Chapters 54-72
> Chapters 54-72  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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58. 1  
(Introduction.) (To the increase of our homage and praise of God) we offer this service which, as our defense, may shield us, which is worship with its beneficent results; and Blessedness is with it of a verity, and Piety as well. [ (Pazand) and of this worship the results here mentioned are the well-thought thought, the word well spoken, and the deed well done]; and let this our worship shelter us from the Daeva and from the evil-minded man.
- tat sôidhish tat verethrem dademaidê hyat nemê hucithrem ashish-hâget ârmaitish-hâget ýenghê nemanghô cithrem humatemcâ hûxtemcâ hvarshtemcâ. (Ⅱ)
58. 2  
And to this worship do we confide our settlements and persons for protection and care, for guarding, and for oversight;
- tat nê nemê nipâtû pairî daêvâatcâ tbaêshanghat mashyâatcâ, ahmâi nemanghê âvaêdayamaidê gaêthåscâ tanvascâ nipâtayaêcâ nishangharetayaêcâ harethrâicâ aiwyâxshtrâicâ. (Ⅱ)
58. 3  
and in this worship will we abide, O Ahura Mazda! and with joy. In this worship do we exercise our choices; and to it will we approach, and to it will we belong; yea, to revering worship will we confide our settlements and persons for protection, and for care, for guarding, and for oversight, to such worship as is the praise of such as You.
- nemahî shyâmâ ahuramazdâ nemahî usêmahî nemanghê vîsâmaidê nemanghê âvaêdayamaidê gaêthåscâ tanvascâ nipâtayaêcâ nishangharetayaêcâ harethrâicâ aiwyâxshtrâicâ nemanghô â ýathâ nemê xshmâvatô. (Ⅱ)
58. 4  
The owner of herds is the righteous (one), and he is victorious when he strikes, and thus he is the best; [(Pazand) we therefore offer (this) service (for herd-owners)] for the herd-owner is the father of the Kine by the help of him who follows the ritual order: and he is the father of the holy man as well, and of the sanctified creation. He is in verity the bestower of blessings, and to him, O Ye Bountiful Immortals! we render, (and his do we make) Your greatness, Your goodness, and Your (spiritual) beauty, and let this man, the cattle-owner, approach to guard over us; and may he be our watchman together with the Righteous Order, and with store for our nourishment and full generous liberality, together with sharing of the goods, with gentleness, and with Ahura Mazda's sacred Fire!
- fshûmå astî ashavâ verethrajâ vahishtô fshûshê carekeremahî, hê-ptâ gêushcâ ashanghâcâ ashaonascâ ashâvairyåscâ stôish haithyô vanghudå ýenghê vê masânascâ vanghânascâ srayanascâ carekeremahî, hêcâ-nâ fshûmå nishangharatû hê aiwyâxshayatû hadâ ashâcâ vâstrâcâ frârâticâ vîdîshayâcâ ainiticâ âthrâcâ ahurahê mazdå. (Ⅱ)
58. 5  
O Ye Bountiful Immortals! as Ye have made us, so do Ye save us, holy men, and saintly women (as we are, and steadfast in the faith)l. Save us, O Ye Bountiful Immortals! Ye who rule aright, and who dispose (of all) aright, for none other do I know, save You; then with Your Righteousness do Ye save us.
- ýathâ-nê dâtâ ameshâ speñtâ athâ-nå thrâzdûm, thrâzdûm nê vanghavô thrâzdûm nê vanguhîsh thrâzdûm nê ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô, naêcîm têm anyêm ýûshmat vaêdâ ashâ athâ-nå thrâzdûm. (Ⅱ)
58. 6  
And we offer hereby our thoughts, and words, and actions, our herds, and men, to the Bountiful Spirit. And may the creative stars of Ahura Mazda, the Creator, shine down on us, and round about us with full herds and healthy settlements, with healthy herds and healthy men, and with all in vigor, and endowed with the blessing of the Lord.
- pairî manå pairî vacå pairî shyaothanâ pairî pasûsh pairî vîrêñg speñtâi manyavê dademahî, haurvafshavô drvô-gaêthâ drvafshavô drvô-vîrâ drvâ haurvâ ashivañtô dathushô dadushô dadûzhbîsh raocêbîsh hãm-vaênôimaidî ýâish ahurahê mazdå. (Ⅱ)
58. 7  
Praise to Thee, O Fire of Ahura Mazda I may'st thou come to (us in) the greatest one of the engrossing interests for the help of the great (effort), for the joy-producing grace of the great (interest of our cause); grant us both Weal and Deathlessness!
- nemase-tôi âtarê ahurahê mazdå mazishtâi ýånghãm paitî-jamyå mazê avah'yâi mazê rafenôh'yâi dâidî haurvâtå ameretâtå! (Ⅱ)
58. 8  
We sacrifice to the entire collection of the Praises of the Yasna, with the careful structure of their language which has reached the most its object. And we offer (our homage) in our celebrations to Thy body, O Ahura Mazda! the most beautiful of forms, these stars, and to that one, the highest of the high [(Pazand) such as the sun was called]. Yea, we worship the Praises of the Yasna which were the production of the world of old.
- haurvãm hañdâitîm staotanãm ýesnyanãm ýazamaide apanôtemayâ paitî vacastashtâ, sraêshtãm at tôi kehrpêm kehrpãm âvaêdayamahî mazdâ ahurâ imâ raocå barezishtem barezimanãm avat ýât hvarê avâcî.
(9) staota ýesnya ýazamaide ýâ dâtâ anghêush paouruyehyâ!!

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