hâvanîm â ratûm â haomô upâit zarathushtrem âtrem pairi-ýaozhdatheñtem gâthåsca srâvayañtem, â-dim peresat zarathushtrô, kô nare ahî ýim azem vîspahe anghêush astvatô sraêshtem dâdaresa hvahe gayehe hvanvatô ameshahe.
- At the hour of Havani, Haoma came to Zarathushtra, as he served the (sacred) Fire, and sanctified (its flame), while he sang aloud the Gathas. And Zarathushtra asked him: Who art thou, O honorable one1! who art of all the incarnate world the most beautiful in Thine own body of those whom I have, seen, (thou) glorious [immortal]? (Ⅱ)
âat mê aêm paityaoxta haomô ashava dûraoshô, azem ahmi zarathushtra haomô ashava dûraoshô, â-mãm ýâsanguha spitama frâ-mãm hunvanguha hvaretêe aoi mãm staomaine stûidhi ýatha mâ aparacit saoshyañtô stavãn.
- Thereupon gave Haoma answer, the holy one who driveth death afar: I am, O Zarathushtra Haoma, the holy and driving death afar; pray to me, O Spitama, prepare me for the taste. Praise me so that also the other Saoshyants [benefactors] may praise me2. (Ⅱ)
âat aoxta zarathushtrô, nemô haomâi (zôt,) kase-thwãm paoiryô haoma mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, kâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi cit ahmâi jasat âyaptem.
- Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Unto Haoma be the praise. What man, O Haoma! first prepared thee for the corporeal world? What award3 was offered him? what gain did he acquire? (Ⅱ)
âat mê aêm paityaoxta haomô ashava dûraoshô, vîvanghå mãm paoiryô mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, hâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi tat ahmâi jasat âyaptem ýat hê puthrô us-zayata ýô ýimô xshaêtô hvãthwô hvarenanguhastemô zâtanãm hvare-daresô mashyânãm, ýat kerenaot ainghe xshathrâdha amarsheñta pasu vîra anghaoshemne âpa urvaire hvairyãn hvarethem ajayamnem.
- Thereupon did Haoma answer me, he the holy one, and driving death afar: Vivanghvant was the first of men who prepared me for the incarnate world. This award4 was offered him; this gain did he acquire, that to him was born a son who was Yima, called the brilliant, (he of the many flocks, the most glorious of those yet born, the sunlike-one of men), that he made from his authority both herds and people free from dying, both plants and waters free from drought, and men could eat inexhaustible5 food. (Ⅱ)
ýimahe xshathre aurvahe nôit aotem ångha nôit garemem nôit zaurva ångha nôit merethyush nôit araskô daêvô-dâtô, pañca-dasa fracarôithe pita puthrasca raodhaêshva katarascit ýavata xshayôit hvãthwô ýimô vîvanguhatô puthrô.
- In the reign of brave6 Yima was there neither cold nor heat, there was neither age nor death, nor envy demon-made. Like teenagers7 walked the two forth, son and father, in their stature and their form, so long as Yima, son of Vivanghvant ruled, he of the many herds! (Ⅱ)
kase-thwãm bityô haoma mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, kâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi cit ahmâi jasat âyaptem.
- Who was the second man, O Haoma! who prepared thee for the corporeal world? What award8 was offered him? what gain did he acquire? (Ⅱ)
âat mê aêm paityaoxta haomô ashava dûraoshô, âthwyô mãm bityô mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, hâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi tat ahmâi jasat âyaptem ýat hê puthrô us-zayata vîsô sûrayå thraêtaonô,
- Thereupon gave Haoma answer, he the holy one, and driving death afar: Athwya was the second who prepared-me for the corporeal world. This award9 was given him, this gain did he acquire, that to him a son was born, Thraetaona of the mighty clan10, (Ⅱ)
ýô janat azhîm dahâkem thrizafanem thrikameredhem xshvash-ashîm hazangrâ-ýaoxshtîm ashaojanghem daêvîm drujem akhem gaêthâvyô drvañtem ýãm ashaojastemãm drujem fraca kereñtat angrô mainyush aoi ýãm astvaitîm gaêthãm mahrkâi ashahe gaêthanãm.
- Who smote Azhi Dahaka11, three-jawed and triple-headed, six-eyed, with thousand perceptions12, and of mighty strength, a lie-demon [druj] of the Daevas, evil for our settlements, and wicked, whom the evil spirit Angra Mainyu made as the most mighty Druj [against the corporeal world], and for the murder of (our) settlements, and to slay the (homes) of Asha! (Ⅱ)
kase-thwãm thrityô haoma mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, kâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi cit ahmâi jasat âyaptem.
