aêtat tê ahurâne ahurahe ainghe avayãm dãnmahi ýat thwâ didvîshma, aêsha zaothra paiti-jamyât tava ahurâne ahurahe haomavaiti gaomavaiti hadhânaêpatavaiti.
- We offer this to thee, O Ahurian (daughter) of Ahura! as a help (?) for life. If we have offended thee, let this Zaothra then attain to thee (for satisfaction), for it is thine with its Haoma, and its milk, and its Hadhanaepata. (Ⅱ)
xshvîdhaêca âzûtayaêca mâvayaca zaothre paiti-jamyå dasvare baêshazâica fradaithe varedathâica havanghe ashavastâica haosravanghe hurunyâica verethrakhne frâdat-gaêthâica.
- And may'st thou approach to me for milk and for libation, a Zaothra! as health, for healing, and for progress, for growth and in preparation for ceremonial merit, for good renown, for equanimity and for that victory which makes the settlements advance. (Ⅱ)
ýazamaide thwâ ahurâne ahurahe vanghêush mananghô zaothrâbyô ýazamaide thwâ ahurâne ahurahe vanghêush uxdhahe zaothrâbyô ýazamaide thwâ ahurâne ahurahe vanghêush shyaothnahe zaothrâbyô.
- Yea, we worship thee with sacrifice, O thou Ahurian (daughter) of Ahura with the Zaothras of the good thought; and we worship, O Ahura, one with the Zaothras of the good word and deed (Ⅱ)
sûkâi mananghe sûkâi vacanghe sûkâi shyaothnahe havanghâi urune fradathâi gaêthanãm havanghâi ashavastanãm.
- for the enlightenment of the thoughts, and words, and actions, for preparation for the soul, for the settlement's advance, and to prepare the saints endowed with ritual merit. (Ⅱ)
dâyå-mê ahurâne ahurahe vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem, dâyå-mê ahurâne ahurahe nairyãm âsnãm frazañtîm ýâ mê frâdhayât nmânemca vîsemca zañtûmca dah'yûmca dainghusastîmca!
- And grant me, O thou Ahurian One! Heaven, and to have an offspring manly and legitimate, who may promote my house, my village, my tribe and province, and the authority thereof. (Ⅱ)
thwãm ahurânîm ýazamaide, zrayô vouru-kashem ýazamaide, vîspåsca âpô ýazamaide ýå zemâ armaêshtå frâtat-caratasca xãyå thraotô-stâtasca parshuyå vairyåsca.
- We sacrifice to thee, O thou Ahurian one! And we sacrifice to the sea Vouru-kasha, and to all waters upon earth, whether standing, or running, or waters of the well, or spring-waters which perennially flow, or the drippings of the rains, or the irrigations of canals. (Ⅱ)
ana ýasnâatca vahmâatca ýatha ånghãm asti dâityôtemô ýasnasca vahmasca ashât haca ýat vahishtât âpô vanguhîsh vahishtå mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh ýazamaide, apãm vanguhînãm ýazamaide,
- With this hymn from the (spirit of) the Yasna do we worship thee, and with the homage which it offers as it is the most legitimate Yasna, and homage of them (all) because of Righteousness the Best. We sacrifice to the good waters, and to the best, which Mazda created. (Ⅱ)
xshvîdha âzûiti ýazamaide tacat-âpa uxshyat-urvara âzôish daêvô-dâtahe hamôistri avainghå mûsh avainghå pairikayâi paitishtâtayaêca paitiscaptayaêca paititaretayaêca paityaoget-tbaêshahyâica ashemaokhaheca anashaonô sâstraheca pouru-mahrkahe paitishtâtêe daêvaheca tbaêshanghô mashyeheca!
- And we sacrifice to the two, to the milk and to the libation, which make the waters flow, and the plants sprout forth, opposing therein the Dragon Daeva-made, for the arrest of that cheat the Pairika, and to contradict the insulting malice of the Ashemaogha (the disturber and destroyer of our Faith), and of the unholy tyrant full of death, and of the human Daeva (worshipper) of hateful malice (and intent). (Ⅱ)
surunuyå-nô ýasnem ahurâne ahurahe xshnuyå-nô ýasnem ahurâne ahurahe, (zôt,) upa-nô ýasnem âhîsha, âca-nô jamyå avanghe ash-ýeshtica huyeshtica hufraberetica zaothranãm.
