May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Hawan], the holy and master of holiness. Unto the awful, overpowering Fravashis of the faithful; unto the Fravashis of the men of the primitive law1; unto the Fravashis of the next-of-kin, Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
- (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât. adrâ fravash bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, (Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.) ashaonãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm paoiryô-tkaêshanãm fravashinãm nabânazdishtanãm fravashinãm xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! [1] (Ⅱ)
Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: 'Do thou proclaim, O pure Zarathushtra! the vigour and strength, the glory, the help and the joy that are in the Fravashis of the faithful, the awful and overpowering Fravashis; do thou tell how they come to help me, how they bring assistance unto me, the awful Fravashis of the faithful2.
- mraot ahurô mazdå spitamâi zarathushtrâi, aêva-tê zâvare aojasca hvarenô avasca rafnasca framrava erezvô spitama ýat ashaonãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm ýatha-mê jasen avanghe ýatha-mê baren upastãm ukhrå ashaonãm fravashayô. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory, O Zarathushtra! I maintain that sky, there above, shining and seen afar, and encompassing this earth all around.
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca vîdhâraêm zarathushtra aom asmanem ýô usca raoxshnô frâderesrô ýô imãm zãm âca pairica bvâva mãnayen ahe ýatha vîsh aêm ýô hishtaite manyu-stâtô handraxtô dûraêkaranô ayanghô kehrpa hvaênahe raocahinô aoi thrishva, (Ⅱ)
'It looks like a palace, that stands built of a [181] heavenly substance3, firmly established, with ends that lie afar, shining in its body of ruby over the three-thirds (of the earth)4; it is like a garment inlaid with stars, made of a heavenly substance, that Mazda puts on, along with Mithra and Rashnu and Spenta-Armaiti, and on no side can the eye perceive the end of it.
- ýim mazdå vaste vanghanem stehrpaêsanghem mainyu-tâshtem hacimnô mithrô rashnuca ârmaitica speñtaya ýahmâi nôit cahmâi naêmanãm karana pairi-vaênôithe. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory, O Zarathushtra! I maintain Ardvi Sura Anahita, the wide-expanding and health-giving, who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura, who is worthy of sacrifice in the material world, worthy of prayer in the material world; the life-increasing and holy, the flocks-increasing and holy, the fold-increasing and holy, the wealth increasing and holy, the country increasing and holy5;
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca vîdhâraêm zarathushtra aredvîm sûrãm anâhitãm perethû-frâkãm baêshazyãm vîdaêvãm ahurô-tkaêshãm ýesnyãm anguhe astvaite vahmyãm anguhe astvaite âdhû-frâdhanãm ashaonîm vãthwô-frâdhanãm ashaonîm gaêthô-frâdhanãm ashaonîm shaêtô-frâdhanãm ashaonîm dainghu-frâdhanãm ashaonîm, (Ⅱ)
'Who makes the seed of all males pure, who makes the womb of all females pure for bringing forth, who makes all females bring forth in safety, who puts milk in the breasts of all females in the right measure and the right quality;
- ýâ vîspanãm arshnãm xshudrå ýaozhdadhâiti ýâ vîspanãm hâirishinãm zãthâi garewã ýaozhdadhâiti ýâ vîspå hâirishîsh huzâmitô dadhâiti ýâ vîspanãm hâirishinãm dâitîm rathwîm paêma ava-baraiti, (Ⅱ)
'The large river, known afar, that is as large as the whole of all the waters that run along the earth; that runs powerfully from the height Hukairya down to the sea Vouru-kasha.
- masitãm dûrât frasrûtãm ýâ asti avavaiti masô ýatha vîspå imå âpô ýå zemâ paiti frataciñti ýâ amavaiti fratacaiti hukairyât haca barezanghat aoi zrayô vouru-kashem. (Ⅱ)
'All the shores of the sea Vouru-kasha are boiling over, all the middle of it is boiling over, [182] when she runs down there, when she streams down there, she, Ardvi Sura Anahita, who has a thousand cells and a thousand channels; the extent of each of those cells, of each of those channels, is as much as a man can ride in forty days, riding on a good horse.