- Who was the third man, O Haoma! who prepared thee for the corporeal world? What award13 was given him? what gain did he acquire? (Ⅱ)
âat mê aêm paityaoxta haomô ashava dûraoshô, thritô sâmanãm sevishtô thrityô mãm mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, hâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi tat ahmâi jasat âyaptem ýat hê puthra us-zayôithe urvâxshayô keresâspasca, tkaêshô anyô dâtô-râzô âat anyô uparô-kairyô ýava gaêsush gadhavarô,
- Thereupon gave Haoma answer, the holy one, and driving death afar: Thrita, [the most helpful of the Samids], was the third man who prepared me for the corporeal world. This award was given him, this gain did he acquire, that to him two son were born, Urvakhshaya and Keresaspa, the one a judge confirming order, the other a youth of great ascendant, curly-haired14, bludgeon-bearing. (Ⅱ)
ýô janat azhîm srvarem ýim aspô-garem nere-garem ýim vîshavañtem zairitem ýim upairi vîsh araodhat ârshtyô-bareza zairitem, ýim upairi keresâspô ayangha pitûm pacata â rapithwinem zrvânem, tafsatca hô mairyô hvîsatca, frãsh ayanghô frasparat ýaeshyañtîm âpem parånghât, parãsh tarshtô apatacat naire-manå keresâspô.
- He who smote the horny dragon swallowing men, and swallowing horses, poisonous, and green of color over which, as thick as thumbs are, greenish poison flowed aside, on whose back once Keresaspa cooked his meat in iron caldron at the noonday meal; and the deadly, scorched, upstarted, and springing off, dashed out the water as it boiled. Headlong fled affrighted manly-minded Keresaspa. (Ⅱ)
kase-thwãm tûiryô haoma mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, kâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi cit ahmâi jasat âyaptem.
- Who was the fourth man who prepared thee, O Haoma! for the corporeal world? What blessedness was given him? what gain did he acquire? (Ⅱ)
âat mê aêm paityaoxta haomô ashava dûraoshô, pourushaspô mãm tûiryô mashyô astvaithyâi hunûta gaêthyâi, hâ ahmâi ashish erenâvi tat ahmâi jasat âyaptem ýat hê tûm us-zayangha tûm erezvô zarathushtra nmânahe pourushaspahe vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô.
- Thereupon gave Haoma answer, he the holy, and driving death afar: Pourushaspa was the fourth man who prepared me for the corporeal world. This blessedness was given him, this gain did he acquire, that thou, O Zarathushtra! wast born to him, the just, in Pourushaspa's house, the Daeva's foe, the friend of Mazda's lore, (Ⅱ)
srûtô airyene vaêjahe tûm paoiryô zarathushtra ahunem vairîm frasrâvayô vîberethwañtem âxtûirîm aparem xraozhdyehya frasrûiti.
- famed in Airyana Vaejah; and thou, O Zarathushtra! didst recite the first the Ahuna-vairya, four times intoning it, and with verses kept apart [(Pazand) each time with louder and still louder voice]. (Ⅱ)
tûm zemargûrô âkerenavô vîspe daêva zarathushtra ýôi para ahmât vîrô-raodha apatayen paiti âya-zemâ, ýô aojishtô ýô tañcishtô ýô thwaxshishtô ýô âsishtô ýô as verethrajãstemô abavat mainivå dâmãn!
- And thou didst cause, O Zarathushtra! all the demon-gods to vanish in the ground who aforetime flew about this earth in human shape (and power. This hast thou done), thou who hast been the strongest, and the staunchest, the most active, and the swiftest, and (in every deed) the most victorious in the two spirits' world. (Ⅱ)
âat aoxta zarathushtrô, nemô haomâi vanghush haomô hudhâtô haomô arshdâtô vanghush dâtô baêshazyô hukerefsh hvaresh verethrajå zairi-gaonô nãmyãsush ýatha hvareñte vahishtô urunaêca pâthmainyôtemô.
- Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Praise to Haoma. Good is Haoma, and the well-endowed, exact and righteous in its nature, and good inherently, and healing, beautiful of form, and good in deed, and most successful in its working, golden-hued, with bending sprouts. As it is the best for drinking, so (through its sacred stimulus) is it the most nutritious for the soul. (Ⅱ)
nî-tê zâire madhem mruyê nî amem nî verethrakhnem nî dasvare nî baêshazem nî fradathem nî varedathem nî aojô vîspô-tanûm nî mastîm vîspô-paêsanghem, nî tat ýatha gaêthâhva vasô-xshathrô fracarâne tbaêshô taurvå drujem vanô,
- I make my claim on thee, O yellow one! for inspiration. I make my claim on thee for strength; I make my claim on thee for victory; I make my claim on thee for health and healing (when healing is my need); I make my claim on thee for progress and increased prosperity, and vigor of the entire frame, and for understanding, of each adorning kind, and for this, that I may have free course among our settlements, having power where I will, overwhelming angry malice, and a conqueror of lies. (Ⅱ)
nî tat ýatha taurvayeni vîspanãm tbishvatãm tbaêshå daêvanãm mashyânãmca ýâthwãm pairikanãmca sâthrãm kaoyãm karafnãmca mairyanãmca bizañgranãm ashemaokhanãmca bizañgranãm vehrkanãmca cathware-zañgranãm haênyåsca perethu-ainikayå davãithyå patãithyå!
- Yea, I make my claim on thee that I may overwhelm the angry hate of haters, of the Daevas and of mortals, of the sorcerers and sirens, of the tyrants, and the Kavis, of the Karpans, murderous bipeds, of the sanctity-destroyers, the profane apostate bipeds, of the wolves four-footed monsters, of the invading host, wide-fronted, which with stratagems advance. (Ⅱ)
imem thwãm paoirîm ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha, vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem, imem thwãm bitîm ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha, drvatâtem ainghåse-tanvô, imem thwãm thritîm ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha, darekhô-jîtîm ushtânahe.
- This first blessing I beseech of thee, O Haoma, thou that drivest death afar! I beseech of thee for (heaven), the best life of the saints, the radiant, all-glorious. This second blessing I beseech of thee, O Haoma, thou that drivest death afar! this body's health (before that blest life is attained). This third blessing I beseech of thee, O Haoma, thou that drivest death afar! the long vitality of life. (Ⅱ)
imem thwãm tûirîm ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha ýatha aêshô amavå thrãfedhô fraxshtâne zemâ paiti tbaêshô taurvå drujem vanô, imem thwãm puxdhem ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha, ýatha verethrajå vanat-peshanô fraxshtâne zemâ paiti tbaêshô taurvå drujem vanô.
- This fourth blessing I beseech of thee, O Haoma, thou that drivest death afar! that I may stand forth on this earth with desires gained, and powerful, receiving satisfaction, overwhelming the assaults of hate, and conquering the lie. This fifth blessing, O Haoma, I beseech of thee, thou that drivest death afar! that I may stand victorious on earth, conquering in battles, overwhelming the assaults of hate, and conquering the lie. (Ⅱ)
imem thwãm xshtûm ýânem haoma jaidhyemi dûraosha, paurva tâyûm paurva gadhem paurva vehrkem bûidhyôimaidhe, mâ-cish paurvô bûidhyaêta nô vîspe paurva bûidhyôimaidhe!
- This sixth blessing I ask of thee, O Haoma, thou that drivest death afar! that we may get good warning of the thief, good warning of the murderer, see first the bludgeon-bearer, get first sight of the wolf. May no one whichsoever get first the sight of us. In the strife with each may we be they who get the first alarm! (Ⅱ)
haomô aêibish ýôi aurvañtô hita taxsheñti arenâum zâvare aojåsca baxshaiti, haomô âzîzanâitibish dadhâiti xshaêtô-puthrîm uta ashava-frazaiñtîm, haomô taêcit ýôi katayô naskô-frasånghô ångheñte spânô mastîmca baxshaiti.
- Haoma grants to racers who would run a course with span both speed and bottom (in their horses). Haoma grants to women come to bed with child a brilliant offspring and a righteous line. Haoma grants to those (how many!) who have long sat searching books, more knowledge and more wisdom. (Ⅱ)
haomô tåscit ýå kainînô ånghaire darekhem akhrvô haithîm râdhemca baxshaiti moshu jaidhyamnô huxratush.
- Haoma grants to those long maidens, who sit at home unwed, good husbands, and that as soon as asked, he Haoma, the well-minded. (Ⅱ)
haomô temcit ýim keresânîm apa-xshathrem nishâdhayat ýô raosta xshathrô-kâmya ýô davata, nôit mê apãm âthrava aiwishtish vereidhyê dainghava carât, hô vîspe vereidhinãm vanât nî vîspe vereidhinãm janât!
