May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas, and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani] the holy and master of holiness.... Unto Rama Hvastra, unto Vayu who works highly and is more powerful to afflict than all other creatures, Be propitiation from me, for sacrifice, prayer, propitiation and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
- (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mainyô râm bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, vayaosh uparô-kairyehe taradhâtô anyâish dâmãn aêtat tê vayô ýat tê asti speñtô-mainyaom xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! [1] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them. I will sacrifice to Peace, whose breath is friendly, and to Weal, both of them. To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke, for this house, for the master of this house, and for the man here who is offering libations and giving gifts. To this excellent God do we sacrifice, that he may accept our meat and our prayers, and grant us in return to crush our enemies at one stroke.
- ýazâi apemca bakhemca ýazâi âxshtîm hãm-vaiñtîmca suyãmca kataremcit, tem vaêmcit ýazamaide tem vaêmcit zbayamahi ahmâica nmânâi ahmâica nmânahe nmânô-patêe ahmâica zaothrô-barâi aredrâi paiti-asti gêush vacahyeheca hathravataheca paiti hamerethanãm vahishtem ýazatem ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
To him did the Maker, Ahura Mazda, offer up a sacrifice in the Airyana Vaejah, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata ýô dadhvå ahurô mazdå airyene vaêjahi vanghuyå dâityayå zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may smite the creation of Angra Mainyu, and that nobody may smite this creation of the Good Spirit!'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýatha azem nijanâni angrahe mainyêush dâmanãm naêcish avat ýô speñtahe. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it.
- dathat ahmâi tat avat âyaptem vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýatha tâ upanghacat ýô dadhvå ahurô mazdå. (Ⅱ)
We sacrifice to the holy Vayu: we sacrifice to Vayu, who works highly. To this part of thee do we sacrifice, O Vayu! that belongs to Spenta Mainyu. For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the awful Vayu, who works highly. We offer up a sacrifice unto the awful Vayu, who works highly, with the libations, with the Haoma and meat, with the baresma, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the holy spells, the words, the deeds, the libations, and the well-spoken words. Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda....
- vaêm ashavanem ýazamaide vaêm uparô- kairîm ýazamaide aêtat tê vayô ýazamaide ýat tê asti speñtô- mainyaom. ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm zaothrâbyô, ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana hizvô danghangha mãthraca vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide! [2] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did Haoshyangha, the Paradhata, offer up a sacrifice on the Taera of the Hara, bound with iron, on a goIden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata haoshyanghô paradhâtô upa taêrem harayå ýuxtayå paiti-ayanghô zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may smite two-thirds of the Daevas of Mazana and of the fiends of Varena.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýatha azem nijanâni dva thrishva mâzainyanãm daêvanãm varenyanãmca drvatãm. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [3] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did Takhma Urupa, the well-armed, offer up a sacrifice on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata taxmô urupa azinavå zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may conquer all Daevas and men, all the Yatus and Pairikas, and that I may ride Angra Mainyu, turned into the shape of a horse, all around the earth from one end to the other, for thirty years.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat bavâni aiwi-vanyå vîspe daêva mashyâca vîspe ýâtavô pairikåsca, ýat barâni angrem mainyûm framitem aspahe kehrpa thrisatem aiwi-gâmanãm va pairi zemô karana. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. 'We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [4] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them..... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
Unto him did the bright Yima, the good shepherd, sacrifice from the height Hukairya, the all-shining and golden, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata ýô ýimô xshaêtô hvãthwô hukairyât haca barezanghat vîspô-bâmyât zaranaênât zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may become the most glorious of the men born to behold the sun: that I may make in my reign both animals and men undying, waters and plants undrying, and the food for eating creatures never-failing.' In the reign of the valiant Yima there was neither cold wind nor hot wind, neither old age nor death, nor envy made by the Daevas.
