I praise, invoke, and weave my hymn to the good, heroic, and bountiful Fravashis of the saints; (and having invoked these, then) we worship the Nmanyas, and the Visyas, and the Zantumas, and the Dahvyumas, and the Zarathushtrotemas.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô (zôt,) staomi zbayemi ufyemi, ýazamaide nmânyå vîsyå zañtumå dâh'yumå zarathushtôtemå. (Ⅱ)
And of all these prior Fravashis, we worship here the Fravashi of Ahura Mazda, which is the greatest and the best, the most beautiful and the firmest, the most wise and the best in form, and the one that attains the most its ends because of Righteousness.
- vîspanãmca ånghãm paoiryanãm fravashinãm idha ýazamaide fravashîm avãm ýãm ahurahe mazdå mazishtãmca vahishtãmca sraêshtãmca xraozhdishtãmca xrathwishtãmca hukereptemãmca ashât apanôtemãmca. (Ⅱ)
And (having invoked them) hither, we worship the good, heroic, bountiful Fravashis of the holy ones, those of the Bountiful Immortals, the brilliant, of effective glance, the lofty, the devoted, the swift ones of the creatures of Ahura who are imperishable and holy.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå ameshanãm speñtanãm xshaêtanãm verezi-dôithranãm berezatãm aiwyâmanãm taxmanãm âhûiryanãm ýôi aithyajanghô ashavanô. (Ⅱ)
And (having invoked them) hither, we worship the spirit and conscience, the intelligence and soul and Fravashi of those holy men and women who early heard the lore and commands (of God), and loved and strove after Righteousness, the ritual truth; and we worship the soul of the Kine of blessed gift.
- paoiryanãm tkaêshanãm paoiryanãm sâsnô-gûshãm idha ashaonãm ashaoninãmca ahûmca daênãmca baodhasca urvânemca fravashîmca ýazamaide ýôi ashâi vaonare, gêush hudhånghô urvânem ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
And (having invoked it) hither, we worship the Fravashi of Gaya Maretan [Gayomard] the holy, and the sanctity and Fravashi of Zarathushtra Spitama the saint; and we worship the Fravashi of Kavi Vishtasp the holy, and that of Isat-vastra the Zarathushtrian, the saint.
- ýôi ashâi vaonare gayehe marethnô ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe spitâmahe idha ashaonô ashîmca fravashîmca ýazamaide, kavôish vîshtâspahe ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide, isat-vâstrahe zarathushtrôish ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
And (having invoked them) hither, we worship the life, conscience, intelligence, soul and Fravashi of the next of kin, of the saints male and female who have striven after the ritual truth, which are those of the dead and living saints, and which are those also of men as yet unborn, of the future prophets who will help on the renovation, and complete the human progress, with them all.
- nabânazdishtanãm idha ashaonãm ashaoninãmca ahûmca daênãmca baodhasca urvânemca fravashîmca ýazamaide ýôi ashâi vaonare mat vîspâbyô ashaonibyô fravashibyô ýå irîrithushãm ashaonãm ýåsca jvañtãm ashaonãm ýåsca narãm azâtanãm frashô-carethrãm saoshyañtãm. (Ⅱ)
And (having invoked them) hither, we worship the souls of the dead [(Pazand) which are the Fravashis of the saints]; and of all the next of kin who have passed away in this house, of the Aethra-paitis (the teachers) and of the disciples; yea, of all holy men and women;
- idha iristanãm urvãnô ýazamaide ýå ashaonãm fravashayô, vîspanãm ahmya nmâne nabânazdishtanãm para-iristanãm aêthrapaitinãm aêthryanãm narãm nâirinãm idha ashaonãm ashaoninãm fravashayô ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
and we worship the Fravashis of all the holy teachers and disciples; and of all the saints both male and female.
- vîspanãm aêthrapaitinãm ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, vîspanãm aêthryanãm ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, vîspanãm narãm ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, vîspanãm nâirinãm ashaoninãm fravashayô ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
(And having invoked them) hither we worship the Fravashis of all the holy children who fulfill the deeds of piety; and we worship the Fravashis of the saints within the province; and those of the saints without the province.
- vîspanãm aperenâyûkanãm dahmô- keretanãm ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, âdah'yunãmca ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, uzdâh'yunãmca ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
We worship the Fravashis of (those) holy men and holy women; we worship all the good, heroic, bountiful Fravashis of the saints from Gaya Maretan [Gayomard] (the first created) to the Saoshyant, the victorious.
- narãmca ashaonãm fravashayô ýazamaide, nâirinãmca ashaoninãm fravashayô ýazamaide, vîspå ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå haca gayât marethnat â-saoshyañtât verethrakhnat. (Ⅱ)
Yea, we worship all the Fravashis of the saints, and we worship the souls of the dead [(Pazand) which are the Fravashis of the saints]!
- (zôt u râspî,) vîspå fravashayô ashâunãm ýazamaide, iristanãm urvãnô ýazamaide ýå ashaonãm fravashayô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî.... (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!! (Ⅱ)