Chapters 54-72
> Chapters 54-72  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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57. 0  
57. 1  
A blessing is Righteousness (called) the Best, &c. Propitiation be to Sraosha, Obedience the blessed, the mighty, the incarnate word of reason, whose body is the Mathra, him of the daring spear, devoted to the Lord, for (his) sacrificial worship, homage, propitiation, and praise.
- ashem vohû ... (3).
sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe darshi-draosh âhûiryehe xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica (râspî,) frasastayaêca. (zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû!
57. 2  
We worship Sraosha, (Obedience, the blessed, the stately, him who smites with the blow of victory, and who furthers the settlements, the holy, (ruling) as the ritual lord. Him do we worship, who in the creation of Mazda the first adored Ahura, with the Baresman spread, who worshipped the Bountiful Immortals (first), who worshipped both the protector and the Creator, who are (both) creating all things in the creation.
- (zôt u râspî,) sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide (zôt,) ýô paoiryô mazdå dâmãn frasteretât paiti baresmen ýazata ahurem mazdãm ýazata ameshê speñtê ýazata pâyû thwôreshtâra ýâ vîspa thweresatô dâmãn. (Ⅱ)
57. 3  
For his splendor and his glory, for his might, and the blow which smites with victory, I will worship him with the Yasna of the Yazads, with a Yasna loud intoned, him Obedience the blessed, with the consecrated waters, and the good Blessedness, the lofty, and Nairya-sangha, the stately; and may he draw near to us to aid us, he who smites with victory, Obedience the blessed!
- ahe raya hvarenanghaca ainghe ama verethrakhnaca ahe ýasna ýazatanãm tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna sraoshem ashîm zaothrâbyô ashîmca vanguhîm berezaitîm nairîmca sanghem huraodhem, âca-nô jamyât avanghe verethrajå sraoshô ashyô. (Ⅱ)
57. 4  
We worship Sraosha, Obedience the blessed, and that lofty Lord who is Ahura Mazda Himself, Him who has attained the most to this our ritual, Him who has approached the nearest to us in our celebrations. And we worship all the words of Zarathushtra, and all the deeds well done (for him), both those that have been done (in times gone by), and those which are yet to be done (for him in times to come).
- sraoshem ashîm ýazamaide, ratûm berezañtem ýazamaide ýim ahurem mazdãm ýô ashahe apanôtemô ýô ashahe jakhmûshtemô, vîspa sravå zarathushtri ýazamaide, vîspaca hvarshta shyaothna ýazamaide varshtaca vareshyamnaca. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 5  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed and the stately, him who smites with the blow of victory, who prospers the settlements, the holy ritual lord,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat- gaêthem ... ýazamaide, (Ⅱ)
57. 6  
who first spread forth the Baresman, and the three bundles, and the five bundles, and the seven bundles, and the nine, till it was heaped for us knee-high, and to the middle of the thighs, for the Bountiful Immortals, for their worship, and their homage, and their propitiation, and their praise. For his splendor and his glory, for his might, and the blow which smites with victory, I will worship him with the Yasna of the Yazads, with a Yasna loud intoned, him Obedience the blessed, with the consecrated waters.
- ýô paoiryô baresma frasterenata thryaxshtîshca pañca-ýaxshtîshca hapta-ýaxshtîshca nava-ýaxshtîshca âxshnûshca maidhyôi-paitishtânãsca ameshanãm speñtanãm ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 7  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, the stately, who smites with the blow of victory, who furthers the settlements, the holy ritual chief.
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide, (Ⅱ)
57. 8  
Who first chanted the Gathas, the five Gathas of Zarathushtra, the Spitama, the holy (with the fashion) of their metres, and after the well-constructed order of their words, together with the Zand which they contain, and the questions which they utter, and the answers which they give, for the Bountiful Immortals, for their sacrifice and homage, their propitiation, and their praise. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- ýô paoiryô gâthå frasrâvayat ýå pañca spitâmahe ashaonô zarathushtrahe afsmanivãn vacastashtivat mat-âzaiñtîsh mat-paiti-fraså ameshanãm speñtanãm ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 9  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed and the stately, who smites with the blow of victory, and who furthers the settlements, the holy ritual chief,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat- gaêthem ... ýazamaide (Ⅱ)
57. 10  
who for the poor among (our) men and women built a mighty house, who after sunset, and with his leveled battle-ax, smites Aeshema bloody wounds, and having struck the head, casts him lightly (?) (to the earth), as the stronger (smites) the weaker. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- ýô drikhaoshca drîvyåsca amavat nmânem hãm-tâshti pasca hû frâshmô-dâitîm ýô aêshmem sterethwata snaithisha vîxrûmañtem hvarem jaiñti atca hê bâdha kameredhem jakhnvå paiti hvanghayeiti ýatha aojå nâidyånghem. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 11  
We worship Sraosha, Obedience the blessed and the stately, him who smites with the blow of victory, who furthers the settlements, the holy ritual chief, as the energetic, and the swift, the strong, the daring (and redoubted) hero,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide taxmem âsûm aojanghvañtem darshitem sûrem berezaidhîm (Ⅱ)
57. 12  
who comes back from all his battles (and comes from them) a conqueror, who amid the Bountiful ImmortaIs sits as companion at their meeting. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- ýô vîspaêibyô haca arezaêibyô vavanvå paiti-jasaiti vyaxma ameshanãm speñtanãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 13  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, who is the strongest and most persistent of the youths, the most energetic, and the swiftest, who of all the youths strikes most with terror I from afar (?). [Be ye desirous, O ye Mazdayasnians! of the Yasna of Obedience the blessed.]
