kâm nemôi zãm kuthrâ nemôi ayenî pairî hvaêtêush airyamanascâ dadaitî nôit mâ xshnâush ýâ verezênâ hêcâ naêdâ dah'yêush ýôi sâstârô dregvañtô kathâ thwâ mazdâ xshnaoshâi ahurâ.
- To what land shall I go to flee, whither to flee? From nobles and from my peers they sever me, nor are the people pleased with me [......], nor the Liar rulers of the land. How am I to please thee, Mazda Ahura? (Ⅱ)
vaêdâ tat ýâ ahmî mazdâ anaêshô mâ kamnafshvâ hyatcâ kamnânâ ahmî gerezôi tôi â-ît avaênâ ahurâ rafedhrêm cagvå hyat fryô fryâi daidît dà âxsô vanghêush ashâ îshtîm mananghô.
- I know wherefore, O Mazda, I have been unable (to achieve) anything. Only a few herds are mine (and therefore it is so) and because I have got but few people. I cry unto thee, see thou to it, O Ahura, granting me support a friend gives to friend. Teach me through the Right what the acquisition of Good Thought is. (Ⅱ)
kadâ mazdâ ýôi uxshânô asnãm anghêush darethrâi frô ashahyâ frâreñtê verezdâish sêñghâish saoshyañtãm xratavô kaêibyô ûthâi vohû jimat mananghâ maibyô thwâ sãstrâi verenê ahurâ.
- When, Mazda, shall the sunrisings come forth for the worlds winning of Right, through the powerful teachings of the wisdom of the future Deliverers? Who are they to whose help Good Thought shall come? I have faith that thou wilt thyself fulfill this for me, O Ahura. (Ⅱ)
at têñg dregvå ýêñg ashahyâ vazhdrêñg pât gå frôretôish shôithrahyâ vâ dah'yêush vâ duzhazôbå hãs hvâish shyaothanâish ahêmustô ýastêm xshathrât mazdâ môithat jyâtêush vâ hvô têñg frô-gå pathmêñg hucistôish carât.
- The Liar stays the supporter of Right from prospering the cattle in district and province, infamous that he is, repellent in his actions. Whoso, Mazda, robs him of dominion or of life, he shall go before and prepare the ways of the good belief. (Ⅱ)
ýê vâ xshayãs adãs drîtâ ayañtem urvâtôish vâ huzêñtush mithrôibyô vâ rashnâ jvãs ýê ashavâ dregvañtem vîcirô hãs tat frô hvaêtavê mruyât uzûithyôi îm mazdâ xrûnyât ahurâ.
- If an understanding man should be able to hold one who comes over from his vow and his ties of faith, himself having brought him thereto, and living according to the ordinance, a righteous man (converting) a Liar - then shall he, when he is sure of him, tell it to the nobles, that they may protect him from injury, O Mazda Ahura. (Ⅱ)
at ýastêm nôit nâ isemnô âyât drûjô hvô dâmãn haêthahyâ gât hvô zî dregvå ýê dregvâitê vahishtô hvô ashavâ ýahmâi ashavâ fryô hyat daênå paouruyå då ahurâ.
- But whoso when thus approached should refuse his aid, he shall go to the abodes of the company of the Liar. For he is himself a Liar, who is very good to a Liar, he is a righteous man to whom a righteous man is dear, since thou hast created men's Selves in the beginning, O Ahura. (Ⅱ)
kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadât hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ ahurâ tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ.
- Whom, O Mazda, can one appoint as protector for one like me, when the Liar sets himself to injure me, other than Thy Fire and Thy Thought, through actions of which twain the Right will come to maturity, O Ahura? In this lore do thou instruct my very self. (Ⅱ)
ýê vâ môi ýå gaêthå dazdê aênanghê nôit ahyâ-mâ âthrish shyaothanâish frôsyât paityaoget tâ ahmâi jasôit dvaêshanghâ tanvêm â ýâ îm hujyâtôish pâyât nôit duzhjyâtôish kâcît mazdâ dvaêshanghâ.
- Whoso is minded to injure my possessions, from his actions may no harm come to me! Back upon himself may they come with hostility, against his own person, all the hostile (acts), to keep him far from the Good Life, Mazda, not from the ill! (Ⅱ)
kê hvô ýê-mâ aredrô côithat pouruyô ýathâ thwâ zevîshtîm uzemôhî dà shyaothanôi speñtem ahurem ashavanem ýâ-tôi ashâ ýâ ashâi gêush tashâ mraot isheñtî mâ tâ tôi vohû mananghâ.
- Who is it, the faithful man he, who first taught that we honor thee as mightiest to help, as the holy righteous Lord over action? What thy Right made known, what the Ox-Creator made known to Right, they would fain hear through thy Good Mind. (Ⅱ)
ýê vâ môi nâ genâ vâ mazdâ ahurâ dâyât anghêush ýâ-tû vôistâ vahishtâ ashîm ashâi vohû xshathrem mananghâ ýãscâ haxshâi xshmâvatãm vahmâi â frô-tâish vîspâish cinvatô frafrâ peretûm.