- ýaozeñti vîspe karanô zrayâ vouru-kashaya â vîspô maidhyô ýaozaiti ýat hîsh aoi fratacaiti ýat hîsh aoi frazhgaraiti aredvî sûra anâhita, ýenghe hazangrem vairyanãm hazangrem apakhzhâranãm, kascitca aêshãm vairyanãm kascitca aêshãm apakhzhâranãm cathware-satem ayare-baranãm hvaspâi naire baremnâi. (Ⅱ)
'From this river of mine alone flow all the waters that spread all over the seven keshwars; this river of mine alone goes on bringing waters, both in summer and in winter. This river of mine purifies the seed in males, the womb in females, the milk in females' breasts7.
- ainghåsca mê aêvanghå âpô apakhzhârô vîjasâiti vîspâish aoi karshvãn ýâish hapta, ainghåsca mê aêvanghå âpô hamatha ava-baraiti hãminemca zayanemca, hâ-mê âpô ýaozhdadhâiti hâ arshnãm xshudrå hâ xshathrinãm garewã hâ xshathrinãm paêma. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory, O Zarathushtra! I maintain the wide earth made by Ahura, the large and broad earth, that bears so much that is fine, that bears all the bodily world, the live and the dead, and the high mountains, rich in pastures and waters;
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca vîdhâraêm zarathushtra zãm perethwîm ahuradhâtãm ýãm masîmca pathanãmca ýâ barethri paraosh srîrahe ýâ vîspem ahûm astvañtem baraiti jumca iristemca garayasca ýôi berezañtô pouru-vâstrånghô âfeñtô, (Ⅱ)
'Upon which run the many streams and rivers; upon which the many kinds of plants grow up from the ground, to nourish animals and men, to nourish the Aryan nations, to nourish the five kinds of animals, and to help the faithful.
- ýenghå paiti thraotô-stâcô âpô taciñti nâvayå, ýenghå paiti pouru-saredhå zemâdha uzuxshyeiñti urvarå thrâthrâi pasvå vîrayå thrâthrâi airyanãm dah'yunãm thrâthrâi gêush pañcô-hyayå avainghe narãm ashaonãm. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory, O Zarathushtra! I maintain in the womb the child that has been conceived, so that it does not die from the assaults of Vidotu, and I develop in it the bones, the hair, the ..., the entrails, the feet, and the sexual organs.
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca vîdhâraêm zarathushtra azem barethrishva puthrê paiti-veretê apara-irithiñtô âdâtât vîdhâtaot vyâhva urvat-caêm astica gaonaca drewdaca uruthwãsca paidhyåsca fravâxshasca. (Ⅱ)
'Had not the awful Fravashis of the faithful given help unto me, those animals and men of mine, of which there are such excellent kinds, would not subsist; strength would belong to the Druj, the dominion would belong to the Druj, the material world would belong to the Druj.
- ýeidhi-zî-mê nôit daidhît upastãm ukhrå ashâunãm fravashayô nôit mê idha ånghâtem pasvîra ýâ-stô saredhanãm vahishta, drujô aogare drujô xshathrem drujô astvå anghush ånghât. (Ⅱ)
'Between the earth and the sky the immaterial creatures would be harassed by the Druj; between the earth and the sky the immaterial creatures would be smitten by the Druj; and never afterwards would Angra-Mainyu give way to the blows of Spenta-Mainyu.
- nî añtare zãm asmanemca drujå manivå hazdyât nî añtare zãm asmanemca drujå manivå vaonyât, nôit pascaêta vanô vañtâi upa-dayât angrô mainyush speñtâi mainyave. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory the waters run and flow forward from the never-failing springs; through their brightness and glory the plants grow up from the earth, by the never-failing springs; through their brightness and glory the winds blow, driving down the clouds towards the never-failing springs.
