeresta ahmat haca nmânât âhitish ýathra bâdha upâzaiti ýathra bâdha upastaoiti haomahe baêshazyehe cithrem dasvare baêshazem ahe vîse uta maêthanem. (Ⅱ)
All other toxicants go hand in hand with Rapine of the bloody spear, but Haoma's stirring power goes hand in hand with friendship. [Light is the drunkenness of Haoma (Pazand).]Who as a tender son caresses Haoma, forth to the bodies of such persons Haoma comes to heal.
- vîspe zî anyê maidhyånghô aêshma haciñte xrvîm-drvô âat hô ýô haomahe madhô asha hacaite urvâsmana, reñjaiti haomahe madhô, ýô ýatha puthrem taurunem haomem vañdaêta mashyô frâ âbyô tanubyô haomô vîsâite baêshazâi. (Ⅱ)
Of all the healing virtues, Haoma, whereby thou art a healer, grant me some. Of all the victorious powers, whereby thou art a victor, grant me some. A faithful praiser will I be to thee, O Haoma, and a faithful praiser (is) a better (thing) than Righteousness the Best; so hath the Lord, declaring (it), decreed.
- haoma dazdi-mê baêshazanãm ýâbyô ahi baêshazadhå, haoma dazdi-mê vârethrakhninãm ýâbyô ahi verethra-taurvå, frâ-tê vîsâi urvathô staota, urvathem staotârem vanghanghem dadhô aoxta ahurô mazdå ýatha ashem ýat vahishtem! (Ⅱ)
Swift and wise hath the well-skilled Deity created thee; swift and wise on high Haraiti did He, the well-skilled, plant thee.
- aurvañtem thwâ dâmidhâtem bakhô tatashat hvâpå, aurvañtem thwâ dâmidhâtem bakhô nidathat hvâpå haraithyô paiti barezayå. (Ⅱ)
And taught (by implanted instinct) on every side, the bounteous birds have carried thee to the Peaks-above-the-eagles, to the mount's extremest summit, to the gorges and abysses, to the heights of many pathways, to the snow-peaks ever whitened.
- âat thwâ athra speñta fradaxshta merekha vîzhvañca vîbaren avi ishata upâiri-saêna avi staêra starô-sâra avi kusrâdha kusrô-patâdha avi pawrâna vishpatha avi spita-gaona gairi. (Ⅱ)
There, Haoma, on the ranges dost thou grow of many kinds. Now thou growest of milky whiteness, and now thou growest golden; and forth thine healing liquors flow for the inspiring of the pious. So terrify away from me the (death's) aim of the curser. So terrify and crush his thought who stands as my maligner.
- âat âhva paurvatâhva pouru-saredhô vîraodhahe haomô gaoma zairi-gaonô, â-tê baêshaza irîrathare vanghêush mananghô mayâbyô, âat mê ahe dushsanghahe parâca vaêpaya manô, âat ahe manô manô ýô mê dushsanghô hishtaite! (Ⅱ)
Praise be to thee, O Haoma, (for he makes the poor man's thoughts as great as any of the richest whomsoever.) Praise be to Haoma, (for he makes the poor man's thoughts as great as when mind reacheth culmination.) With manifold retainers dost thou, O Haoma, endow the man who drinks thee mixed with milk; yea, more prosperous thou makest him, and more endowed with mind.
- nemô haomâi ýat kerenaoiti drikhaosh havat-masô manô ýatha raêvastemahecit, nemô haomâi ýat kerenaoiti drikhaosh havat-masô manô ýat usnãm aêiti vaêdhya, pourunarem tûm kerenûshi spainyanghem cistivastarem ýase-tê bâdha haoma zâire gava iristahe baxshaite. (Ⅱ)
Do not vanish from me suddenly like milk-drops in the rain; let thine exhilarations go forth ever vigorous and fresh; and let them come to me with strong effect. Before thee, holy Haoma, thou bearer of the ritual truth, and around thee would I cast this body, a body which (as all) may see (is fit for gift and) grown.
