frâmraot ahurô mazdå, ashem vohû vahishtem astî, para ahmâi vohû vahishtem cinasti ýatha hvaêtave hvaêtâtem vohu vahishtem asti atha tkaêshem kârayeiti,
- A blessing is Righteousness (called) the best; there is weal, there is weal to this man when the Right (helps) the Righteousness best, (when the pious man serves it in truth). Ahura Mazda spake forth: Ashem vohu vahishtem asti. To this Asha, the holy ritual sanctity, one attributes the qualities of 'good' and 'best,' as one attributes property to an owner; thus this sentence vohu vahishtem asti is substantiated (at once). (Ⅱ)
ushtâ astî ushtâ ahmâi, ushtatâitya vîspem ashavanem vîspâi ashaone para-cinasti ýatha nâ stâitya vîspem ashavanem vîspâi ashaone para-cinasti,
- Ushta asti ushta ahmai; by this attribution of blessedness (the praiser) assigns every person (or thing) of a sacred nature to every holy person, and as one usually (?) and regularly (?) assigns every person or thing (?) that is holy to every holy man. (Ⅱ)
ýat ashâi vahishtâi ashem para-cinasti, vîspem mãthrem vîspem mãthrâi, ýatha ashâi xshathrem cinasti ýathaca zbayeñte ashaone ashem cinasti ýathaca xshmâvôya ashem cinasti ýat saoshyañtaêbyô, thrâyô tkaêsha, vîspem vacô fravâkem haurum vacô ahurahe mazdå.
- Hyat ashai vahishtai; by these words the worshipper ascribes the entire Mathra (to Asha Vahishta), and ascribes all to the Mathra, as one ascribes the kingdom to Righteousness, and as one ascribes righteousness to the invoking saint; yea, as one ascribes righteousness to us who are the prophets (who shall help and bless the people). The three maxims of the sentences (are thus fulfilled). And every word (in its detail), and the entire utterance in its proclamation, is the word of Ahura Mazda. (Ⅱ)
mazdå frâmraot, cîm frâmraot, ashavanem mainyaomca gaêthîmca, cvãs frâmraot fravâkem, vahishtô xshayamnô, cvañtem, ashavanem vahishtemca avasô-xshathremca! bakhãm ashahe vahishtahe ýazamaide, ashahe vahishtahe ýazamaide frasraothremca framarethremca fragâthremca frâyashtîmca. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî ... !!
- Mazda has made a proclamation. (Question.) Whom did He announce? (Answer.) That holy one who is both heavenly and earthly. (Question.) Of what character is He who has thus announced Him? (Answer.) He is the best, and the one who is exercising sovereign power. (Question.) Of what character is the man whom He announced? (Answer.) The holy and the best, the one who rules with no capricious tyranny. We sacrifice to the (several) part(s) of the Asha Vahishta (prayer). We sacrifice to the heard-recital of the Asha Vahishta, to its memorizing, its chanting, and its sacrificial use! (Ⅱ)