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýûnãm aojishtem ýûnãm tañcishtem ýûnãm thwaxshishtem ýûnãm âsishtem ýûnãm parô-katarshtemem, paitishata mazdayasna sraoshahe ashyehe ýasnem. (Ⅱ)
57. 14  
Far from this house, this village, and this tribe, and from this country, the evil and destructive terrors (shall) depart. In the dwelling of that man in whose abode Obedience the blessed, who smites victoriously, is satisfied and welcomed, there is that holy man who thus contents him (most) forward in the thinking better thoughts, in the speaking truthful ritual) words, and in the doing holy deeds. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- dûrât haca ahmât nmânât dûrât haca ainghât vîsat dûrât haca ahmât zañtaot dûrât haca ainghât dainghaot akhå ithyejå vôikhnå ýeiñti ýenghe nmânaya sraoshô ashyô verethrajå thrãfedhô asti paiti-zañtô nâca ashava frâyô-humatô frâyô-hûxtô frâyô-hvarshtô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 15  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed and the stately, who is the conqueror of the Kayadha, and the Kaidhya, who was the smiter of the Lie-demon of the Daevas, the one veritably powerful, the destroyer of the world, who is the guardian and watchman over all the migrations (?) of the tribes.
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýô vananô kayadhahe ýô vananô kâidhyehe ýô jañta daêvayå drujô ash-aojanghô ahûm-mereñcô ýô hareta aiwyâxshtaca vîspayå fravôish gaêthayå. (Ⅱ)
57. 16  
Who sleeplessly and vigilant guards the creatures of Ahura, who sleeplessly and with vigilance saves them, who with halberd raised on high guards all the corporeal world after setting of the sun,
- ýô anavanghabdemnô zaênangha nipâiti mazdå dâmãn ýô anavanghabdemnô zaênangha nishhaurvaiti mazdå dâmãn ýô vîspem ahûm astvañtem eredhwa snaithisha nipâiti pasca hû frâshmô-dâitîm. (Ⅱ)
57. 17  
who has never slept in quiet since the two Spirits made the worlds, [the bounteous and the evil one] who guards the homes of Asha, who battles all (?) the days long and the nights with all the Daevas [(Pazand) the Mazanian],
- ýô nôit pascaêta hushhvafa ýat mainyû dâmãn daidhîtem ýasca speñtô mainyush ýasca angrô hishârô ashahe gaêthå ýô vîspâish ayãnca xshafnasca ýûidhyeiti mâzanyaêibyô hadha daêvaêibyô. (Ⅱ)
57. 18  
nor terror-stricken does he turn in affright before (their power); but before him all the Daevas turn in affright against their will, and rush to darkness in their fear. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- hô nôit tarshtô frânâmâite thwaêshât parô daêvaêibyô frâ ahmât parô vîspe daêva anusô tarshta nemañte tarshta temanghô dvareñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 19  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, whom Haoma worshipped on the highest height of high Haraiti, he Haoma, the reviver, and the healer, the beautiful, the kingly, of the golden eye,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýim ýazata haomô frâshmish baêshazyô srîrô xshathryô zairi-dôithrô barezishte paiti barezahi haraithyô paiti barezayå (Ⅱ)
57. 21  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, whose house stands with its thousand pillars, as victorious, on the highest height of high Haraiti, self-lighted from within, star-studded from without,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýenghe nmânem vârethrakhni hazangrô-stûnem vîdhâtem barezishte paiti barezahi haraithyô paiti barezayå hvâraoxshnem añtara-naêmât stehrpaêsem nishtara-naêmât. (Ⅱ)
57. 23  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, by whose might and victorious power, and wise conduct, and (full) knowledge, the Bountiful Immortals descend upon this earth of seven quarters.
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýenghe amaca verethrakhnaca haozãthwaca vaêdhyâca avâin ameshå speñta aoi haptô-karshvairîm zãm ýô daênô-disô daênayâi. (Ⅱ)
57. 24  
Who as teacher of the law will stride forth upon this earth with its dwellers in the body, and ruling as he will. And in this Religion, Ahura Mazda has been confessed with faith, and the Good Mind likewise with Him, and Righteousness the Best, and Khshathra-vairya, and Piety the Bounteous, and the Universal Weal and Immortality; and the question to the Lord is asked, and Mazda's lore (is written).
