Spentamainyush Gatha (chapters 47-50)
> Spentamainyush Gatha (chapters 47-50)  :
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(Avestan version)

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48. 1  
ýezî adâish ashâ drujem vêñnghaitî hyat ãsashutâ ýâ daibitânâ fraoxtâ ameretâitî daêvâishcâ mashyâishcâ at tôi savâish vahmem vaxshat ahurâ.
- When at the Recompensings the Right shall smite the Liar, so that what was long since made known shall be assigned to eternity to Daevas and men, then will it exalt with thy blessings, Ahura, him who prays to thee. (Ⅱ)
48. 2  
vaocâ-môi ýâ tvêm vîdvå ahurâ parâ hyat mâ ýâ mêñg perethâ jimaitî kat ashavâ mazdâ vêñghat dregvañtem hâ-zî anghêush vanguhî vistâ âkeretish.
- Tell me, for thou art he that knows, O Ahura: - shall the Righteous smite the Liar before the retributions come which thou hast conceived? That were indeed a message to bless the world. (Ⅱ)
48. 3  
at vaêdemnâi vahishtâ sâsnanãm ýãm hudå sâstî ashâ ahurô dà speñtô vîdvå ýaêcît gûzrâ sêñghånghô thwâvãs mazdâ vanghêush xrathwâ mananghô.
- For him that knows, that is the best of teachings which the beneficent Ahura teaches through the Right, he the holy one, even thyself, O Mazda, that knows the secret lore through the wisdom of Good Thought. (Ⅱ)
48. 4  
ýê dât manô vahyô mazdâ ashyascâ hvô daênãm shyaothanâcâ vacanghâcâ ahyâ zaoshêñg ushtish varenêñg hacaitê thwahmî xratå apêmem nanâ anghat.
- Whoso, O Mazda, makes his thought (now) better, (now) worse, and likewise his Self by action and by word, and follows his own inclinations, wishes, and choices, he shall in thy purpose be in a separate place at last. (Ⅱ)
48. 5  
huxshathrâ xshêñtãm mâ-nê dushe-xshathrâ xshêñtâ vanghuyå cistôish shyaothanâish ârmaitê ýaozhdå mashyâi aipî zãthem vahishtâ gavôi verezyâtãm tãm nê hvarethâi fshuyô.
- Let good rulers rule us, not evil rulers with the actions of the Good Lore, O Piety! Perfect thou for man, O thou most good, the future birth, and for the cow skilled husbandry. Let her grow fat for our nourishing. (Ⅱ)
48. 6  
hâ-zî-nê hushôithemâ hâ-nê utayûitîm dât tevîshîm vanghêush mananghô berexdhê at ah'yâi ashâ mazdå urvarå vaxshat ahurô anghêush zãthôi paouruyehyâ.
- She (Armaiti) will give us peaceful dwelling, she will give lasting life and strength, she the beloved of Good Thought. For it (the cattle) Mazda Ahura made the plants to grow at the birth of the First Life, through Right. (Ⅱ)
48. 7  
nî aêshemô nî dyâtãm paitî remem paitî syôzdûm ýôi â vanghêush mananghô dîdrakhzhôduyê ashâ vyãm ýehyâ hithâush nâ speñtô at hôi dâmãm thwahmî â-dãm ahurâ.
- Violence must be put down! against cruelty make a stand, ye who would make sure of the reward of Good Thought through Right, to whose company the holy man belongs. His dwelling place shall be in thy House, O Ahura. (Ⅱ)
48. 8  
kâ-tôi vanghêush mazdâ xshathrahyâ îshtish kâ-tôi ashôish thwah'yå maibyô ahurâ kâ-thwôi ashâ âkå aredrêñg ishyâ vanghêush manyêush shyaothananãm javarô.
- Is the possession of thy good Dominion, Mazda, is that of thy Destiny assured to me Ahura? Will thy manifestation, O thou Right, be welcome to the pious, even the weighing of actions by the Good Spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP]? (Ⅱ)
48. 9  
kadâ vaêdâ ýezî cahyâ xshayathâ mazdâ ashâ ýehyâ-mâ âithish dvaêthâ eresh-môi erezhûcãm vanghêush vafush mananghô vîdyât saoshyãs ýathâ hôi ashish anghat.
- When shall I know whether ye have power, O Mazda and Right, over everyone whose destructiveness is a menace to me? Let the revelation of Good Thought be confirmed unto me; the future deliverer should know how his own destiny shall be. (Ⅱ)
48. 10  
kadâ mazdâ mãnarôish narô vîseñtê kadâ ajên mûthrem ahyâ magahyâ ýâ añgrayâ karapanô urûpayeiñtî ýâcâ xratû dushe-xshathrâ dah'yunãm.
- When, O Mazda, will the nobles understand the message? When will thou smite the filthiness of this intoxicant, through which the Karapans evilly deceive, and the wicked lords of the lands with purpose fell?1 (Ⅱ)
48. 11  
kadâ mazdâ ashâ mat ârmaitish dà jimat xshathrâ husheitish vâstravaitî kôi dregvôdebîsh xrûrâish râmãm dåñtê kêñg â vanghêush jimat mananghô cistish.
- When, O Mazda, shall Piety come with Right, with Dominion the happy dwelling rich with pasture? Who are they that will make peace with the bloodthirsty Liars? To whom will the Lore of Good Thought come? (Ⅱ)
48. 12  
at tôi anghen saoshyañtô dah'yunãm ýôi xshnûm vohû mananghâ hacåñtê shyaothanâish ashâ thwahyâ mazdâ sêñghahyâ tôi-zî dâtâ hamaêstârô aêshem mahyâ!
(zôt u râspî,) ushtâ ahmâi ... gaêm mananghô (2). ashem vohû ... (3). tat-thwâ-peresãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- These shall be the deliverers of the provinces, who exert themselves, O Good Thought in their action, O Asha, to fulfill their duty, face to face with thy command, O Mazda. For these are the appointed smiters of Violence. (Ⅱ)

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