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca âpô taciñti frâtat-caretô xå paiti afrajyamnå, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca zemâdha uzuxshyeiñti urvarå xå paiti afrajyamnå, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca vâtô våñti dunmô-frutô xå paiti afrajyamnå. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory the females conceive offspring; through their brightness and glory they bring forth in safety; it is through their brightness and glory when they become blessed with children.
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca hâirishîsh puthrê verenvaiñti, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca huzâmitô zîzaneñti, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca ýat bavaiñti hacat-puthrå. (Ⅱ)
'Through their brightness and glory a man is born who is a chief in assemblies and meetings, who listens well to the (holy) words, whom Wisdom holds dear, and who returns a victor from discussions with Gaotema, the heretic. 'Through their brightness and glory the sun goes his way; through their brightness and glory the moon goes her way; through their brightness and glory the stars go their way.
- ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca us-nâ zayeiti vyâxanô vyâxmôhu gûshayat-uxdhô ýô bavaiti xratu-kâtô ýô nâidyånghô gaotemahe parô-ýå parshtôit avâiti, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca hvare ava patha aêiti, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca må ava patha aêiti, ånghãm raya hvarenanghaca stârô ava patha ýeiñti. (Ⅱ)
'In fearful battles they are the wisest for help, the Fravashis of the faithful. 'The most powerful amongst the Fravashis of the faithful, O Spitama! are those of the men of the primitive law or those of the Saoshyants not yet born, who are to restore the world. Of the others, the Fravashis of the living faithful are more powerful, O Zarathushtra! than those of the dead, O Spitama!
- tå ukhrâhu peshanâhu upastãm heñti dâhishtå ýå fravashayô ashaonãm, tå fravashayô ashaonãm aojishtå heñti spitama ýå paoiryanãm tkaêshanãm ýå vâ narãm azâtanãm frashô-carethrãm saoshyañtãm, âat anyaêshãm fravashayô jvanãm narãm ashaonãm aojyehîsh zarathushtra ýatha iristanãm spitama. (Ⅱ)
'And the man who in life shall treat the Fravashis of the faithful well, will become a ruler of the country with full power, and a chief most strong; so shall any man of you become, who shall treat Mithra well, the lord of wide pastures, and Arshtat, who makes the world grow, who makes the world increase.
- âat ýô-nâ-hîsh huberetå barât jva ashaonãm fravashayô sâsta dainghêush hamô-xshathrô hô anghâiti zazushtemô xshayô kascit mashyânãm ýô vohu-beretãm baraite mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm arshtâtemca frâdat-gaêthãm varedat- gaêthãm. (Ⅱ)
'Thus do I proclaim unto thee, O pure Spitama! the vigour and strength, the glory, the help, and the joy that are in the Fravashis of the faithful, the awful and overpowering Fravashis; and how they come to help me, how they bring assistance unto me, the awful Fravashis of the faithful.'
- itha-tê zâvare aojasca hvarenô avasca rafnasca framraomi erezvô spitama ýat ashaonãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm ýatha-mê jasen avainghe ýatha-mê baren upastãm ukhrå ashaonãm fravashayô! [2] (Ⅱ)
Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: 'If in this material world, O Spitama Zarathushtra! thou happenest to come upon frightful roads, full of dangers and fears, O Zarathushtra! and thou fearest for thyself, then do thou recite these words, then proclaim these fiend-smiting words, O Zarathushtra!
