âyese ýeshti (zôt,) avanghå fravashayô ýå paoirya ånghare nmânanãmca vîsãmca zañtunãmca dah'yunãmca, ýå asmanem vîdhârayen ýå âpem vîdhârayen ýå zãm vîdhârayen ýå gãm vîdhârayen ýå barethrishva puthre vîdhârayen paiti-verete apara-iritheñtô.
- I desire to approach with my praise those Fravashis which have existed from of old, the Fravashis of the houses, and of the villages, of the communities, and of the provinces, which hold the heaven in its place apart, and the water, land, and cattle, which hold the children in the wombs safely enclosed apart so that they do not miscarry. (Ⅱ)
âyese ýeshti âfravashi ahurahe mazdå ameshanãm speñtanãm mat vîspâbyô ashaonibyô fravashibyô ýå mainyavanãm ýazatanãm, âyese ýeshti âfravashi gayehe marethnô zarathushtrahe spitâmahe kavôish vîshtâspahe isat-vâstrahe zarathushtrôish mat vîspâbyô ashaonibyô fravashibyô ýå paoiryanãm tkaêshanãm.
- And I desire to approach toward the Fravashi of Ahura Mazda, and with my praise, and for those of the Bountiful Immortals, with all the holy Fravashis which are those of the heavenly Yazads. And I desire to approach the Fravashi of Gaya Maretan [Gayomard] (the life-man) in my worship with my praise, and for that of Zarathushtra Spitama, and for those of Kavi Vishtaspa, and of Isat-vastra, the Zarathushtrian, with all the holy Fravashis of the other ancient counselors as well. (Ⅱ)
âyese ýeshti vîspaya ashavane fravashe ke asti kvacit anghå zemô para-iristi dahma nâirike aperenâyûke kainike vâstryâvarezi upashaêti haca ahmât nmânât izyeiñti ýå paitishmareñti ýå aiwinâseñti vanghûsh ýasnãsca vahmãsca!
- And I desire in my worship to approach toward every holy Fravashi whosesoever it may be, and wheresoever dead upon this earth (its possessor may have lain), the pious woman, or the girl of tender years, the maiden diligent (among the cattle) in the field (who) may have dwelt (here; yea, all) which are now worshipped from this house, which are attentive to, and which attain to (our) good Yasnas and (our) homage. (Ⅱ)
âyese ýeshti ashâunãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm paoiryô-tkaêshanãm fravashinãm nabânazdishtanãm fravashinãm havahe urunô fravashêe, âyese ýeshti vîspaêibyô ashahe ratubyô, âyese ýeshti vîspaêibyô vanghudhâbyô ýazataêibyô mainyaoibyascâ gaêthyaêibyascâ ýôi heñti ýasnyâca vahmyâca ashât haca ýat vahishtât. (5)fravarâne ... hâvanêe ... sâvanghêe ... rathwãm ... (râspî,) frasastayaêca. (zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!!
- Yea, I desire to approach the Fravashis of the saints with my praise redoubted (as they are) and overwhelming, the Fraashis of those who held to the ancient lore, and the Fravashis of the next-of-kin; and I desire to approach toward the Fravashi of mine own soul in my worship with my praise; and I desire therewith to approach toward all the lords of the ritual, and with praise; and I desire to approach all the good Yazads with my praise, the heavenly and the earthly, who are meet for sacrifice and homage, because of Righteousness the Best! (Ⅱ)