Chapters 54-72
> Chapters 54-72  :
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(Avestan version)

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55. 1  
vîspå gaêthåsca tanvasca azdebîshca ushtânãsca kehrpasca tevîshîshca baodhasca urvânemca fravashîmca pairica dademahî âca vaêdhayamahî âat dîsh âvaêdhayamahî gâthâbyô speñtâbyô ratuxshathrâbyô ashaonibyô.
- We present hereby and we make known, as our offering to the bountiful Gathas which rule (as the leading chants) within (the appointed times and seasons of) the Ritual, all our landed riches, and our persons, together with our very bones and tissues, our forms and forces, our consciousness, our soul, and Fravashi. (Ⅱ)
55. 2  
ýå-nô heñti gâthå harethravaitîshca pâthravaitîshca mainyush-hvarethåsca ýå-nô heñti urune vaêm hvarethemca vastremca, tå-nô heñti gâthå harethravaitîshca pâthravaitîshca mainyush-hvarethåsca, tå-nô heñti urune vaêm hvarethemca vastremca, tå-nô buyãn humizhdå ash-mizhdå ashô-mizhdå parô-asnâi anguhe pasca astasca baodhanghasca vîurvîshtîm.
- That which Gathas (may) be to us, which are our guardians and defenders, and our spiritual food, yea, which (may) be to our souls both food and clothing, such are these Gathas to us, guardians, and defenders, and (spiritual) food, even such they are, both food and clothing to the soul. And (may) they be to us (for this our offering) abundant givers of rewards, and just and righteous ones, for the world beyond the present, after the parting of our consciousness and body. (Ⅱ)
55. 3  
tâ-nô ama tâ verethrakhna tâ dasvara tâ baêshaza tâ fradatha tâ varedatha tâ havangha tâ aiwyâvangha tâ hudhångha tâ ashavasta tâ frârâiti tâ vîdîshe uzjamyãn ýâ staota ýesnya ýatha-hîsh fradathat mazdå ýê sevishtô verethrajå frâdat-gaêthô pâthrâi ashahe gaêthanãm harethrâi ashahe gaêthanãm suyamnanãmca saoshyañtãmca vîspayåsca ashaonô stôish.
- And may these (Praises of the Offering) come forth, and appear for us with power and victorious assault, with health and healing, with progress, and with growth, with preparation and protection, with beneficence and sanctity, and abounding with gifts toward him who can understand; yea, let them appear (with free liberality to the enlightened), let them appear as Mazda, the most beneficent, has produced them, He the one who is victorious when He smites, and who helps the settlements advance, for the protection, and the guarding of the religious order of the settlements which are now being furthered, and of those which shall bring salvation to us, and for the protection of the entire creation of the holy (and the clean). (Ⅱ)
55. 4  
vîspem ashavanem aya ratufrita hvâvayanghem jaseñtem paiti-barâhi humatâishca hûxtâishca hvarshtâishca.
- And may'st thou, (O Asha! who abidest within the Gathas), give to every holy man who comes with this prayer for a blessing, and endeavoring to help himself, according to his good thoughts, and words, and deeds. (Ⅱ)
55. 5  
ashemca vohuca manô ýazamaide, gâthå speñtå ratuxshathrå ashaonîsh ýazamaide.
- We are therefore worshipping both the (divine) Righteousness and the Good Mind, and the bountiful Gathas, that rule as the leading chants within (the times and the seasons of) the holy ritual order. (Ⅱ)
55. 6  
staota ýesnya ýazamaide ýâ dâtâ anghêush paouruyehyâ maremna verezimna saxshemna sâcayamna dadrâna paitishâna paitishmaremna framaremna frâyazemna frashem vasna ahûm dathâna!
bakhãm staotanãm ýesnyanãm ýazamaide, staotanãm ýesnyanãm ýazamaide frasraothremca framarethremca fragâthremca frâyashtîmca. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- And we worship the Praises of the Yasna which were the production of the ancient world, those which are (now) recollected and put in use, those which are now learned and taught, those which are being held (in mind, and so) repeated, those remembered and recited, and those worshipped, and thus the ones which further the world through grace in its advance. And we worship the part(s) of the Praises of the Yasna, and their recitation as it is heard, even their memorized recital, and their chanting, and their offering (as complete). (Ⅱ)

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