Chapters 1-27
> Chapters 1-27  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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2. 1  
I desire the libations [Zaothras] for this Yasna; I desire the Baresman for this Yasna. I desire the Baresman for this Yasna; I desire the libations for this Yasna. I desire the libations together with Baresman for this Yasna; I desire the Baresman together with the libations for this Yasna. With this libation I desire this Baresman for this Yasna. With this Baresman I desire this libation for this Yasna. This Baresman with the libation I desire for this Yasna. I desire for this Yasna this Baresman with this libation and with its kusti, and spread with Asha.
- zaothra âyese ýeshti baresma âyese ýeshti, baresma âyese ýeshti zaothra âyese ýeshti, zaothra hadha-baresma âyese ýeshti baresma hadha-zaothra âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre imat baresma âyese ýeshti, ana baresmana imãm zaothrãm âyese ýeshti, hadha-zaothrem imat baresma âyese ýeshti, imat baresma (zôt,) hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyånghanem ashaya frastaretem âyese ýeshti! (Ⅱ)
2. 2  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Ashawan Ahura Mazdah, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the well-ruling, judicious Amesha Spentas.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ahurem mazdãm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô âyese ýeshti! (Ⅱ)
2. 3  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Asnya, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Hawan, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Savanghi and the Asha-sanctified Visya, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna Mithra of the wide pastures, of the thousand ears, of the ten-thousand eyes, the Yazad of the spoken name. I desire for this Yasna Raman Khwastra.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca asnya ashavana ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti, hâvanîm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, sâvanghaêm vîsîmca ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm hazangra- gaoshem baêvare-cashmanem aoxtô-nâmanem ýazatem âyese ýeshti, râma hvâstrem âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 4  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Rapithwin, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Fradat-fshav and the Asha-sanctified Zantuma, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna Asha Vahishta and Atar, the Son of Ahura Mazda.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca rapithwinem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, frâdat-fshâum zañtumemca ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ashem vahishtem âtremca ahurahe mazdå puthrem âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 5  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Uzerin, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Fradat-vira and the Asha-sanctified Dahyuma, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the high Lord, the kingly and brilliant Apam-Napat, of swift-horses, and likewise the water, Mazda-made and holy.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca uzayeirinem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, frâdat-vîrem dâh'yumemca ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca berezañtem ahurem xshathrîm xshaêtem apãm napâtem aurvat-aspem âyese ýeshti, apemca mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 6  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Aiwisruthrem Aibigaya the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Fradat-vispam-hujyatay and the Asha-sanctified Zarathushtro-tema, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the good, mighty, bountiful Fravashis of the Asha-sanctified. I desire for this Yasna the women who have many sons. And I desire for this Yasna the Yairya Hushitay; and I desire for this Yasna the well-formed, stately Ama; and I desire for this Yasna the Ahura-given Verethraghna; and I desire for this Yasna the triumphing Uparatat.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca aiwisrûthrimem aibigâim ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, frâdat-vîspãm-hujyâitîm zarathushtrôtememca ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô âyese ýeshti, khnåsca vîrô-vãthwå âyese ýeshti, ýâiryãmca hushitîm âyese ýeshti, amemca hutashtem huraodhem âyese ýeshti, verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem âyese ýeshti, vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 7  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Ushahina, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Berejya and the Asha-sanctified Nmanya, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna Sraosha, companion of Ashi, fair of form, victorious, furthering the world, Asha-sanctified, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the straightest Rashnu, and I desire for this Yasna Arshtat, who furthers the settlements, and causes them to increase.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ushahinem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, berejîm nmânîmca ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
rashnûm razishtem âyese ýeshti, arshtâtemca frâdat-gaêthãm varedat- gaêthãm âyese ýeshti!
2. 8  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Mahya (Monthly festivals), the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Antaremah, the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Pereno-mah and the Asha-sanctified Vishaptatha, the master of Asha.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca mâhya ashavana ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti, añtaremånghem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, perenô-månghem vîshaptathem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti! (Ⅱ)
2. 9  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Yairya (Yearly festivals), the master of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Maidyozarem, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Maidyoshahem, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Paitishahem, the master of Asha. With this libation and Barasman I desire for this Yasna Ayathrem, the promoter, who spends the strength of males, Asha-sanctified, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Maidyarem, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Hamaspathmaidyem, the master of Asha. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the Asha-sanctified Yairya (Yearly festivals), the masters of Asha.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ýâirya ashavana ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti,
maidhyôizaremaêm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca maidhyôishemem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca paitishhahîm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ayâthrimem fraourvaêshtrimem varshniharshtem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca maidhyâirîm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca hamaspathmaêdaêm ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti,
ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca saredha ashavana ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti.