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat bavâni hvarenanguhastemem zâtanãm hvaredaresem mashyânãm ýat kerenavâni mâvôya xshathrâdha amareshañta pasu vîra anghêushemne âpa urvaire hvairyãn hvarethem ajyamnem, ýimahe xshathre aurvahe nôit aotem ångha nôit garemem nôit zaurva ångha nôit merethyush nôit araskô ýô daêvô-dâtô. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [5] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
Unto him did the three-mouthed Azhi Dahaka offer up a sacrifice in his accursed palace of Kvirinta, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata azhish thrizafå dahâkô upa kviriñtem duzhitem zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may make all the seven Karshvares of the earth empty of men.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýatha azem amashyãn kerenavâni vîspâish avi karshvãn ýâish hapta. (Ⅱ)
In vain did he sacrifice, in vain did he beg, in vain did he invoke, in vain did he give gifts, in vain did he bring libations; Vayu did not grant him that boon. For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- nôit ýazemnâi nôit jaidhyañtâi nôit zbayañtâi nôit aredrâi nôit zaothrô-barâi nôit ahmâi dathat tat avat âyaptem vayush ýô uparô-kairyô. ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm zaothrâbyô, ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana hizvô danghangha mãthraca vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide! [6] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
Unto him did Thraetaona, the heir of the valiant Athwya clan, offer up a sacrifice in the four-cornered Varena, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata vîsô puthrô âthwyânôish vîsô sûrayå thraêtaonô upa varenem cathru-gaoshem zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may overcome Azhi Dahaka, the three-mouthed, the three-headed, the six-eyed, who has a thousand senses, that most powerful, fiendish Druj, that demon baleful to the world, the strongest Druj that Angra Mainyu created against the material world, to destroy the world of the good principle; and that I may deliver his two wives, Savanghavach and Erena-vach, who are the fairest of body amongst women, and the most wonderful creatures in the world.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat bavâni aiwi-vanyå azhîm dahâkem thrizafanem thrikameredhem hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm zaothrâbyô, ukhrem vaêm uparô-kairîm ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana hizvô danghangha mãthraca vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ mahrkâi ashahe gaêthanãm, uta-hê vañta azâni sanghavâci arenavâci ýôi hen kehrpa sraêshta zazâitêe gaêthyâi tê ýôi abdôteme. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [7] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did the manly-hearted Keresaspa offer up a sacrifice by the Gudha, a channel of the Rangha, made by Mazda, upon a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata naire-manå keresâspô upa gudhem apakhzhârem ranghayå mazdadhâtayå zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may succeed in avenging my brother Urvakhshaya, that I may smite Hitaspa and yoke him to my chariot.' The Gandarewa, who lives beneath the waters, is the son of Ahura in the deep, he is the only master of the deep.
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat kaêna nijasâni azem brâthrô urvâxshaya ýat janâni hitâspem raithe paiti vazaidhyâi, uiti asti gafyô âhûirish uiti aêvô gafyô paitish uiti gañdarewô upâpô. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [8] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did Aurvasara, the lord of the country, offer up a sacrifice, towards the White Forest, by the White Forest, on the border of the White Forest, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full-boiling [milk].
- tem ýazata aurvasârô dainghupaitish avi spaêtinish razurå upa spaêititem razurem upa vimaidhem razuraya zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
He begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that the gallant Husravah, he who unites the Aryan nations into one kingdom, may not smite us; that I may flee from king Husravah;.... 'That king Husravah and all the Aryans in the forest may smite him.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat nâ nôit nijanât arsha airyanãm dah'yunãm xshathrâi hañkeremô haosrava, ýatha azem uzayeni haca kavôish haosravanghahe, janât tem kava haosrava vîspe aire razuraya. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted him that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice Worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [9] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did Hutaosa, she of the many brothers, of the Naotara house, offer up a sacrifice, on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of boiling milk.
- tem ýazata hutaosa ýâ pouru-brâthra vîsô avi naotaranãm zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
She begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant me this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that I may be dear and loved and well-received in the house of King Vishtaspa.'
- aom jaidhyat, avat âyaptem dazdi-mê vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat bavâni frya fritha paiti-zañta nmâne kavôish vîshtâspahe. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted her that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat ahmâi ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verses 4-5.) [10] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke....
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide. (Repeat verse 1.) (Ⅱ)
To him did the maids, whom no man had known, offer up a sacrifice on a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of boiling milk.
- tem ýazeñta kainina ýôi anupaêta mashyânãm zaranaêne paiti gâtvô zaranaêne paiti fraspâiti zaranaêne paiti upasterene frasteretât paiti baresmen perenêbyô paiti khzhârayatbyô. (Ⅱ)
They begged of him a boon, saying: 'Grant us this, O Vayu! who dost work highly, that we may find a husband, young and beautifuI of body, who will treat us well, all life long, and give us offspring; a wise, learned, ready-tongued husband.'
- âat hîm jaidhyen, avat âyaptem dazdi-nô vayush ýô uparô-kairyô ýat nmânô-paitîm viñdâma ývânô sraêshtô-kehrpa ýô nô huberetãm barât ýavata gaya jvâva frazaiñtîmca hô verezyât dangrô dañtô hizuxdhô. (Ⅱ)
Vayu, who works highly, granted them that boon, as the Maker, Ahura Mazda, did pursue it. We sacrifice to the holy Vayu.... For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....
- dathat aibyascit tat avat âyaptem ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (cf. verses 4-5.) [10] (Ⅱ)
I will sacrifice to the Waters and to Him who divides them.... To this Vayu do we sacrifice, this Vayu do we invoke.... We sacrifice to that Vayu that belongs to the Good Spirit, the bright and glorious Vayu.