- Whoso, man or woman, doeth what thou, Mazda Ahura, knowest as best in life, as destiny for what is Right (give him) the Dominion through Good Thought. And those whom I impel to your adoration, with all these will I cross the Bridge of the Separator. (Ⅱ)
xshathrâish ýûjên karapanô kâvayascâ akâish shyaothanâish ahûm mereñgeidyâi mashîm ýêñg hvê urvâ hvaêcâ xraodat daênâ hyat aibî-gemen ýathrâ cinvatô peretush ýavôi vîspâi drûjô demânâi astayô.
- By their dominion the Karapans and the Kavis accustomed mankind to evil actions, so as to destroy Life. Their own soul and their own self shall torment them when they come where the Bridge of the Separator is, to all time dwellers in the House of the Lie. (Ⅱ)
hyat us ashâ naptyaêshû nafshucâ tûrahyâ uzjên fryânahyâ aojyaêshû ârmatôish gaêthå frâdô thwaxshanghâ at îsh vohû hêm aibî-môist mananghâ aêibyô rafedhrâi mazdå sastê ahurô.
- When among the laudable descendants and posterity of the Turanian Fryana the Right ariseth, through activity of Piety that blesseth substance; then shall Good Thought admit them, and Mazda Ahura give them protection at the Fulfillment. (Ⅱ)
ýê spitâmem zarathushtrem râdanghâ maretaêshû xshnâush hvô-nâ ferasrûidyâi eredhwô at hôi mazdå ahûm dadât ahurô ahmâi gaêthå vohû frâdat mananghâ têm vê ashâ mêhmaidî hushhaxâim.
- Whoso among mortals has pleased Spitama Zarathushtra by his willingness, a man deserving of good fame, to him shall Mazda Ahura give Life, to him shall Good Thought increase substance, him we account to be a familiar friend with your Right. (Ⅱ)
zarathushtrâ kastê ashavâ urvathô mazôi magâi kê vâ ferasrûidyâi vashtî at hvô kavâ vîshtâspô ýâhî ýêñgstû mazdâ hademôi minash ahurâ têñg zbayâ vanghêush uxdhâish mananghô.
- O Zarathushtra, what righteous man is thy friend for the great covenant? Who wills to have good fame? It is the Kava Vishtaspa at the consummation. Those whom thou wilt unite in one house with thee, these will I call with words of Good Thought. (Ⅱ)
haêcat-aspâ vaxshyâ vê spitamånghô hyat dâthêñg vîcayathâ adâthãscâ tâish ýûsh shyaothanâish ashem xshmaibyâ daduyê ýâish dâtâish paouruyâish ahurahyâ.
- Ye Haechataspa Spitamas, I will declare unto ye so that ye can discern the wise and the unwise. ... Through these actions ye shall acquire Right according to the primeval laws of Ahura. (Ⅱ)
ferashaoshtrâ athrâ-tû aredrâish idî dà hvô-gvâ tâish ýêñg usvahî ushtâ-stôi ýathrâ ashâ hacaitê ârmaitish ýathrâ vanghêush mananghô îshtâ xshathrem ýathrâ mazdå varedemãm shaêitî ahurô.
- Frashaoshtra Hvogva, go thou thither with those faithful whom we both desire to be in blessedness, where with Right is united Piety, where the Dominion is in possession of Good Thought, where Mazda Ahura dwells to give it increase. (Ⅱ)
ýathrâ vê afshmânî sêñghânî nôit anafshmãm dêjâmâspâ hvô-gvâ hadâ vêstâ vahmêñg seraoshâ râdanghô ýê vîcinaot dâthemcâ adâthemcâ dañgrâ mañtû ashâ mazdå ahurô.
- When, O Jamaspa Hvogva, when I recount your wrongs not your successes, (and) with your obedience the prayers of your loyalty, (before him) who shall separate the wise and the unwise through his prudent counselor the Right, even he, Mazda Ahura. (Ⅱ)
ýê maibyâ ýaosh ahmâi ascît vahishtâ mah'yå ishtôish vohû côishem mananghâ ãstêñg ahmâi ýê nå ãstâi daidîtâ mazdâ ashâ xshmâkem vârem xshnaoshemnô tat môi xratêush mananghascâ vîcithem.
- He that holds unto me, to him I promise what is best in my possession through the Good Thought, but enmities to him that shall set himself to devise enmity to us, O Mazda and the Right, desiring to satisfy your will. That is the decision of my understanding and thought. (Ⅱ)
ýê-môi ashât haithîm hacâ vareshaitî zarathushtrâi hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem ahmâi mîzhdem haneñtê parâhûm manê-vistâish mat vîspâish gâvâ azî tâcît môi sãs tvêm mazdâ vaêdishtô! (zôt u râspî,) ushtâ ahmâi ... gaêm mananghô (2). ashem vohû ... (3). tat-thwâ-peresãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- He who accomplisheth for me, even Zarathushtra, in accordance with Right that which best agrees with my will, to him as earning the reward of the Other Life shall be that of two pregnant cows, with all things whereon his mind is set. These things will thou bring to pass for me who best knowest how, O Mazda. (Ⅱ)