- mraot ahurô mazdå spitamâi zarathushtrâi, âat ýase-thwâ aêtahmi anghvô ýat astvaiñti spitama zarathushtra pathãm jasâiti vãthwaêsô bôiwranãm duzhitanãmca thwayanguhatãm zarathushtra ýezica thwaêshå tanvô atha imãm vacô dreñjayôish atha imãm vacô framruyå vârethrakhnîsh zarathushtra, (Ⅱ)
'"I praise, I invoke, I meditate upon, and we sacrifice unto the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful. We worship the Fravashis of the masters of the houses, those of the lords of the boroughs, those of the lords of the towns, those of the lords of the countries, those of the Zarathustrotemas; the Fravashis of those that are, the Fravashis of those that have been, the Fravashis of those that will be; all the Fravashis of all nations, and most friendly the Fravashis of the friendly nations;
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô staomi zbayemi ufyemi ýazamaide nmânyå vîsyå zañtumå dâh'yumå zarathushtrôtemå hâitish hâtãm hâitish ånghushãm hâitish bûshyañtãm ashaonãm vîspå vîspanãm dah'yunãm zevishtyå zevishtyanãm dah'yunãm. (Ⅱ)
'"Who maintain the sky, who maintain the waters, who maintain the earth, who maintain the cattle, who maintain in the womb the child that has been conceived, so that it does not die from the assaults of Vidotu, and develop in it the bones, the hair, the ...., the entrails, the feet, and the sexual organs;
- ýå asmanem vîdhârayen ýå âpem vîdhârayen ýå zãm vîdhârayen ýå gãm vîdhârayen ýå barethrishva puthrê vîdhârayen paiti-veretê apara-iritheñtô âdâtât vîdhâtaot vyâhva urvat-cayen astica gaonaca drewdaca uruthwãsca paidhyåsca fravâxshasca. (Ⅱ)
'"Who are much-bringing, who move with awfulness, well-moving, swiftly moving, quickly moving, who move when invoked; who are to be invoked in the conquest of good, who are to be invoked in fights against foes, who are to be invoked in battles;
- ýå ashberetô ýå ukhrâretô ýå hvâretô ýå vazâretô ýå taxmâretô ýå zaoyâretô ýå zaoyå vanghuthwaêshu ýå zaoyå verethrakhnyaêshu ýå zaoyå peshanâhu. (Ⅱ)
'"Who give victory to their invoker, who give boons to their lover, who give health to the sick man, who give good Glory to the faithful man that brings libations and invokes them with a sacrifice and words of propitiation,
- ýå dâthrîsh verethrem zbayeñte dâthrîsh âyaptem cakushe dâthrîsh bañtâi drvatâtem dâthrîsh ahmâi vohu hvarenô ýô hîsh ýazânô kuxshnvãnô zbayeiti barô-zaothrô ashava. (Ⅱ)
'"Who turn to that side where are faithful men, most devoted to holiness, and where is the greatest piety, where the faithful man is rejoiced, and where the faithful man is not ill-treated."'
- ýå avadha para fraoirisishtå ýathra narô ashavanô ashem heñti zrazdâtema ýathraca mazishtå frêretå ýathraca atbishtô ashava! [3] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who are the mightiest of drivers, the lightest of those driving forwards, the slowest of the retiring, the safest of all bridges, the least-erring of all weapons and arms, and who never turn their backs.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå aojishtå vazeñtãm reñjishtå fravazemnanãm afrakavastemå apa-srayamnanãm anvarshtavastemå frasciñbananãm apairi-vavastemå snaithishãmca varethanãmca ýå afraourvisvat kerenavaiñti îrem ýahmya jaseñti. (Ⅱ)
At once, wherever they come, we worship them, the good ones, the excellent ones, the good, the strong, the beneficent Fravashis of the faithful. They are to be invoked when the bundles of baresma are tied; they are to be invoked in fights against foes, in battles, and there where gallant men strive to conquer foes.
