Ashtad Yasht (chapter 18)
> Ashtad Yasht (chapter 18)  :
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(L. H. Mills and James Darmesteter version)

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18. 0  
May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra. one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani], the holy and master of holiness .... Unto the Glory of the Aryans, made by Mazda, Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
- (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, âshtât ýazat bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, airyanãm hvarenô mazdadhâtanãm xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! (Ⅱ)
18. 1  
Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: 'I made the Aryan Glory, rich in food, rich in flocks, rich in wealth, rich in Glory; provided with full store of intelligence, with full store of money, to withstand Need, and to withstand enemies.
- mraot ahurô mazdå spitamâi zarathushtrâi, azem dadhãm airyanem hvarenô gaomavaitîm pouru- vãthwem pouru-ishtem pouru-hvarenanghem hush-hãm-beretem xrathwem hush-hãm-beretem shaêtem âzîm hamaêstârem dushmainyûm hamaêstârem. (Ⅱ)
18. 2  
'It destroys Angra Mainyu, who is all death; it destroys Aeshma, the fiend of the wounding spear; it destroys the yellow Bushyasta; it destroys the contagion of Aekha; it destroys the fiend of death, Apaosha; it destroys the non-Aryan nations.
- taurvayeiti angrem mainyûm pouru-mahrkem, taurvayeiti aêshmem xrvîdrûm, taurvayeiti bûshyãstem zairinem, taurvayeiti hãm-steretem aêxem, taurvayeiti daêum apaoshem, taurvayeiti anairyå dainghâvô. (Ⅱ)
18. 3  
'And I made the great Ashi Vanguhi; she comes in, amid the family; she comes in, inside the fine royal palace.
- azem dadhãm ashîmca vanguhîm berezaitîm, fracaraiti añtare aredhem nmânahe srîrahe xshathrô- keretahe. (Ⅱ)
18. 4  
'Let Ashi, with fulness of welfare, follow the man who gladdens the faithful with his gifts! she comes in, inside his family; she comes in, inside his fine royal palace. 'With all sorts of flocks, with all victory, with all intelligence, with all Glory, the great Ashi Vanguhi puts one foot inside his family; she comes in, inside his fine royal palace.
- tem hacât ashish pourush-hvâthra râiti ashava- xshnvaityâi mashyâi, fracaraiti añtare aredhem nmânahe srîrahe xshathrô- keretahe, vîspô-vãthwô vîspô-verethrô vîspô-xrathwô vîspô-hvarenô, aêvô-pâdhem nidathaite ashish vanguhi ýâ berezaiti añtare aredhem nmânahe srîrahe xshathrô-keretahe. (Ⅱ)
18. 5  
'Horses multiply a thousandfold, flocks multiply a thousandfold; and so does his virtuous offspring, (as) the bright, glorious star Tishtrya moves on equally, and so does the strong wind made by Mazda, and so does the Glory of the Aryas.
- hazangrem aspå bavaiti hazangrem vãthwå bavaiti uta âsnãmcit frazaiñtîm, hâmô ýaozaiti tishtrîm stârem hâmô vâtô darshish mazdadhâtô hâmô airyanem hvarenô. (Ⅱ)
18. 6  
'And they bring increase on the tops of all mountains, down the depths of all vales; they bring increase to all the growing plants, the fair, the golden-hued. And they bring (away) the contagion of Aekha, they bring (away) the fiend of death, Apaosha.
- uta bareñti fradathem vîspå bareshnavô gairinãm vîspå jãfnavô raonãm uta bareñti fradathem vîspanãm urvaranãm frâurustanãm srîranãm zairi-gaonanãm uta bareñti fradathem hãm-steretem aêxem uta bareñti mahrkathem daêum apaoshem. (Ⅱ)
18. 7  
'Hail to the bright and glorious star Tishtrya Hail to the strong wind, made by Mazda! Hail to the Glory of the Aryas! 'Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... 'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good....
- nemô tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanghuñtem nemô vâtô darshish mazdadhâtô nemô airyanem hvarenô. ýathâ ahû vairyô...(4). ashem vohû...(3). (Ⅱ)
18. 8  
'We worship the Ahuna Vairya. 'We worship Asha-Vahishta, the fairest Amesha-Spenta. 'We worship the rightly-spoken Words, fiend-smiting and healing. 'We worship the healing, well-spoken Words, the fiend-smiting. 'We worship the Mathra Spenta and the Law of Mazda, and (piety) that delights in Haoma. 'We worship the Glory of the Aryas. 'Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda....
- ahunem vairîm ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem sraêshtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide, vaca arshuxdha vârethrakhnish baêshazish ýazamaide, baêshazish vaca arshuxdha vârethrakhnish ýazamaide, mãthra speñta daêna mâzdayesne haomacanem ýazamaide, airyanem hvarenô ýazamaide, ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide! (Ⅱ)
18. 9  
'Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... 'I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength and vigour of the Glory of the Aryas, made by Mazda. 'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... '[Give] unto that man brightness and glory, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.'
- (hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât êduñ bât,) ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi airyanãm hvarenô mazdadhâtanãm. ashem vohû.... ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd) ... ashem vohû...!! (Ⅱ)

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