- And may'st thou hear our sacrificial chants O thou Ahurian (daughter) of Ahura! Yea, be propitiated by our Yasna, O Ahurian one! and so may'st thou be present at our Yasna; may'st thou come to us to help, as we chant our full-offered Yasht with the full offering of Zaothras. (Ⅱ)
ýô vô âpô vanguhîsh ýazâite ahurânîsh ahurahe vahishtâbyô zaothrâbyô sraêshtâbyô zaothrâbyô dahmô-pairi-angharshtâbyô zaothrâbyô
- If any man shall sacrifice to you, O ye good waters, the Ahurian ones of Ahura! with the best and most fitting Zaothras offered piously, (Ⅱ)
ahmâi raêshca hvarenasca ahmâi tanvô drvatâtem ahmâi tanvô vazdvare ahmâi tanvô verethrem ahmâi îshtîm pourush-hvâthrãm ahmâi âsnãmcit frazañtîm ahmâi darekhãm darekhô-jîtîm ahmâi vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem.
- to that man ye give both splendor and glory, with health and vigor of the body and prominence of form; yea, to him ye give possessions which entail abundant glory, and a legitimate scion, and a long enduring life, and (Heaven at the last), the best life of the saints, shining, all glorious. (Ⅱ)
dâyata vanguhîsh âpô mâvayaca zaothre ýazemnâi ahmâkemca mazdayasnanãm frâyazemnanãm hashãmca hâvishtanãmca aêthrapaitinãmca aêthryanãmca narãmca nâirinãmca aperenâyûkanãmca kairikanãmca vâstryâvarezanãmca
- And to me also do ye now give it, to me who am offering this Yasna as a priest. (Response.) And to us Mazdayasnians who are likewise offering sacrifice, do ye grant (both the desire and knowledge of the path that is correct), to us colleagues, and disciples, Aethrapaitis and Aethryas, men and women as well as children, and maidens of the field, (Ⅱ)
ýôi vanghathra framanyeiñte vîtare-ãzahyeheca paiti vîtare-tbaêshahyeheca pairi haênayåsca vôikhnâuyô aurvathaêibyasca parô tbishyañbyô razishtahe pathô aêshemca vaêdhemca ýô asti razishtô â ashât vahishtemca ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem. (zôt u râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (2)!
- who think good only, for the overwhelming of oppression and of malice in the raids of the invader, and in face of foes who hate. Grant to us both the desire of, and the knowledge of that straightest path, the straightest because of Righteousness, and of (Heaven) the best life of the Saints, shining, all glorious. As the Ahu is excellent, so is the Ratu (one who rules) from the Righteous Order, a creator of mental goodness and of life's actions done for Mazda. And the kingdom (is) for Ahura, which to the poor may offer nurture. (Ⅱ)
(zôt,) hushiti râmô-shiti darekhô-shiti ite vîse âfrînâmi ýahmat haca imå zaothrå, hushiti râmô-shiti darekhô-shiti vîspayâi vîse mâzdayasne âfrînâmi, hubereti ushta-bereti vañta-bereti âtarsh âfrînâmi, huyeshti tava ahurâne âfrînâmi.
- (The Zaotar speaks): I beseech with my benediction for a safe abode, for a joyful and a long abode for the dwellers in this village from whence these Zaothras (which I offer come). And I pray in my benediction for a safe abode, and a quiet and a joyful one, and a long abiding to every Mazdayasnian village, and for a succor even with my wants, for a succor with salutations of salvation, and for one with praises, O Fire! and for thee, O Ahurian one of Ahura! do I ask the fullest Yasht. (Ⅱ)
râma hvâstrem ainghå dainghêush âfrînâmi, dasvare baêshaza âfrînâmi ýûshmâkem dahmanãm narãm ashaonãm, vîspe âfrînâmi ke asti vohu ashava añtare zãm asmanemca hazangrem baêshazanãm baêvare baêshazanãm!
- And I pray for (?) Raman Hvastra for this Province, and for healthfulness and healing. And I pray for it with my blessing for you pious men, for all. And I pray for him who is saintly with (true) goodness, whosoever he may be, between heaven and the earth, for a thousand healing remedies, and for ten thousand of the same. (Ⅱ)
vasasca tû ahura-mazda ushtâca xshaêsha havanãm dâmanãm, vasô âpô vasô urvarå vasô vîspa vohû ashacithra xshayamnem ashavanem dâyata axshayamnem drvañtem.