- mâ-mê ýatha gâush drafshô âsitô vârema caire, frasha frayañtu tê madhô verezyanguhånghô jaseñtu, pairi-tê haoma ashâum ashavâzô dadhãmi imãm tanûm ýâ mê vaênaite huraodha! (Ⅱ)
I renounce with vehemence the murderous woman's emptiness, the Jaini's, hers, with intellect dethroned. She vainly thinks to foil us, and would beguile both Fire-priest and Haoma; but she herself, deceived therein, shall perish. And when she sits at home, and wrongly eats of Haoma's offering, priest's mother will that never make her, nor give her holy sons!
- avangherezâmi janyaosh ûnãm mairyayå evîtô-xaredhayå ýâ mainyeiñti davayeiñti âthravanemca haomemca hâ ýâ dapta apanasyeiti, ýâ tat ýat haomahe draonô nigångheñti nishhadhaiti nôit tãm âthravô-puthrîm naêdha dasti huputhrîm! (Ⅱ)
To five do I belong, to five others do I not; of the good thought am I, of the evil am I not; of the good word am I, of the evil am I not; of the good deed am I, and of the evil, not. To Obedience am I given, and to deaf disobedience, not; to the saint do I belong, and to the wicked, not; and so from this on till the ending shall be the spirits' parting. (The two shall here divide.)
- pañcanãm ahmi pañcanãm nôit ahmi, humatahe ahmi dushmatahe nôit ahmi, hûxtahe ahmi duzhûxtahe nôit ahmi, hvarshtahe ahmi duzhvarshtahe nôit ahmi, sraoshahe ahmi asrushtôish nôit ahmi, ashaonô ahmi drvatô nôit ahmi atcit ahmât ýatha apemem manivå anghat nivâitish! (Ⅱ)
Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Praise to Haoma, Mazda-made. Good is Haoma, Mazda-made. All the plants of Haoma praise I, on the heights of lofty mountains, in the gorges of the valleys, in the clefts (of sundered hill-sides) cut for the bundles bound by women. From the silver cup I pour Thee to the golden chalice over. Let me not thy (sacred) liquor spill to earth, of precious cost.
- âat aoxta zarathushtrô, nemô haomâi mazdadhâtâi, vanghush haomô mazdadhâtô, nemô haomâi, vîspe haoma upastaomi ýatcit barshnushva gairinãm ýatcit jãfnushva raonãm ýaêcit ãzahu deretånghô jaininãm upadarezâhu, erezataêna haca tashta zaranaênem aoi taxshe, mâ-tê nîre zemi paiti itha raêvañtô arejahe! (Ⅱ)
These are thy Gathas, holy Haoma, these thy songs, and these thy teachings, and these thy truthful ritual words, health-imparting, victory-giving, from harmful hatred healing giving.
- imåse-tê haoma gâthå imå heñti staomâyô imå heñti cîcashânå ime heñti arshuxdha vâcô dâsmainish vârethrakhnish paiti-bishish baêshazya. (Ⅱ)
These and thou art mine, and forth let thine exhilarations flow; bright and sparkling let them hold on their (steadfast) way; for light are thine exhilaration(s), and flying lightly come they here. Victory-giving smiteth Haoma, victory-giving is it worshipped; with this Gathic word we praise it.
- imåse tûmcit mâvôya, frasha frayañtu tê madhô raoxshna frayañtu tê madhô, reñjyô vazaiti madhô vârethrakhnish heñtem âstaoite hathra ana gâthwya vaca, (Ⅱ)
Praise to the Kine; praise and victory (be) spoken to her! Food for the Kine, and pasture! 'For the Kine let thrift use toil; yield thou us food.'
- gave nemô gave nemô gave uxdhem gave verethrem gave hvarethem gave vastrem, gavê verezyâtãm tãm nê hvarethâi fshuyô! (Ⅱ)
We worship the yellow lofty one; we worship Haoma who causes progress, who makes the settlements advance; we worship Haoma who drives death afar; yea, we worship all the Haoma plants. And we worship (their) blessedness, and the Fravashi of Zarathushtra Spitama, the saint.
- haomem zâirîm berezañtem ýazamaide, haomem frâshmîm frâdat-gaêthem ýazamaide, haomem dûraoshem ýazamaide, vîspe haoma ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe spitâmahe idha ashaonô ashîmca fravashîmca ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî ... !! (Ⅱ)