I would worship these (the Bountiful Immortals) with my sacrifice, those who rule aright, and who dispose (of all) aright, and this one (especially) I would approach with my praise, (Ahura Mazda). He is thus hymned (in our praise-songs). Yea, we worship in our sacrifice that deity and lord, who is Ahura Mazda, the Creator, the gracious helper, the maker of all good things; and we worship in our sacrifice Zarathushtra Spitama, that chieftain (of the rite).
- (zôt,) tã ýazâi tem pairi-jasâi vañtâ ýã ameshê speñtê huxshathrê hudhånghô aêsha aibi-gereñte, tem bakhem tem ratûm ýazamaide ýim ahurem mazdãm dadhvånghem rapañtem tarshvånghem vîspa vohu, tem ratûm ýazamaide ýim zarathushtrem spitâmem. (Ⅱ)
And we would declare those institutions established for us, exact (and undeviating as they are). And I would declare forth those of Ahura Mazda, those of the Good Mind, and of Asha Vahishta (who is Righteousness the Best), and those of Khshatra-vairya (the Realm to be desired), and those of the Bountiful Aramaiti (the Piety within us), and those of Weal and Immortality, and those which appertain to the body of the Kine, and to the Kine's soul, and those which appertain to Ahura Mazda's Fire,
- tâ-nô dâta tâ erezvâna fravaocâma fraca vaocâma ýâ ahurahe mazdå ýâ vanghêush mananghô ýâ ashahe vahishtahe ýâ xshathrahe vairyehe ýâ speñtayå ârmatôish ýâ haurvatå ameretâtå ýâ gêush tashne gêush urune ýâ âthre ahurahe mazdå (Ⅱ)
and those of Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, and of Rashnu the most just, and those of Mithra of the wide pastures, and of (the good and) holy Wind, and of the good Mazdayasnian Religion, and of the good and pious Prayer for blessings, and those of the good and pious Prayer which frees one from belying, and the good and pious Prayer for blessing against unbelieving words.
- ýâ sraoshahe ashyehe ýâ rashnaosh razishtahe ýâ mithrahe vouru-gaoyaotôish ýâ vâtahe ashaonô ýâ daênayå vanghuyå mâzdayasnôish ýâ dahmayå vanghuyå âfritôish ýâ dahmayå vanghuyå anâdruxtôish ýâ dahmayå vanghuyå anavauruxtôish. (Ⅱ)
(And these we would declare) in order that we may attain unto that speech which is uttered with (true) religious zeal, or that we may be as prophets of the provinces, that we may succor him who lifts his voice (for Mazda), that we may be as prophets who smite with victory, the befriended of Ahura Mazda, and persons the most useful to Him, holy men (indeed) who think good thoughts, and speak good words, and do good deeds.
- ýatha îzha vâcim nâshîma ýatha vâ saoshyañtô dah'yunãm suyamna vâcim bareñtû, buyama saoshyañtô buyama verethrâjanô buyama ahurahe mazdå frya vâzishta astayô ýôi narô ashavanô humatâish mainimna hûxtâish mrvatô hvarshtâish verezyañtô. (Ⅱ)
That he may approach us with the Good Mind, and that (our souls) may advance in good, let it thus come; yea, 'how may my soul advance in good? let it thus advance.'
- ýathâ-nê â vohû jimat mananghâ, â vohû urvâshat âgemat tâ, kâ-mê urvâ vohû urvâshat âgemat tâ! (Ⅱ)
We praise the flood and ebb of the good waters, and their roar, and that high Ahura, the royal Apam-napat, the glittering one, of the fleet horses; and this for the sacrifice, and homage, and propitiation, and praise of the entire holy creation; and may Sraosha (Obedience) be here (to aid us).
- apãm vanguhînãm ýazamaide frâitîmca paititîmca aibijaretîmca berezañtem ahurem xshathrîm xshaêtem apãm napâtem aurvat-aspem ýazamaide, vîspayå ashaonô stôish ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca sraoshô astu. (Ⅱ)
(Yea), we sacrifice to Sraosha, Obedience the blessed.
- sraoshem ashîm ýazamaide, ratûm berezañtem ýazamaide ýim ahurem mazdãm ýô ashahe apanôtemô ýô ashahe jakhmûshtemô, vîspa sravå zarathushtri ýazamaide, vîspaca hvarshta shyaothna ýazamaide varshtaca vareshyamnaca. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!! (Ⅱ)