- ýazâi apemca ... ýazamaide, (Repeat verse 1.) speñtô-mainyaom raêvañtem hvarenanghvañtem ýazamaide. (Ⅱ)
My name is Vayu, O holy Zarathushtra! My name is Vayu, because I go through (vyemi) the two worlds, the one which the Good Spirit has made and the one which the Evil Spirit has made. My name is the Overtaker (apaeta), O holy Zarathushtra! My name is the Overtaker, because I can overtake the creatures of both worlds, the one that the Good Spirit has made and the one that the Evil Spirit has made.
- vayush bâ nãma ahmi ashâum zarathushtra, avat vayush bâ nãma ahmi ýat va dãma vayemi ýasca dathat speñtô mainyush ýasca dathat angrô mainyush, apayate nãma ahmi ashâum zarathushtra avat apayate nãma ahmi ýat va dãma apayemi ýasca dathat speñtô mainyush ýasca dathat angrô mainyush. (Ⅱ)
My name is the All-smiting, O holy Zarathushtra! My name is the All-smiting, because I can smite the creatures of both worlds, the one that the Good Spirit has made and the one that the Evil Spirit has made. My name is the Worker of Good, O holy Zarathushtra! My name is the Worker of Good, because I work the good of the Maker, Ahura Mazda and of the Amesha-Spentas.
- vanô-vîspå nãma ahmi ashâum zarathushtra, avat vanô-vîspå nãma ahmi ýat va dãma vanâmi ýasca dathat speñtô mainyush ýasca dathat angrô mainyush, vohvarshte nãma ahmi ashâum zarathushtra avat vohvarshte nãma ahmi ýat vohû verezyâmi dathushô ahurâi mazdâi ameshanãm speñtanãm. (Ⅱ)
My name is He that goes forwards. My name is He that goes backwards. My name is He that bends backwards. My name is He that hurls away. My name is He that hurls down. My name is He that destroys. My name is He that takes away. My name is He that finds out. My name is He that finds out the Glory (Hvareno).
- fracare nãma ahmi aipicare nãma ahmi aipidhbaokhe nãma ahmi fraspå nãma ahmi nispå nãma ahmi dahake nãma ahmi zinake nãma ahmi vîdake nãma ahmi viñdihvarene nãma ahmi (Ⅱ)
My name is the Valiant; my name is the Most Valiant. My name is the Strong; my name is the Strongest. My name is the Firm; my name is the Firmest. My name is the Stout; my name is the Stoutest. My name is He that crosses over easily. My name is He that goes along hurling away. My name is He that crushes at one stroke. My name is (?Ainiva). My name is He that works against the Daevas. My name is (?Keredharisha).
- aurvô nãma ahmi aurvôtemô nãma ahmi, taxmô nãma ahmi taxmôtema nãma ahmi, derezrô nãma ahmi darejishtô nãma ahmi, aoji nãma ahmi aojish nãma ahmi, hupairitå nãma ahmi hupairispå nãma ahmi, hathravana nãma ahmi âiniva nãma ahmi, vidhaêvô-kare nãma ahmi karedarese nãma ahmi. (Ⅱ)
My name is He that prevails over malice; my name is He that destroys malice. My name is He that unites; my name is He that reunites; my name is He that separates. My name is the Burning; my name is the Quick of intelligence, My name is Deliverance; my name is Welfare. My name is the Burrow; my name is He who destroys the burrows; my name is He who spits upon the burrows.
- tarô-tbaêshô nãma ahmi tbaêshô-tarô nãma ahmi, âyaozô nãma ahmi pâyaozô nãma ahmi vivaozô nãma ahmi, saocahi nãma ahmi bucahi nãma ahmi, buxtish nãma ahmi saidhish nãma ahmi, geredhô nãma ahmi geredhyaoxdhô nãma ahmi geredhixavô nãma ahmi. (Ⅱ)
My name is Sharpness of spear; my name is He of the sharp spear. My name is Length of spear; my name is He of the long spear. My name is Piercingness of spear; my name is He of the piercing spear. My name is the Glorious; my name is the Over-glorious.
- tizhyarshte nãma ahmi tizhyarshtish nãma ahmi perethvareshte nãma ahmi perethvareshtish nãma ahmi, vaêzhyarshte nãma ahmi vaêzhyarshtish nãma ahmi, hvarenå nãma ahmi aiwi-hvarenå nãma ahmi. (Ⅱ)
Invoke these names of mine, O holy Zarathushtra! in the midst of the havocking hordes, in the midst of the columns moving forwards, in the strife of the conflicting nations.
- tåsca-mê nãma zbayaêsha ahmi ashâum zarathushtra ýim añtare haênayå xrûishyeitish añtare hãm-ýañta rasmaoyô añtare dainghu pâperetâne. (Ⅱ)