2. 10  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna all of the masters of Asha, the thirty-three who come the nearest round about our Hawans, who are masters of Asha Vahishta, which were inculcated by Mazda, and spoken forth by Zarathushtra.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca vîspe ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti
ýôi heñti ashahe ratavô thrayasca thrisãsca nazdishta pairishhâvanayô ýôi heñti ashahe ýat vahishtahe mazdô- frasâsta zarathushtrô-fraoxta!
2. 11  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna Ahura (and) Mithra, the lofty, eternal, and Asha-sanctified two. I desire for this Yasna the Stars and Moon and Sun (and) - with the Baresman-Plants - and Mithra, the governor of all the provinces. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the radiant and glorious Ahura Mazda. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the good, heroic, bountiful Fravashis of the Asha-sanctified.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ahura mithra berezañta aithyajangha ashavana âyese ýeshti, strêushca månghemca hvareca urvarâhu paiti baresmanyâhu mithrem vîspanãm dah'yunãm dainghupaitîm âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca (...rôz...) ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca (...mâh...) ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô âyese ýeshti! (Ⅱ)
2. 12  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna you, the Asha-sanctified Atar, the Son of Ahura Mazda, the master of Asha, with all Fires. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the good, best, Mazda-made, Asha-sanctified Water. I desire for this Yasna all the Mazda-made Asha-sanctified Waters. I desire for this Yasna all the Mazda-made, Asha-sanctified Plants.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca thwãm âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm âyese ýeshti mat vîspaêibyô âterebyô, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca âpô vanguhîsh vahishtå mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh âyese ýeshti, vîspå âpô mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh âyese ýeshti, vîspå urvarå mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh âyese ýeshti! (Ⅱ)
2. 13  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the bounteous Manthra, the most glorious. I desire for this Yasna the law instituted against the Daevas. I desire for this Yasna the Zoroastrian law. I desire for this Yasna the long tradition. I desire for this Yasna the good Mazdayasnian Religion.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca mãthrem speñtem ashhvarenanghem âyese ýeshti, dâtem vîdôyûm âyese ýeshti, dâtem zarathushtri âyese ýeshti, darekhãm upayanãm âyese ýeshti, daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayasnîm âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 14  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna Mount Ushi-darena, Mazda-made, the Yazad possessing the ease of Asha. I desire for this Yasna all mountains possessed of ease of Asha, full of ease2, Mazda-made, Asha-sanctified, the masters of Asha. I desire for this Yasna the strong, Mazda-made khwarrah of the Kavis. I desire for this Yasna the strong, Mazda-made ungraspable khwarrah. With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the good Ashi, the brilliant, tall, vigorous, fair of form, self-sufficient. I desire for this Yasna the Mazda-made khwarrah; I desire for this Yasna the Mazda-made prosperity.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca gairîm ushidarenem mazdadhâtem ashahvâthrem ýazatem âyese ýeshti, vîspå garayô ashahvâthrå pouru- hvâthrå mazdadhâta ashavana ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti, ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem âyese ýeshti, ukhrem ahvaretem hvarenô mazdadhâtem âyese ýeshti, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ashîm vanguhîm âyese ýeshti, xshôithnîm berezaitîm amavaitîm huraodhãm hvâparãm, hvarenô mazdadhâtem âyese ýeshti, savô mazdadhâtem âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 15  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna the pious and good Blessing. I desire for this Yasna the pious, Asha-sanctified Man, and I desire for this Yasna the strong, brave Yazad Damoish Upamana.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca dahmãm vanguhîm âfritîm âyese ýeshti, dahmemca narem ashavanem âyese ýeshti, ukhrem taxmem dâmôish upamanem ýazatem âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 16  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna these Waters and Lands and Plants; I desire for this Yasna these places, districts, and pastures, and these dwellings with their springs of water, and this land-ruler, who is Ahura Mazda.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca imå apasca zemasca urvaråsca âyese ýeshti, imå asåsca shôithråsca gaoyaoitîshca maêthanyåsca avô-hvarenåsca âyese ýeshti, imemca shôithrahe paitîm âyese ýeshti ýim ahurem mazdãm! (Ⅱ)
2. 17  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna all the greatest masters: the day-lords, the month-lords, those of the years, and of the seasons, and the good, mighty, beneficent Fravashis of the Asha-sanctified.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ratavô vîspe mazishta âyese ýeshti ayara asnya mâhya ýâirya saredha, ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô âyese ýeshti. (Ⅱ)
2. 18  
With this libation and Baresman I desire for this Yasna all the Asha-sanctified Yazatas. I desire for this Yasna all the masters of Asha: Hawan at his time, and Savanghi and Visya at their times, and all the greatest masters at their times.
- ahmya zaothre baresmanaêca vîspe ashavanô ýazata âyese ýeshti, vîspe ashahe ratavô âyese ýeshti, hâvanîm paiti ratûm sâvanghaêm vîsîmca paiti ratûm, ratavô vîspe mazishta paiti ratûm!! (Ⅱ)

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