Let Sraosha (the listening Obedience) be present here for the worship of Ahura Mazda, the most beneficent, and holy, of him) who is desired by us as at the first, so at the last; and so again may attentive Obedience be present here for the worship of Ahura Mazda, the most beneficent and the holy who (is so) desired by us.
- seraoshô idhâ astû ahurahê mazdå ýasnâi sevîshtahê ashaonô ýê- nå ishtô hyat paourvîm tat ustememcît, avathât idhâ seraoshô astû ahurahê mazdå ýasnâi sevîshtahê ashaonô ýê-nå ishtô. (Ⅱ)
(Yea), let Sraosha (the attentive Obedience) be present here for the worship of the good waters, and for the Fravashis of the saints which are so desired by us, [and for (their) souls], as at the first, so at the last. And thus again may Sraosha (the listening Obedience) be present here for the worship of the good, waters, and for the Fravashis of the saints, which are so desired by us, [(and) for (their) souls].
- seraoshô idhâ astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi ashâunãmca fravashibyô ýå-nô ishtå urvôibyô hyat paourvîm tat ustememcît, avathât idhâ seraoshô astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi ashâunãmca fravashibyô ýå-nô ishtå urvôibyô. (Ⅱ)
Let Sraosha (the listening Obedience) be present here for the worship of the good waters; yea, let the good Obedience be here for the worship of the good and bountiful Immortals who rule aright, and dispose (of all) aright, the good, and for the worship of the good Sanctity, or Blessedness, who is closely knit with the Righteous Order, to perfect us, and to incite us. May Sraosha (Obedience) be here present for the worship of the good waters, he the good and the holy, as at the first, so at the last.
- seraoshô idhâ astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi vanghush vanguhînãm ameshanãmcâ speñtanãm huxshathranãm hudhånghãm vohunãmcâ vanghuyåscâ ashôish ýasnâi ýâ-nê âraêcâ erenavataêcâ ashanghâxsh, seraoshascâ idhâ astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi vanghush ashivå hyat paourvîm tat ustememcît. (Ⅱ)
And so again may Sraosha, (Obedience) the good, be present here for the worship of the good waters, and of the good and bountiful Immortals, and of Blessedness the good who is closely knit with the Righteous Order to perfect and to incite us. Yea, we worship Sraosha the blessed and the stately, who smites with victory, and who furthers the settlements in their advance, the holy lord of the ritual order.
- avathât idhâ seraoshô astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi vanghush vanguhînãm ameshanãmcâ speñtanãm huxshathranãm hudhånghãm vohunãmcâ vanghuyåscâ ashôish ýasnâi ýâ-nê âraêcâ erenavataêcâ ashanghâxsh, seraoshascâ idhâ astû apãm vanguhînãm ýasnâi vanghush ashivå! (zôt u râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâ ... (4). ashem vohû vahishtem astî ... (3). sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!! (Ⅱ)