- Haoma lowered Keresani, dethroned him from his throne, for he grew so fond of power, that he treacherously said: No priest behind (and watching) shall walk the lands for me, as a counselor to prosper them, he would rob everything of progress, he would crush the growth of all! (Ⅱ)
ushta-tê ýô hvâ aojangha vasô-xshathrô ahi haoma, ushta-tê apivatahe pourvacãm erezhuxdhanãm, ushta-tê nôit pairi-frâsa erezhuxdhem peresahe vâcim.
- Hail to thee, O Haoma, who hast power as thou wilt, and by thine inborn strength! Hail to thee, thou art well-versed in many sayings, and true and holy words. Hail to thee for thou dost ask no wily questions, but questionest direct. (Ⅱ)
frâ-tê mazdå barat paurvanîm aiwyånghanem stehrpaêsanghem mainyutâshtem vanguhîm daênãm mâzdayasnîm, âat ainghe ahi aiwyâstô barshnush paiti gairinãm drâjanghe aiwidhâitîshca gravasca mãthrahe!
- Forth hath Mazda borne to thee, the star-bespangled girdle, the spirit-made, the ancient one, the Mazdayasnian Faith. So with this thou art begirt on the summits of the mountains, for the spreading of the precepts, and the headings of the Mathra, (and to help the Mathra's teacher), (Ⅱ)
haoma nmânô-paite vîspaite zañtupaite dainghupaite spanangha vaêdhyâ paite, amâica thwâ verethrakhnâica mâvôya upa-mruyê tanuyê thrimâica ýat pouru-baoxshnahe.
- O Haoma, thou house-lord, and thou clan-lord, thou tribe-lord, and chieftain of the land, and thou successful learned teacher, for aggressive strength I speak to thee, for that which smites with victory, and for my body's saving, and for manifold delight! (Ⅱ)
vî-nô tbishvatãm tbaêshêbîsh vî manô bara grameñtãm, ýô cishca ahmi nmâne ýô ainghe vîsi ýô ahmi zañtvô ýô ainghe dainghvô aênanghå asti mashyô geurvaya-hê pâdhave zâvare pairi-shê ushi verenûidhi skeñdem shê manô kerenûidhi.
- Bear off from us the torment and the malice of the hateful. Divert the angry foe's intent! What man soever in this house is violent and wicked, what man soever in this village, or this tribe, or province, seize thou away the fleetness from his feet; throw thou a veil of darkness o'er his mind; make thou his intellect (at once) a wreck! (Ⅱ)
mâ zbarathaêibya fratuyå mâ gavaêibya aiwi-tûtuyå mâ zãm vaênôit ashibya mâ gãm vaênôit ashibya ýô aênanghaiti nô manô ýô aênanghaiti nô kehrpem!
- Let not the man who harms us, mind or body, have power to go forth on both his legs, or hold with both his hands, or see with both his eyes, not the land (beneath his feet), or the herd before his face. (Ⅱ)
paiti azhôish zairitahe simahe vîshô-vaêpahe kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi, paiti gadhahe vîvarezdavatô xrvîshyatô zazarânô kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi.
- At the aroused and fearful Dragon, green, and belching forth his poison, for the righteous saint that perishes, yellow Haoma, hurl thy mace! At the (murderous) bludgeon-bearer, committing deeds unheard of, blood-thirsty, (drunk) with fury, yellow Haoma, hurl thy mace! (Ⅱ)
paiti mashyehe drvatô sâstarsh aiwi-vôizhdayañtahe kameredhem kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi, paiti ashemaokhahe anashaonô ahûm-mereñcô ainghå daênayå mãs vaca dathânahe nôit shyaothnâish apayañtahe kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi.
- Against the wicked human tyrant, hurling weapons at the head, for the righteous saint that perishes, yellow Haoma, hurl thy mace! Against the righteousness-disturber, the unholy life-destroyer, thoughts and words of our religion well-delivering, yet in actions never reaching, for the righteous saint that perishes, yellow Haoma, hurl thy mace! (Ⅱ)
paiti jahikayâi ýâtumaityâi maodhanô- kairyâi upashtâ-bairyâi ýenghe frafravaiti manô ýatha awrem vâtô-shûtem kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi, ýat hê kehrpem nâshemnâi ashaone haoma zâire vadare jaidhi!!
- Against the body of the harlot, with her magic minds o'erthrowing with (intoxicating) pleasures, to the lusts her person offering, whose mind as vapor wavers as it flies before the wind, for the righteous saint that perishes, yellow Haoma, hurl thy mace! (Ⅱ)