Chapters 1-27
> Chapters 1-27  :
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(Avestan version)

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27. 1  
aêtat dim vîspanãm mazishtem dazdyâi ahûmca ratûmca ýim ahurem mazdãm snathâi angrahe mainyêush drvatô snathâi aêshmahe xrvîm-draosh snathâi mâzainyanãm daêvanãm snathâi vîspanãm daêvanãm varenyanãmca drvatãm.
- This is to render Him who is of all the greatest, our lord and master (even) Ahura Mazda. And this to smite the wicked Angra Mainyu, and to smite Aeshma of the bloody spear, and the Mazainya Daevas, and to smite all the wicked Varenya Daevas. (Ⅱ)
27. 2  
fradathâi ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô fradathâi ameshanãm speñtanãm fradathâi tishtryehe stârô raêvatô hvarenanguhatô fradathâi narsh ashaonô fradathâi vîspanãm speñtahe mainyêush dâmanãm ashaonãm.
- And this is to further Ahura Mazda, the resplendent, the glorious, to further the Bountiful Immortals, and the influences of the star Tishtrya, the resplendent, the glorious, (and) to the furtherance of the holy man, and of all the (bountiful and) holy creatures of the Bounteous Spirit. (Ⅱ)
27. 3-5  
ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ ... (3)!
mazdâ at môi vahishtâ sravåscâ shyaothanâcâ vaocâ tâ-tû vohû mananghâ ashâcâ ishudem stûtô xshmâkâ xshathrâ ahurâ ferashêm vasnâ haithyêm då ahûm (4)
â airyêmâ ishyô rafedhrâi jañtû nerebyascâ nâiribyascâ zarathushtrahê vanghêush rafedhrâi mananghô, ýâ daênâ vairîm hanât mîzhdem ashahyâ ýâsâ ashîm ýãm ishyãm ahurô masatâ mazdå (5)
- (The Ahunwar appears here with Y34.5, the Airyema Ishyo, and the Ashem Vohu.) (Ⅱ)
27. 6  
haoma pairi-hareshyeñte mazda-xshathra asha-ratavô, vanghush sraoshô ýô ashahe hacaite mãzaraya hêca idha ýôithwâ astu.
- The Haomas are crushed, O Mazda, Khshathra, and Asha, O ye Lords! Good is Sraosha who accompanies the sacrifice with the great glory, and may he be present affording strenuous help. (Ⅱ)
27. 7  
humaya upanghå cîshmaide ahunahe vairyehe ashaya frasrûtahe hâvanayåsca ashaya frashûtayå arshuxdhanãmcâ vacãm, athâ-zî-nê humâyôtarâ anghen. ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ ... (4)!
- We are offering saving acts of wisdom and of worship with the sacred gift of the Ahuna-Vairya intoned with sanctity, and of the two mortars here brought forward with holy act, and with that of the correctly uttered words likewise; and therefore may they be to us the more saving in their wise significance. (Ⅱ)
27. 8  
ýê sevishtô ahurô mazdåscâ ârmaitishcâ ashemcâ frâdat-gaêthem manascâ vohû xshathremcâ sraotâ-môi merezhdâtâ-môi âdâi kahyâicît paitî (3).
- The most mighty Ahura Mazda, and Piety, and Right that blesses our substance, and Good Thought and Dominion, hearken unto me, be merciful to me, when to each man the recompense comes.(Y33.11) (Ⅱ)
27. 9  
us-môi uzâreshvâ ahurâ ârmaitî tevîshîm dasvâ spênishtâ mainyû mazdâ vanghuyâ zavô âdâ ashâ hazô êmavat vohû mananghâ feseratûm.
- Rise up for me, O Ahura, through Armaiti give strength, through the holiest Spirit give might, O Mazda, through the good Recompense [âdâ, offering], through the Right give powerful prowess, through Good Thought give the reward.(Y33.12) (Ⅱ)
27. 10  
rafedhrâi vourucashânê dôishî-môi ýâ-vê abifrâ tâ xshathrahyâ ahurâ ýâ vanghêush ashish mananghô frô speñtâ ârmaitê ashâ daênå fradaxshayâ.
- To support me, O Thou that seest far onward, do ye assure me the incomparable things in your Dominion, O Ahura, as the Destiny of Good Thought. O Holy Armaiti, teach the Daenas about the Right.(Y33.13) (Ⅱ)
27. 11  
at râtãm zarathushtrô tanvascît hvah'yå ushtanem dadâitî paurvatâtem mananghascâ vanghêush mazdâi shyaothanahyâ ashâi ýâcâ uxdhah'yâcâ seraoshem xshathremcâ. ashem vohû ... (3).
- As an offering Zarathushtra brings the life of his own body, the choiceness of good thought, action, and speech, unto Mazda, unto the Right, Obedience, and Dominion.(Y33.14) (Ⅱ)
27. 12  
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, hâvanêe ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, sâvanghêe vîsyâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, rathwãm ayaranãmca asnyanãmca mâhyanãmca ýâiryanãmca saredhanãmca ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica (râspî,) frasastayaêca!
- I would confess myself a Mazda-worshipper, of Zarathushtra's order, a foe to the Daevas, devoted to the lore of Ahura, for Hawan, the Asha-sanctified master of Asha, for (his) sacrifice, homage, propitiation, and praise, for Savanghi and for Visya, the Asha-sanctified master of Asha, for (his) sacrifice, homage, propitiation and praise, and for the sacrifice, homage, propitiation and praise of the masters of the days in their duration, and of the days during daylight, for those of the monthly festivals, and for those of the yearly ones, and for those of the seasons! (Y1.23) (Ⅱ)
27. 13  
ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ vanghêush dazdâ mananghô shyaothananãm anghêush mazdâi xshathremcâ ahurâi â ýim drigubyô dadat vâstârem (4).
- As the Ahu is excellent, so is the Ratu (one who rules) from (his) sanctity, a creator of mental goodness, and of life's actions done for Mazda; and the Kingdom (is) for Ahura, which to the poor may offer a nurturer. (Ⅱ)
27. 14  
ashem vohû vahishtem astî, ushtâ astî ushtâ ahmâi hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem (3).
- (What is Your Kingdom, Your riches; how may I be Your own in my actions, to nourish Your poor, O Mazda? Beyond; yea, beyond all we declare You, far from Daevas and Khrafstra-accursed mortals!) (Ⅱ)
27. 15  
ahunem vairîm ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem sraêshtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide!!!
- We worship the Ahuna-vairya. We worship Asha Vahishta, the most beautiful, the Bountiful Immortal. (Ⅱ)

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