- May'st Thou, O Ahura Mazda! reign at Thy will, and with a saving rule over Thine own creatures, and render Ye the holy (man) also a sovereign at his will over waters, and over plants, and over all the clean and sacred (creatures) which contain the seed of Righteousness. Strip ye the wicked of all power! (Y8.5) (Ⅱ)
vasô-xshathrô hyât ashava, avasô-xshathrô hyât drvå gatô hamistô nizhberetô haca speñtahe mainyêush dâmabyô varatô avasô-xshathrô.
- Absolute in power may the holy be, bereft of all free choice the wicked ! Gone (may he be), met as foe, carried out from the creatures of Spenta Mainyu, hemmed in without power over any wish! (Y8.6) (Ⅱ)
haxshaya azemcit ýô zarathushtrô fratemã nmânanãmca vîsãmca zañtunãmca dah'yunãmca ainghå daênayå anumatayaêca anuxtayaêca anvarshtayaêca ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish.
- I will incite, even I who am Zarathushtra, the heads of the houses, villages, Zantus, and provinces, to the careful following of this Religion which is that of Ahura, and according to Zarathushtra, in their thoughts, their words, and their deeds. (Y8.7) (Ⅱ)
(râspî,) ravasca hvâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå ashaonô stôish, ãzasca duzhâthremca âfrînâmi vîspayå drvatô stôish!
- I pray for the freedom and glory of the entire existence of the holy (man) while I bless it, and I pray for the repression and shame of the entire existence of the wicked. (Y8.8) (Ⅱ)
(zôt,) humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî (2).
- Thus may it happen as I pray. (Ⅱ)
vanguhîm idhât âdãm vanguhîm ashîm âca nica mrûmaide îzhå ýaoshtayô apô at ýazamaide ûitî ýâ vê vanguhîsh apascâ vå, (vanguhîm idhât ... vå (3),) jaidhyamnå nô ýûzhem dasta xshayamnå raêshca hvarenasca âpô dasta nô tem ýânem ýô ýûshmat parô fravistô!
- And by this may I gain (that) blessing, the good Blessedness (our sanctity rewarded). And we address, and we invoke religious zeal and capability, and the waters with our Yasna thus: O ye good waters! since (they are) yours, do ye, as you are asked, grant splendor and grant glory, ye who are well able so to give; and do ye, O ye waters! grant (once more) that helpful blessing which was gained from you of old! (Ⅱ)
(zôt u râspî,) nemô ahurâi mazdâi nemô ameshaêibyô speñtaêibyô nemô mithrâi vouru-gaoyaoitêe nemô hvarexshaêtâi aurvat-aspâi nemô âbyô dôithrâbyô ýå ahurahe mazdå nemô gêush nemô gayehe nemô zarathushtrahe spitâmahe ashaonô fravashêe nemem vîspayå ashaonô stôish haithyâica bavãithyâica bûshyãithyâica.
- Praise (be) to Ahura Mazda, and to the Bountiful Immortals. Praise (be) to Mithra of the wide pastures. Praise to the fleet-horsed sun. Praise to (the star which so we name, and with this sun) Ahura Mazda's eyes. Praise to the Kine (the herds of blessed gift). Praise to Gaya (Maretan) [Gayomard] and to the Fravashi of Zarathushtra (first of) saints; yea, praise to the entire creation of the holy (and the clean), to those now living, and to those just passing into life, and to those of days to come (Ⅱ)
vohû uxshyâ mananghâ xshathrâ ashâcâ ushtâ tanûm,(3) imâ raocå barezishtem barezimanãm (3), ýahmî speñtâ thwâ mainyû urvaêsê jasô (3). ashem vohû vahishtem astî, ushtâ astî ushtâ ahmâi hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem (3). fravarâne ... hâvanêe ... sâvanghêe ... rathwãm ... (râspî,) frasastayaêca. (zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! (zôt u râspî,) (24) nemô vê gâthå ashaonîsh, speñtâ mainyû ... ârmaitî ahurô (2). (zôt,) ahyâ manyêush spênishtahyâ vahishtem hizvâ ... isheñtô vâurâitê. (zôt u râspî,) speñtâ mainyû ... (2). ashem vohû ... (3). speñtâ-mainyûm hâitîm paityâpãm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- And do Thou then Ahura, as in answer to these our prayers and songs of praise, cause us to prosper to salvation through Thy Good Mind, the Sovereign Power, and Thy Righteous Order (in Thy ritual and law)! (Ⅱ)