Chapters 1-27
> Chapters 1-27  :
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(Avestan version)

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14. 1  
(zôt,) vîsâi vê ameshâ speñtâ staotâ zaotâ zbâtâ ýashtâ framaretâ aibijaretâ ýûshmâkem ýasnâica vahmâica ýat ameshanãm speñtanãm ahmâkem havanguhâica ashavastâica ýat saoshyañtãm ashaonãm.
- I will come to You, O Ye Bountiful Immortals! as a praiser and a priest, and an invoker and sacrificer, as a memorizing reciter and a chanter, for Your sacrifice and homage, which are to be offered to You, the Bountiful Immortals, and for our dedication and sanctification; (yea, for ours) who are the holy prophets (destined to benefit the saints). (Ⅱ)
14. 2  
pairî vê ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô dadhãmi tanvascît hvah'yå ushtanem pairî vîspå hujîtayô!
- And to You, O Ye Bountiful Immortals! would I dedicate the flesh of my very body, and all the blessings of a prospered life. (Ⅱ)
14. 3  
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca vîspe ashavanô ýazata âyese ýeshti, vîspe ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti, hâvanîm paiti ratûm sâvanghaêm vîsîmca paiti ratûm ratavô vîspe mazishta paiti ratûm! (zôt u râspî,)
- In this Zaothra with this Baresman, I desire to approach the holy Yazads with my praise, and all the holy lords of the ritual order at their times, Havani at his time, and Savanghi and Visya at their times. (Ⅱ)
14. 4  
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, hâvanêe ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, sâvanghêe vîsyâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, rathwãm ayaranãmca asnyanãmca mâhyanãmca ýâiryanãmca saredhanãmca ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica (râspî,) frasastayaêca.
- I confess myself a Mazdayasnian, and of Zarathushtra's order. (Ⅱ)
14. 5  
(zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!!
- The Zaotar speaks: As an Ahu (revered and) chosen, the Zaotar (?) speaks forth to me (?). The Ratu speaks: As an Ahu (revered and) to be chosen, the Zaotar speaks forth to me. The Zaotar: So let the Ratu from his Righteousness, holy and learned, speak forth! (Ⅱ)

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