- tå vanguhîsh tå vahishtå ýazamaide ýå ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô, tå zî staretaêshu baresmôhu zaoyå tå verethrakhnyaêshu tå peshanâhu tå idha ýat narô taxma pereteñte verethrakhnyaêshu. (Ⅱ)
Mazda invoked them for help, when he fixed the sky and the waters and the earth and the plants; when Spenta-Mainyu fixed the sky, when he fixed the waters, when the earth, when the cattle, when the plants, when the child conceived in the womb, so that it should not die from the assaults of Vidotu, and developed in it the bones, the hair, the ...., the entrails, the feet, and the sexual organs.
- tå mazdå zbayat avanghe avangheca ashnô vîdidhâra apasca zemasca urvarayåsca ýat speñtô mainyush vîdhârayat asmanem ýat âpem ýat zãm ýat gãm ýat urvarãm ýat barethrishva puthrê vîdhârayat paiti-veretê apara-iritheñtô âdâtât vîdhâtaot vyâhva urvat-cayat astica gaonaca drewdaca uruthwãsca paidhyåsca fravâxshasca. (Ⅱ)
Spenta-Mainyu maintained the sky, and they sustained it from below, they, the strong Fravashis, who sit in silence, gazing with sharp looks; whose eyes and ears are powerful, who bring long joy, high and high-girded; well-moving and moving afar, loud-snorting, possessing riches and a high renown.
- vîdhârayat speñtô mainyush ýå amavaitîsh tushnishâdhô hudôithrîsh verezi-cashmanô sraoithrîsh darekhô-rãrômanô ýå berezaitîsh berezyâstå ýå huyaonå perethu-ýaonå ravô-fraothmanô dasathavaitîsh frasrûtå upa-dârayen asmanem! [4] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful; whose friendship is good, and who know how to benefit; whose friendship lasts long; who like to stay in the abode where they are not harmed by its dwellers; who are good, beautiful afar, health-giving, of high renown, conquering in battle, and who never do harm first.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide hushhaxmanô hvarezânå darekhaêibyô haxedhraêibyô upa-shitêe vahishtå anâzaretå aêibyô nerebyô vanguhîsh ýôi vô vanguhîsh gufrå dûraêsûkå baêshazyå frasrûtå vanat-peshanå nôit paurvå âzârayeñte! [5] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful; whose will is dreadful unto those who vex them; powerfully working and most beneficent; who in battle break the dread arms of their foes and haters.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ukhra-zaoshå tbishyañbyô upairi-kairyå sevishtå ýå upairi hamarenâdha aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm ukhrå bâzûsh scañdayeiñti! [6] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful; liberal, valiant, and full of strength, not to be seized by thought, welfare-giving, kind, and health-giving, following with Ashi's remedies, as far as the earth extends, as the rivers stretch, as the sun rises.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide aredrå taxmå aojanguhaitîsh anâ-mãthwå hvâthravaitîsh hvâparå baêshazyå ashôish baêshaza hacimnå zem-frathangha dânu-drâjangha hvare-barezangha! [7] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who gallantly and bravely fight, causing havoc, wounding, breaking to pieces all the malice of the malicious, Daevas and men, and smiting powerfully in battle, at their wish and will.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå taxmå hãm-vareitivaitîsh arezayeiñtîsh xrvishyañtîsh urvînaitîsh frascañdayeiñtîsh vîspanãm tbishvatãm tbaêshå daêvanãm mashyânãmca amaê-nijanô hamerethê havâi kâmâica zaoshâica. (Ⅱ)
You kindly deliver the Victory made by Ahura, and the crushing Ascendant, most beneficently, to those countries where you, the good ones, unharmed and rejoiced, unoppressed and unoffended, have been held worthy of sacrifice and prayer, and proceed the way of your wish.
