Ahunavaiti Gatha (chapters 28-34)
> Ahunavaiti Gatha (chapters 28-34)  :
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(Avestan version)

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30. 1  
at tâ vaxshyâ isheñtô ýâ mazdâthâ hyatcît vîdushê staotâcâ ahurâi ýesnyâcâ vanghêush mananghô humãzdrâ ashâ ýecâ ýâ raocêbîsh daresatâ urvâzâ.
- Now I will proclaim to those who will hear the things that the understanding man should remember, for hymns unto Ahura and prayers to Good Thought; also the felicity that is with the heavenly lights, which through Right shall be beheld by him who wisely thinks. (Ⅱ)
30. 2  
sraotâ gêushâish vahishtâ avaênatâ sûcâ mananghâ âvarenå vîcithahyâ narêm narem hvah'yâi tanuyê parâ mazê ýånghô ahmâi nê sazdyâi baodañtô paitî.
- Hear with your ears the best things; look upon them with clear-seeing thought, for decision between the two Beliefs, each man for himself before the Great consummation, bethinking you that it be accomplished to our pleasure. (Ⅱ)
30. 3  
at tâ mainyû pouruyê ýâ ýêmâ hvafenâ asrvâtem manahicâ vacahicâ shyaothanôi hî vahyô akemcâ åscâ hudånghô eresh vîshyâtâ nôit duzhdånghô.
- Now the two primal Spirits, who reveal themselves in vision as Twins, are the Better and the Bad, in thought and word and action. And between these two the wise ones chose aright, the foolish not so. (Ⅱ)
30. 4  
atcâ hyat tâ hêm mainyû jasaêtem paourvîm dazdê gaêmcâ ajyâitîmcâ ýathâcâ anghat apêmem anghush acishtô dregvatãm at ashâunê vahishtem manô.
- And when these twain Spirits came together in the beginning, they created Life and Not-Life, and that at the last Worst Existence shall be to the followers of the Lie, but the Best Existence to him that follows Right. (Ⅱ)
30. 5  
ayå manivå varatâ ýê dregvå acishtâ verezyô ashem mainyush spênishtô ýê xraozhdishtêñg asênô vastê ýaêcâ xshnaoshen ahurem haithyâish shyaothanâish fraoret mazdãm.
- Of these twain Spirits he that followed the Lie chose doing the worst things; the holiest Spirit chose Right, he that clothes him with the massy heavens as a garment. So likewise they that are fain to please Ahura Mazda by dutiful actions. (Ⅱ)
30. 6  
ayå nôit eresh vîshyâtâ daêvâcinâ hyat îsh â-debaomâ peresmanêñg upâ-jasat hyat verenâtâ acishtem manô, at aêshemem hêñdvâreñtâ ýâ bãnayen ahûm maretânô.
- Between these twain the Daevas also chose not aright, for infatuation came upon them as they took counsel together, so that they chose the Worst Thought. Then they rushed together to Violence, that they might enfeeble the world of men. (Ⅱ)
30. 7  
ahmâicâ xshathrâ jasat mananghâ vohû ashâcâ dà at kehrpêm utayûitîsh dadât ârmaitish ãnmâ aêshãm tôi â anghat ýathâ ayanghâ âdânâish pouruyô.
- And to him (i.e. mankind) came Dominion, and Good Mind, and Right and Piety gave continued life to their bodies and indestructibility, so that by thy retributions through (molten) metal he may gain the prize over the others. (Ⅱ)
30. 8  
atcâ ýadâ aêshãm kaênâ jamaitî aênanghãm at mazdâ taibyô xshathrem vohû mananghâ vôivîdâitî aêibyô sastê ahurâ ýôi ashâi daden zastayô drujem.
- So when there cometh their punishment for their sins, then, O Mazda, at Thy command shall Good Thought establish the Dominion in the Consummation, for those who deliver the Lie, O Ahura, into the hands of Right. (Ⅱ)
30. 9  
atcâ tôi vaêm h'yâmâ ýôi îm ferashêm kerenâun ahûm, mazdåscâ ahurånghô â-môyastrâ baranâ ashâcâ hyat hathrâ manå bavat ýathrâ cistish anghat maêthâ.
- So may we be those that make this world advance, O Mazda and ye other Ahuras, come hither, vouchsafing (to us) admission into your company and Asha, in order that (our) thought may gather together while reason is still shaky. (Ⅱ)
30. 10  
adâ-zî avâ drûjô avô bavaitî skeñdô spayathrahyâ at asishtâ ýaojañtê â-hushitôish vanghêush mananghô mazdå ashah'yâcâ ýôi zazeñtî vanghâu sravahî.
- Then truly on the (world of) Lie shall come the destruction of delight; but they who get themselves good name shall be partakers in the promised reward in the fair abode of Good Thought, of Mazda, and of Right. (Ⅱ)
30. 11  
hyat tâ urvâtâ sashathâ ýâ mazdå dadât mashyånghô hvîticâ êneitî hyatcâ daregêm dregvôdebyô rashô savacâ ashavabyô at aipî tâish anghaitî ushtâ!
(12) (zôt u râspî,) ahyâ ýâsâ ... gêushcâ urvânem (2). ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4). ashem vohû ... (3). at-tâvaxshyãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- If, O ye mortals, ye mark those commandments which Mazda hath ordained — of happiness and pain, the long punishment for the follower of the Druj, and blessings for the followers of the Right -- then hereafter shall it be well. (Ⅱ)

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