Unto you wailed the Ox-soul, "For whom did ye fashion me? Who created me? Violence and rapine (and) savagery hath oppressed me, and outrage and might. I have no other herdsman than you; prepare for me then the blessings of pasture."
- xshmaibyâ gêush urvâ gerezhdâ, kahmâi mâ thwarôzhdûm kê-mâ tashat, â-mâ aêshemô hazascâ remô âhishâyâ dereshcâ tevishcâ, nôit môi vâstâ xshmat anyô athâ môi sãstâ vohû vâstryâ. (Ⅱ)
Then the Ox-Creator asked of the Right: "Hast thou a judge for the Ox, that ye may be able to appoint him zealous tendance as well as fodder? Whom do ye will to be his lord, who may drive off violence together with the followers of the Lie?"
- adâ tashâ gêush peresat ashem kathâ tôi gavôi ratush hyat hîm dâtâ xshayañtô hadâ vâstrâ gaodâyô thwaxshô, kêm hôi ushtâ ahurem ýê dregvôdebîsh aêshemem vâdâyôit. (Ⅱ)
To him the Right replied: "There is for the Ox no helper that can keep him away. Those yonder have no knowledge how right-doers act towards the lowly". (The Ox-Creator): "Strongest of beings is he to whose help I come at call".
- ahmâi ashâ nôit sarejâ advaêshô gavôi paitî-mravat avaêshãm nôit vîduyê ýâ shavaitê âdrêñg ereshvånghô, hâtãm hvô aojishtô ýahmâi zavêñg jimâ keredushâ. (Ⅱ)
(Asha) "Mazda knoweth best the purposes that have been wrought already by demons and by mortals, and that shall be wrought hereafter. He, Ahura, is the decider. So shall it be as he shall will."
- mazdå sahvârê mairishtô ýâ-zî vâverezôi pairî-cithît daêvâishcâ mashyâishcâ ýâcâ vareshaitê aipî-cithît, hvô vîcirô ahurô athâ-nê anghat ýathâ hvô vasat. (Ⅱ)
(The Ox-Creator) "To Ahura with outspread hands we twain would pray, my soul and that of the pregnant cow, so that we twain urge Mazda with entreaties. Destruction is not for the right-living, nor for the cattle-tender at the hands of Liars."
- at vâ ustânâish ahvâ zastâish frînemnâ ahurâi â mê urvâ gêushcâ azyå hyat mazdãm dvaidî ferasâbyô nôit erezhejyôi frajyâitish nôit fshuyeñtê dregvasû pairî. (Ⅱ)
Then spake Ahura Mazda himself, who knows the law with wisdom: "There is found no lord or judge according to the Right Order for the Creator hath formed thee for the cattle-tender and the farmer."
- at ê vaocat ahurô mazdå vîdvå vafûsh vyânayâ, nôit aêvâ ahû vistô naêdâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ, at zî thwâ fshuyañtaêcâ vâstryâicâ thwôreshtâ tatashâ. (Ⅱ)
This ordinance about the fat hath Ahura Mazda, one in will with Right, created for cattle, and the milk for them that crave nourishment, by his command, the holy one. (The Ox and Cow:) "Whom hast thou, O Good Thought, among men, who may care for us twain?"
- têm âzûtôish ahurô mãthrem tashat ashâ hazaoshô mazdå gavôi xshvîdemcâ hvô urushaêibyô speñtô sâsnayâ, kastê vohû mananghâ ýê-î dâyât êeâvâ maretaêibyô. (Ⅱ)
(Vohu Manah:) He is known to me here who alone hath heard our commands, even Zarathushtra Spitama; he willeth to make known our thoughts, O Mazda, and those of the Right. So let us bestow on him charm of speech.
- aêm môi idâ vistô ýê-nê aêvô sâsnå gûshatâ zarathushtrô spitâmô, hvô nê mazdâ vashtî ashâicâ carekerethrâ srâvayenghê hyat hôi hudemêm dyâi vaxedhrahyâ. (Ⅱ)
Then the Ox-Soul lamented: "That I must be content with the ineffectual word of an impotent man for my protector, when I wish for one that commands mightily! When ever shall there be one who shall give him (the Ox) effective help?"
- atcâ gêush urvâ raostâ ýê anaêshem xshãnmênê râdem vâcem neresh asûrahyâ ýêm â vasemî îshâ xshathrîm, kadâ ýavâ hvô anghat ýê hôi dadat zastavat avô. (Ⅱ)
(Zarathushtra:) Do ye, O Ahura, grant them strength, and O Asha, and O Good Thought, that dominion, whereby he (the Savior) could produce good dwellings and peace. I also have realized thee, Mazda, as the first to accomplish this.
- ýûzhêm aêibyô ahurâ aogô dâtâ ashâ xshathremcâ avat vohû mananghâ ýâ husheitîsh râmãmcâ dât, azêmcît ahyâ mazdâ thwãm mênghî paourvîm vaêdem. dà (Ⅱ)
"Where are Right and Good Thought and Dominion? So, ye men, acknowledge me, for instruction, Mazda, for the great society." (The Ox and Cow:) "O Ahura, now is help ours, we will be ready to serve those that are of you."
- kudâ ashem vohucâ manô xshathremcâ,at mâ mashâ ýûzhêm mazdâ frâxshnenê mazôi magâi â paitî-zânatâ ahurâ nû-nå avarê êhmâ râtôish ýûshmâvatãm! (12) (zôt u râspî,) ahyâ ýâsâ ... gêushcâ urvânem (2). ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4). ashem vohû ... (3). xshmâvya-gêush-urvãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!! (Ⅱ)