- ýûzhem vanguhi nisrinaota verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem âbyô dainghubyô sevishtå ýatha vanguhîsh anâzaretå xshnûtå ainitå atbishtå ýûzhem ýesnyå vahmyå vasô-ýaonå fracarathwe! [8] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, of high renown, smiting in battle, most strong, shield-bearing and harmless to those who are true, whom both the pursuing and the fleeing invoke for help: the pursuer invokes them for a swift race, and for a swift race does the fleer invoke them;
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide frasrûtå vanat-peshanå avi-amå spârô-dâshtå amuyamnå razishtanãm ýå ava-zbayatô avanghe vyãsca vyânasca, apatêe zbayeiti vyãs apa-gatêe vyânô. (Ⅱ)
Who turn to that side where are faithful men, most devoted to holiness, and where is the greatest piety, where the faithful man is rejoiced, and where the faithful man is not ill-treated.
- ýå avadha para fraoirisishtå ýathra narô ashavanô ashem heñti zrazdâtema ýathraca mazishtå frêretå ýathraca xshnûtô ashava! [9] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who form many battalions, girded with weapons, lifting up spears, and full of sheen; who in fearful battles come rushing along where the gallant heroes go and assail the Danus.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide pouru-spâdhå ýastô-zayå uzgereptô-drafshå bâmyå, ýå ukhrâhu peshanâhu tadha nijasen xshteviwyô, tadha ýôi taxma xshtâvayô dânubyô azen peshanå. (Ⅱ)
There you destroy the victorious strength of the Turanian Danus; there you destroy the malice of the Turanian Danus; through you the chiefs are of high intellect and most successful; they, the gallant heroes, the gallant Saoshyants, the gallant conquerors of the offspring of the Danus chiefs of myriads, who wound with stones.
- ýûzhem tadha taurvayata verethrem dânunãm tûranãm, ýûzhem tadha taurvayata tbaêshå dânunãm tûranãm, ýûshmaoyô parô karshnazô hvîra baon sevishta ýôi taxma xshtâvayô ýôi taxma saoshyañtô ýôi taxma verethrâjanô, xrûmå asêbish fraziñta dânunãm baêvare-paitinãm! [10] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who rout the two wings of an army standing in battle array, who make the centre swerve, and swiftly pursue onwards, to help the faithful and to distress the doers of evil deeds.
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå rasmanô hãm-stâtêe frakarana sciñdayeiñti vî maidhyãnem nâmayeiñti thwâshem paskât fravazeñte avanghe narãm ashaonãm ãzanghe duzhvarshtâvarezãm! [11] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful; awful, overpowering, and victorious, smiting in battle, sorely wounding, blowing away (the foes), moving along to and fro, of good renown, fair of body, godly of soul, and holy; who give victory to their invoker, who give boons to their lover, who give health to the sick man;
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå ukhrå aiwithûrå vârethrakhnîsh vanat-peshanå rãremå vîvâitîsh vîcirå sravashemnå sraotanvô âsnô-urvãnô ashaonîsh, ýå dâthrîsh verethrem zbayeñte dâthrîsh âyaptem cakushe dâthrîsh bañtâi drvatâtem. (Ⅱ)
Who give good glory to him who worships them with a sacrifice, as that man did worship them, the holy Zarathushtra, the chief of the material world, the head of the two-footed race, in whatever struggle he had to enter, in whatever distress he did fear;
- dâthrîsh ahmâi vohu hvarenô ýô hîsh atha frâyazâite ýatha hîsh hô-nâ ýazata ýô ashava zarathushtrô ratush astvaithyô gaêthayå bareshnush bipaitishtanayå kahmâicit ýånghãm jasô kahmâicit ãzanghãm biwivå. (Ⅱ)
Who, when well invoked, enjoy bliss in the heavens; who, when well invoked, come forward from the heavens, who are the heads of that sky above, possessing the well-shapen Strength, the Victory made by Ahura, the crushing Ascendant, and Welfare, the wealth-bringing, boon-bringing, holy, well fed, worthy of sacrifice and prayer in the perfection of holiness.