- vasô-xshathrô fracarâiti aoi ýãm astvaitîm gaêthãm, aya daênaya fraoreñta ahurô mazdå ashava frâ vohu manô frâ ashem vahishtem frâ xshathrem vairîm frâ speñta ârmaitish frâ haurvatâs frâ ameretatâs frâ âhûirish frashnô frâ âhûirish tkaêshô. (Ⅱ)
57. 25  
O Sraosha (Obedience), thou blessed one, and stately! protect us for the lives; yea, for both, (for that) of this world which is corporeal, and for the world of mind, against unhappy death, and the remorseless Wrath of rapine, against the hosts with ill-intent, who lift their bloody spears against us; yea, against their assaults whom the Wrath-demon will set on, and Vidhatu, demon-made.
- frâ adha vaêibya ahubya vaêibya nô ahubya nipayå âi sraosha ashya huraodha aheca anghêush ýô astvatô ýasca asti manahyô pairi drvatat mahrkât pairi drvatat aêshmât pairi drvatbyô haênaêibyô ýå us xrûrem drafshem gerewnãn aêshmahe parô draomêbyô ýå aêshmô duzhdå drâvayât mat vîdhâtaot daêvô-dâtât. (Ⅱ)
57. 26  
Therefore may'st thou, O Sraosha, the blessed and the stately! grant swiftness to our teams, soundness to our bodies, and abundant observation of our foes, and their smiting (as we mark them), and their sudden death. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- adha-nô-tûm sraosha ashya huraodha zâvare dayå hitaêibyô drvatâtem tanubyô pouru-spaxshtîm tbishyañtãm paiti-jaitîm dushmainyunãm hathrâ-nivâitîm hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 27  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, whom four racers draw in harness, white and shining, beautiful, and powerful, quick to learn, and fleet, obeying before speech, heeding orders from the mind, with their hoofs of horn gold-covered,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýim cathwârô aurvañtô aurusha raoxshna frâderesra speñta vîdhvånghô asaya mainivasanghô vazeñti, srvaêna aêshãm safånghô zaranya paiti-thwarshtånghô, (Ⅱ)
57. 28  
fleeter than (our) horses, swifter than the winds, more rapid than the rain(-drops as they fall); yea, fleeter than the clouds, or well-winged birds, or the we shot arrow as it flies,
- âsyangha aspaêibya âsyangha vâtaêibya âsyangha vâraêibya âsyangha maêkhaêibya âsyangha vayaêibya pataretaêibya âsyangha hvastayå ainghimanayå, (Ⅱ)
57. 29  
which overtake these swift ones all, as they fly after them pursuing, but which are never overtaken when they flee, which plunge away from both the weapons (hurled on this side and on that) and draw Sraosha with them, the good Sraosha and the blessed; which from both the weapons (those on this side and on that) bear the good Obedience the blessed, plunging forward in their zeal, when he takes his course from India on the East, and when he lights down in the West. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- ýôi vîspê tê apayeiñti ýã ave paskât vyeiñti nôit ave paskât âfeñte, ýôi vaêibya snaithîzhbya frâyatayeiñti vazemna ýim vohûm sraoshem ashîm ýatcit ushastaire hiñdvô âgeurvayeite ýatcit daoshataire nikhne. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 30  
We worship Obedience the blessed and the stately, who though lofty and so high, yea, even to the girdle, yet stoops to Mazda's creatures,
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide ýô berezô berezyâstô mazdå dâmãn nishanghasti (Ⅱ)
57. 31  
who thrice within the day, and three times of a night, will drive on to that Karshvar Hvaniratha, called the luminous, as he holds in both the hands and poizes his knife-like battle-ax, which flies as of itself, and to cleave the Daevas' skulls,
- ýô âthritîm hamahe ayãn hamayå vâ xshapô imat karshvare avazâite ýat hvanirathem bâmîm snaithish zastaya drazhimnô brôithrô-taêzhem hvâ-vaêkhem kameredhe paiti daêvanãm (Ⅱ)
57. 32  
to hew down Angra Mainyu, the wicked, and to hew down Rapine of the bloody spear, to hew down the Daevas of Mazendran, and every Demon-god. For his splendor and his glory, for his might....
- snathâi angrahe manyêush drvatô snathâi aêshmahe xrvîm-draosh snathâi mâzainyanãm daêvanãm snathâi vîspanãm daêvanãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
57. 33  
We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed and the stately, him who smites with victory, both here and not here, and on this entire earth. And we worship all the (gifts) of Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, the mighty, and the strong, whose body is the Mathra. Yea, we worship (all the martial gifts) of Sraosha (Obedience) the mighty, both armed with shielding armor, and a warrior strong of hand, skull-cleaver of the Daevas, conquering the endowments of the conqueror, the holy conqueror of the conqueror, and (his) victorious powers, and he Ascendancy which it bestows, and we worship this Ascendancy of Sraosha's (the same which conquers theirs); and that of Arshti do we praise as well.
- sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem ... ýazamaide idhatca ainidhatca idhatca vîspãmca aipi imãm zãm vîspå sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe taxmahe hãm-vareitivatô bâzush-aojanghô rathaêshtå kameredhô-janô daêvanãm vanatô vanaitîsh vanaitivatô ashaonô vanatô vanaitîsh vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem ýazamaide ýãmca sraoshahe ashyehe ýãmca arshtôish ýazatahe.

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