ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide, imem haomem ashaya uzdâtem ýazamaide, imãmcâ gãm jîvyãm ashaya uzdâtãm ýazamaide, imãmcâ urvarãm hadhânaêpatãm ashaya uzdâtãm ýazamaide.
- And we worship the Bountiful Immortals with our sacrifice, who rule aright, and who dispose of all aright; and we worship this Haoma, this flesh and branch, (Ⅱ)
aiwyô vanguhibyô imå zaothrå haomavaitîsh gaomavaitîsh hadhânaêpatavaitîsh ashaya uzdâtå ýazamaide, aiwyô vanguhibyô apemca haomyãm ýazamaide, asmanaca hâvana ýazamaide, ayanghaênaca hâvana ýazamaide.
- and these Zaothras for the good waters, having the Haoma with them, and the flesh with them, and Hadhanaepata, and lifted up with sanctity, and we worship the Haoma-water for the beneficial waters; and we worship the two, the stone mortar and the iron mortar; (Ⅱ)
imãmcâ urvarãm baresmanîm jakhmûshîmca ratufritîm marethremca varezîmca daênayå vanghuyå mâzdayasnôish gâthanãmca sraothrem jakhmûshîmca ashaonô ashahe rathwô ratufritîm imã aêsmãsca baoidhîmca ýazamaide tava âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra vîspaca vohu mazdadhâta ashacithra ýazamaide!
- and we worship this plant for the Baresman and the well-timed prayer for blessings which has approached (in its proper place within the ritual course), and also both the remembrance and the practice of the good Mazdayasnian Religion, and the heard recital of the Gathas, and the well-timed prayer for blessings of the holy lord of the ritual order which has approached, and these wood-billets with the perfume, (even) thine, the Fire's, O Ahura Mazda's son! and we worship all good objects which are Mazda-made, and which contain (and are) the seed of Righteousness. (Ⅱ)
ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide, ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide, mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide, râma hvâstrem ýazamaide, hvarexshaêtem ameshem raêm aurvat-aspem ýazamaide.
- And we worship Ahura Mazda with our sacrifice, the resplendent, the glorious, and the Bountiful Immortals who rule aright, and who dispose (of all) aright, and Mithra of the wide pastures and Raman Hvastra; and we worship the shining sun, the resplendent, the immortal, of the fleet horses. (Ⅱ)
vaêm ashavanem ýazamaide vaêm uparô- kairîm ýazamaide taradhâtem anyâish dâmãn, aêtat tê vayô ýazamaide ýat tê asti speñtô-mainyaom, razishtãm cistãm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide, daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayasnîm ýazamaide.
- And we worship the holy wind which works on high, placed higher than the other creatures in the creation; and we worship this which is thine, O Vayu! and which appertains to the Spenta Mainyu within thee; and we worship the most true religious Knowledge, Mazda-made and holy, and the good Mazdayasnian law. (Ⅱ)
mãthrem speñtem ashhvarenanghem ýazamaide, dâtem vîdôyûm ýazamaide, dâtem zarathushtri ýazamaide, darekhãm upayanãm ýazamaide, daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayasnîm ýazamaide, zarazdâitîm mãthrem speñtem ýazamaide, ushi-darethrem daênãm mâzdayasnîm ýazamaide, vaêdhîm mãthrem speñtem ýazamaide, âsnem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide, gaoshô-srûtem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide.
- And we worship the Mathra Spenta verily glorious (as it is), even the law pronounced against the Daevas, the Zarathushtrian law, and its long descent; yea, we worship the good Mazdayasnian Religion, and the Mathra which is heart-devoted and bounteous (imparting heart's devotion to the saint); yea, we worship the Mazdayasnian Religion maintained in the understanding of the saint; and we honor that science which is the Mathra Spenta, and the innate understanding Mazda-made, and the derived understanding, heard with ear, and Mazda-made. (Ⅱ)
âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide, thwãm âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, vîspe âtarô ýazamaide, gairîm ushi-darenem mazdadhâtem ashahvâthrem ýazatem ýazamaide. (8) vîspemca ashavanem mainyaom ýazatem ýazamaide, vîspemca ashavanem gaêthîm ýazatem ýazamaide!!
- Yea, we worship thee, the Fire, Ahura Mazda's son I the holy lord of the ritual order; and we worship all the Fires, and Mount Ushi-darena (which holds the light) Mazda-made and holy, the Yazad mount, brilliant with sanctity. 8. And we worship every holy spiritual Yazad; and every holy earthly Yazad (who exists)! (Ⅱ)