- ýå uzbâtå mainyu-shûtå frashûseñte bareshnvô avanghe ashnô amem paidhimnå hutâshtem verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem saokãmca barat-avaretãm barat-âyaptãm ashaonîm thrãfedhãm ýesnyãm vahmyãm ashât haca ýat vahishtât. (Ⅱ)
They shed Satavaesa between the earth and the sky, him to whom the waters belong, who listens to appeals and makes the waters flow and the plants grow up, to nourish animals and men, to nourish the Aryan nations, to nourish the five kinds of animals and to help the faithful.
- tå herezeñti satavaêsem añtare zãm asmanemca tat-âpem zavanô-srûtem tat-âpem uxshyat-urvarem thrâthrâi pasvå vîrayå thrâthrâi airyanãm dah'yunãm thrâthrâi gêush pañcô-hyayå avanghe narãm ashaonãm. (Ⅱ)
Satavaesa comes down and flows between the earth and the sky, he to whom the waters belong, who listens to appeals and makes the waters and the plants grow up, fair, radiant, and full of light, to nourish animals and men, to nourish the Aryan nations, to nourish the five kinds of animals, and to help the faithful.
- vî añtare zãm asmanemca satavaêsô vîjasâiti tat-âpô zavanô-srûtô tat-âpô uxshyat-urvarô srîrô bânvå raoxshnemå thrâthrâi pasvå vîrayå thrâthrâi airyanãm dah'yunãm thrâthrâi gêush pañcô-hyayå avanghe narãm ashaonãm! [12] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful; with helms of brass, with weapons of brass, with armour of brass; who struggle in the fights for victory in garments of light, arraying the battles and bringing them forwards, to kill thousands of Daevas. When the wind blows from behind them and brings their breath unto men,
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ayô-xaodhå ayô-zayå ayô-verethrå ýå pereteñte verethrakhnyaêshu raoxshni-aiwidhâtaêshu thaxtå arezazhîsh bareñtîsh hazangrakhnyâi daêvanãm. (Ⅱ)
Then men know where blows the breath of victory: and they pay pious homage unto the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, with their hearts prepared and their arms uplifted.
- ýat hîsh añtare vâtô fravâiti barô-baodhô mashyânãm tê narô paiti-zâneñti ýâhva verethra-baodhô, tê âbyô frêretå frêrenvaiñti ashaonãm vanguhibyô sûrâbyô speñtâbyô fravashibyô thaxtayât parô anghuyât uzgerewyât parô bâzuwe. (Ⅱ)
Whichever side they have been first worshipped in the fulness of faith of a devoted heart, to that side turn the awful Fravashis of the faithful, along with Mithra and Rashnu and the awful cursing thought of the wise and the victorious wind.
- ýatâra vâ-dîsh paurva frâyazeñte fraoret fraxshni avi manô zarazdâtôit anghuyat haca âtarathra fraorisiñti ukhrå ashâunãm fravashayô hathra mithrâca rashnuca ukhraca dâmôish upamana hathra vâta verethrâjana. (Ⅱ)
And those nations are smitten at one stroke by their fifties and their hundreds, by their hundreds and their thousands, by their thousands and their tens of thousands, by their tens of thousands and their myriads of myriads, against which turn the awful Fravashis of the faithful, along with Mithra and Rashnu, and the awful cursing thought of the wise and the victorious wind.
- tå dainghâvô hathra jatå nijakhneñte pañcasakhnâi satakhnâishca satakhnâi hazangrakhnâishca hazangrakhnâi baêvarekhnâishca baêvarekhnâi ahãxshtakhnâishca ýathra fraoirisiñti ukhrå ashâunãm fravashayô hathra mithrâca rashnuca ukhraca dâmôish upamanô hathra vâta verethrâjanô! [13] (Ⅱ)
We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who come and go through the borough at the time of the Hamaspathmaidyem; they go along there for ten nights, asking thus:
- ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide ýå vîsâdha âvayeiñti hamaspathmaêdaêm paiti ratûm âat athra vîcareñti dasa pairi xshafnô avat avô zixshnånghemnå, (Ⅱ)