The action, the word, and the worship for which Thou, O Mazda, shalt bestow Immortality and Right, and Dominion of Welfare - through multitudes of these, O Ahura, we would that thou shouldst give them.
- ýâ shyaothanâ ýâ vacanghâ ýâ ýasnâ ameretatâtem ashemcâ taêibyô dånghâ mazdâ xshathremcâ haurvatâtô aêshãm tôi ahurâ êhmâ pourutemâish dastê. (Ⅱ)
And all the actions of the good spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP] and the holy man, whose soul follows the Right, do ye set with the thought (thereof) in thine outer court, O Mazda, when ye are adored with hymns of praise.
- atcâ î-tôi mananghâ mainyushcâ vanghush vîspâ dâtâ speñtah'yâcâ neresh shyaothanâ ýehyâ urvâ ashâ hacaitê pairigaêthê xshmâvatô vahmê mazdâ garôbîsh stûtãm. (Ⅱ)
To Thee and to Right [Asha] we will offer the sacrifice [myazda, i.e. offering] with due service [veneration], that in (Thy established) Dominion ye may bring all creatures to perfection through Good Thought. For the reward of the wise man is for ever secure, O Mazda, among you.
- at tôi myazdem ahurâ nemanghâ ashâicâ dâmâ gaêthå vîspå â-xshathrôi ýå vohû thraoshtâ mananghâ ârôi-zî hudånghô vîspâish mazdâ xshmâvasû savô. (Ⅱ)
Of Thy Fire, O Ahura, that is mighty through Right, promised and powerful, we desire that it may be for the faithful man with manifested delight, but for the enemy with visible torment, according to the pointings of the hand.
- at tôi âtrêm ahurâ aojônghvañtem ashâ usêmahî asîshtîm êmavañtem stôi rapañtê cithrâ-avanghem at mazdâ daibishyañtê zastâishtâish dereshtâ-aênanghem. (Ⅱ)
Have ye Dominion and power, O Mazda, Right and Good Thought, to do as I urge upon you, even to protect your poor man? We have renounced the robber-gangs, both demons and men.
- kat vê xshathrem kâ îshtîsh shyaothanâi mazdâ ýathâ vâ hahmî ashâ vohû mananghâ thrâyôidyâi drigûm ýûshmâkem parê-vå vîspâish parê vaoxemâ daêvâishcâ xrafstrâish mashyâishcâ. (Ⅱ)
If ye are truly thus, O Mazda, Right and Good Thought, then give me this token, even a total reversal of this life, that I may come before you again more joyfully with worship and praise.
- ýezî athâ stâ haithîm mazdâ ashâ vohû mananghâ at tat môi daxshtem dâtâ ahyâ anghêush vîspâ maêthâ ýathâ vå ýazemnascâ urvâidyå stavas ayenî paitî. (Ⅱ)
Can they be true to thee, O Mazda, who by their doctrines turn the known inheritances of Good Thought into misery and woe [usheuru?]. I know none other but you, O Right, so do ye protect us.
- kuthrâ tôi aredrâ mazdâ ýôi vanghêush vaêdenâ mananghô sêñghûsh raêxenå aspêñcît sâdrâcît caxrayô usheurû naêcîm têm anyêm ýûshmat vaêdâ ashâ athâ-nå thrâzdûm. (Ⅱ)
For by these actions they put us in fear, in which peril is for many — in that the stronger (puts in fear) (me) the weaker one — through hatred of thy commandment, O Mazda. They that will not have the Right in their thought, from them shall the Good Abode be far.
- tâish zî-nå shyaothanâish byeñtê ýaêshû as pairî pourubyô ithyejô hyat as aojyå nâidyånghem thwahyâ mazdâ ãstâ urvâtahyâ dà ýôi nôit ashem mainyañtâ aêibyô dûirê vohû as manô. (Ⅱ)
These men of evil action who spurn the holy Piety, precious to thy wise one, O Mazda, through their having no part in Good Thought, from them Right shrinks back far, as from us shrink the wild beasts of prey.
- ýôi speñtãm ârmaitîm thwahyâ mazdâ berexdhãm vîdushô dush-shyaothanâ avazazat vanghêush evistî mananghô aêibyô mash ashâ syazdat ýavat ahmat aurunâ xrafstrâ. (Ⅱ)
The man of understanding [or good will] has instructed (people) to cling to action of this Good Thought [Vohu Manah], and to the Holy Piety [Spenta Armaiti], creator, comrade of Right [Asha] — wise that he is, and to all hope, O Ahura, that are in thy Dominion, O Mazda.
- ahyâ vanghêush mananghô shyaothanâ vaocat gerebãm huxratush speñtãmcâ ârmaitîm dãmîm vîdvå hithãm ashahyâ tâcâ vîspâ ahurâ thwahmî mazdâ xshathrôi â vôyathrâ. (Ⅱ)
And both thy (gifts) shall be for sustenance, even nectar and ambrosia. Piety linked with Right shall advance the Dominion of Good Thought, its permanence and power. By these, O Mazda, dost thou bless the foes of thy foes.
- at tôi ubê haurvåscâ hvarethâi â ameretatåscâ vanghêush xshathrâ mananghô ashâ mat ârmaitish vaxsht utayûitî tevîshî tâish â mazdâ vîdvaêshãm thwôi ahî. (Ⅱ)
What is thine ordinance? What willst thou? What of praise or what of worship? Proclaim it, Mazda, that we may hear what ordinances Destiny will apportion. Teach us by Right the paths of Good Thought that are blessed to go in, -
- kat tôi râzarê kat vashî kat vâ stûtô kat vâ ýasnahyâ srûidyâi mazdâ frâvaocâ vâ vîdâyât ashîsh râshnãm sîshâ-nå ashâ pathô vanghêush hvaêtêñg mananghô. (Ⅱ)
Even that way of Good Thought, O Ahura, of which thou didst speak to me, whereon, a way well made by Right, the Daena of the future benefactors shall pass to the reward that was prepared for the wise, of which thou art determinant, O Mazda.
- têm advânem ahurâ ýêm môi mraosh vanghêush mananghô daênå saoshyañtãm ýâ hû-karetâ ashâcît urvâxshat hyat civishtâ hudâbyô mîzhdem mazdâ ýehyâ tû dathrem. (Ⅱ)
The precious reward, then, O Mazda, ye will give by the action of Good Thought to the bodily life of those who are in the community that tends the pregnant cow, (the promise of) your good doctrine, Ahura, that of the wisdom which exalts communities through Right.
- tat zî mazdâ vairîm astvaitê ushtânâi dâtâ vanghêush shyaothanâ mananghô ýôi zî gêush verezênê azyå xshmâkãm hucistîm ahurâ xratêush ashâ frâdô verezênâ. (Ⅱ)
O Mazda, make known to me the best teachings and actions, these O Good Thought and O Right the due of praise. Through your Dominion, O Ahura, assure us that mankind shall be capable according to (Thy) will.
- mazdâ at môi vahishtâ sravåscâ shyaothanâcâ vaocâ tâ-tû vohû mananghâ ashâcâ ishudem stûtô xshmâkâ xshathrâ ahurâ ferashêm vasnâ haithyêm då ahûm (4)! (16) (zôt u râspî,) ahyâ ýâsâ ... gêushcâ urvânem (2). ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4). ashem vohû ... (3). ýâ-shyaothanãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ahunavaitîm gâthãm ashaonîm ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, dà ahunavaityå gâthayå hañdâtâ ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!! (Ⅱ)