Ushtavaiti Gatha (chapters 43-46)
> Ushtavaiti Gatha (chapters 43-46)  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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45. 1  
I will speak forth: hear now and hearken now, ye from near and ye from far that desire (instruction). Now observe this in your mind, all of you, for he is revealed. Never shall the false Teacher destroy the Second Life, the Liar, in perversion by his tongue into evil belief.
- at fravaxshyâ nû gûshôdûm nû sraotâ ýaêcâ asnât ýaêcâ dûrât ishathâ nû îm vîspâ cithrê zî mazdånghô-dûm nôit daibitîm dush-sastish ahûm merãshyât akâ varanâ dregvå hizvå âveretô. (Ⅱ)
45. 2  
I will speak of the Spirits twain at the first beginning of the world, of whom the holier spoke thus to the enemy: "Neither thought, nor teachings, nor wills, nor beliefs, nor words, nor deeds, nor selfs, nor souls of us twain agree".
- at fravaxshyâ anghêush mainyû pouruyê ýayå spanyå ûitî mravat ýêm añgrem, nôit nâ manå nôit sêñghâ nôit xratavô naêdâ varanâ nôit uxdhâ naêdâ shyaothanâ nôit daênå nôit urvãnô hacaiñtê. (Ⅱ)
45. 3  
I will speak of that which Mazda Ahura, the all-knowing, revealed to me first in this (earthly) life. Those of you that put not in practice this word as I think and utter it, to them shall be woe at the end of life.
- at fravaxshyâ anghêush ahyâ pourvîm ýãm môi vîdvå mazdå vaocat ahurô ýôi îm vê nôit ithâ mãthrem varesheñtî ýathâ îm mênâicâ vaocacâ aêibyô anghêush avôi anghat apêmem. (Ⅱ)
45. 4  
I will speak of what is best for the life. Through Asha I have come to know, O Mazda, who created it (the life), the father of active Good Thought: but his daughter is the good-working Armaiti. The all-observant Ahura is not to be deceived.
- at fravaxshyâ anghêush ahyâ vahishtem ashât hacâ mazdâ vaêdâ ýê îm dât patarêm vanghêush varezayañtô mananghô at hôi dugedâ hushyaothanâ ârmaitish nôit diwzhaidyâi vîspâ-hishas ahurô. (Ⅱ)
45. 5  
I will speak of that which (he), the Holiest declared to me as the word that is best for mortals to obey; while he said: "they who for my sake render him obedience, shall all attain unto Welfare and Immortality by the actions of the Good Spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP]" - (he) Mazda Ahura.
- at fravaxshyâ hyat môi mraot speñtôtemô vacê srûidyâi hyat maretaêibyô vahishtem ýôi môi ahmâi seraoshem dãn cayascâ upâ-jimen haurvâtâ ameretâtâ vanghêush manyêush shyaothanâish mazdå ahurô. (Ⅱ)
45. 6  
I will speak of him who is the greatest of all, praising him, O Right, who is bounteous to all that live. By the holy spirit let Mazda Ahura hearken, in whose Adoration I have been instructed by Good Thought. By his wisdom let him teach me what is best,
- at fravaxshyâ vîspanãm mazishtem stavas ashâ ýê hudå ýôi heñtî speñtâ mainyû sraotû mazdå ahurô ýehyâ vahmê vohû frashî mananghâ ahyâ xratû frô-mâ sâstû vahishtâ. (Ⅱ)
45. 7  
Even he whose two awards, whereof he ordains, men shall attain, who so are living or have been or shall be. In immortality shall the soul of the righteous be joyful, in perpetuity shall be the torment of Liars. All this doth Mazda Ahura appoint by his Dominion.
- ýehyâ savâ ishåñtî râdanghô ýôi-zî jvâ ångharecâ bvañticâ ameretâitî ashâunô urvâ aêshô utayûtâ ýâ nerãsh sâdrâ dregvatô tâcâ xshathrâ mazdå dãmish ahurô. dà (Ⅱ)
45. 8  
Him thou shouldst seek to win for us by hymns of adoration (in thy mind): "Now indeed have I seen it with mine eye, (the Kingdom) of the good spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP] and of (good) action and word, since I have learnt to know Mazda Ahura through Right". Let us offer him homage in the House of Song [Heaven].
- têm nê staotâish nemanghô â vîvareshô nû-zît cashmainî vyâdaresem vanghêush manyêush shyaothanahyâ uxdhah'yâcâ vîdush ashâ ýêm mazdãm ahurem at hôi vahmêñg demânê garô nidâmâ. (Ⅱ)
45. 9  
Him thou shouldst seek to propitiate for us together with Good Thought, who at his will maketh us weal or woe. May Mazda Ahura by his Dominion bring us to work, for prospering our beasts and our men, so that we may through Right have familiarity with Good Thought.
- têm nê vohû mat mananghâ cixshnushô ýê-nê usên côret spêncâ aspêncâ mazdå xshathrâ verezênyå dyât ahurô pasûsh vîrêñg ahmâkêñg fradathâi â vanghêush ashâ haozãthwât â mananghô. (Ⅱ)
45. 10  
Him thou shouldst seek to exalt with prayers of piety, him that is called Mazda Ahura for ever, for that he hath promised through his own Right and Good Thought that Welfare and Immortality shall be for us in his Dominion strength and perpetuity in his house.
- têm nê ýasnâish ârmatôish mimakhzhô ýê ãnmênî mazdå srâvî ahurô hyat hôi ashâ vohucâ côisht mananghâ xshathrôi hôi haurvâtâ ameretâtâ ahmâi stôi dãn tevîshî utayûitî. (Ⅱ)
45. 11  
Whoso therefore in the future lightly esteemeth the Daeva and those mortals that lightly esteem him - even all others save that one who highly esteemeth him, - unto his shall the holy Daena of the future deliverer, as lord of the house, be friend, brother or father, O Mazda Ahura.
- ýastâ daêvêñg aparô mashyãscâ tarê-mãstâ ýôi îm tarê-manyañtâ anyêñg ahmât ýê hôi arêm manyâtâ saoshyañtô dêñg patôish speñtâ daênâ urvathô barâtâ patâ vâ mazdâ ahurâ!
(zôt u râspî,) ushtâ ahmâi ... gaêm mananghô (2). ashem vohû ... (3). tat-thwâ-peresãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!

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