To each several man, to whom Mazda Ahura ruling at his will grant after the (petitioner's) will, I will after his will that he attain permanence and power, lay hold of Right - grant this, O Piety, - the destined gift of wealth, the life of the Good Thought,
- ushtâ ahmâi ýahmâi ushtâ kahmâicît vasê-xshayãs mazdå dâyât ahurô utayûitî tevîshîm gat tôi vasemî ashem deredyâi tat môi då ârmaitê râyô ashîsh vanghêush gaêm mananghô (2). (zôt,) (Ⅱ)
and it shall be for him the best of all things. After his longing for bliss may one be given bliss, through the provident most holy spirit, O Mazda, even the blessings of Good Thought which thou wilt give through Right all the days with joy of enduring life.
- atcâ ahmâi vîspanãm vahishtem hvâthrôyâ nâ hvâthrem daidîtâ thwâ cîcîthwâ spênishtâ mainyû mazdâ ýâ då ashâ vanghêush mâyå mananghô vîspâ ayârê daregôjyâtôish urvâdanghâ. (Ⅱ)
May he attain to that which is better than the good, who would teach us the straight paths of blessedness in this life here of the body and in that of thought - true paths that lead to the world where Ahura Mazda dwells - a faithful man, well-knowing and holy like thee, O Mazda.
- at hvô vanghêush vahyô nâ aibî- jamyât ýê nå erezûsh savanghô pathô sîshôit ahyâ anghêush astvatô mananghascâ haithyêñg âstîsh ýêñg â-shaêtî ahurô aredrô thwâvãs huzêñtushe speñtô mazdâ. dà (Ⅱ)
Then shall I recognize thee as strong and holy, O Mazda, when by the hand in which thou thyself dost hold the destinies that thou wilt assign to the Liar and the Righteous, by the glow of thy Fire whose power is Right, the might of Good Thought shall come to me.
- at thwâ mêñghâi taxmemcâ speñtem mazdâ hyat tâ zastâ ýâ-tû hafshî avå ýå då ashîsh dregvâitê ashâunaêcâ thwahyâ garemâ âthrô ashâ-aojanghô hyat môi vanghêush hazê jimat mananghô! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one [spenta] I recognize thee, Mazda Ahura, when I saw thee in the beginning at the birth of Life, when thou madest actions and words to have their meed — evil for the evil, a good destiny for the good — through thy wisdom when creation shall reach its goal.
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat thwâ anghêush zãthôi daresem paourvîm hyat då shyaothanâ mîzhdavãn ýâcâ uxdhâ akêm akâi vanguhîm ashîm vanghaovê thwâ hunarâ dâmôish urvaêsê apêmê. (Ⅱ)
At which goal thou wilt come with thy holy Spirit, O Mazda, with Dominion, at the same with Good Thought, by whose action the settlements will prosper through Right. Their judgments shall Piety proclaim, even those of thy wisdom which none can deceive.
- ýahmî speñtâ thwâ mainyû urvaêsê jasô mazdâ xshathrâ ahmî vohû mananghâ ýehyâ shyaothanâish gaêthå ashâ frâdeñtê aêibyô ratûsh sêñghaitî ârmaitish thwahyâ xratêush ýêm naêcish dâbayeitî! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me and asked me: "Who art thou? to whom dost thou belong? By what signs wilt thou appoint the days for questioning about thy possessions and thyself?"
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ peresatcâ mâ, cish ahî kahyâ ahî kathâ ayârê daxshârâ ferasayâi dîshâ aibî thwâhû gaêthâhû tanushicâ. (Ⅱ)
Then I said to him: "To the first (question), Zarathushtra am I, a true foe to the Liar, to the utmost of my power, but a powerful support would I be to the Righteous, that I may attain the future things of the infinite Dominion, according as I praise and sing thee, O Mazda.
- at hôi aojî zarathushtrô paourvîm haithyô dvaêshå hyat isôyâ dregvâitê at ashâunê rafenô h'yêm aojôñghvat hyat âbûshtîsh vasase xshathrahyâ dyâ ýavat â thwâ mazdâ stâumî ufyâcâ! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one I recognize thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me. To his question, "For which wilt thou decide" (I made reply). "At the gift of adoration to thy Fire, I will bethink me of Right so long as I have power.
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ ahyâ ferasêm kahmâi vîvîduyê vashî at â thwahmâi âthrê râtãm nemanghô ashahyâ-mâ ýavat isâi manyâi. (Ⅱ)
Then show me Right, upon whom I call. (Mazda:) "Associating him with Piety, I have come hither. Ask us now what things are here for thee to ask. For thy asking is as that of a mighty one, since he that is able should make thee as a mighty one possessed of thy desire."
- at tû môi dâish ashem hyat mâ zaozaomî ârmaitî hacimnô ît ârem peresâcâ nå ýâ tôi êhmâ parshtâ parshtêm zî thwâ ýathanâ tat êmavatãm dà hyat thwâ xshayãsh aêshem dyât êmavañtem! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me, when first by your words I was instructed. Shall it bring me sorrow among men, my devotion, in doing that which ye tell me is the best.
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ hyat xshmâ uxdhâish dîdainghê paourvîm sâdrâ-môi sãs mashyaêshû zarazdâitish tat verezyeidyâi hyat môi mraotâ vahishtem. (Ⅱ)
And when thou saidest to me, 'To Right shalt thou go for teaching', then thou didst not command what I did not obey: 'Speed thee, ere my Obedience come, followed by treasure-laden Destiny, who shall render to men severally the destiny of the two-fold award.'
- hyatcâ môi mraosh ashem jasô frâxshnenê at tû-môi nôit asrushtâ pairyaokhzhâ uzeredyâi parâ hyat môi â-jimat seraoshô ashî mãzâ-rayâ hacimnô ýâ vî ashîsh rânôibyô savôi vîdâyât! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me to learn the state of my desire. Grant it me, that which none may compel you to allow, (the wish) for long continuance of blessed existence that they say is in thy Dominion.
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ arethâ vôizdyâi kâmahyâ têm môi dâtâ daregahyâ ýâush ýêm vå naêcîsh dâresht itê vairyå stôish ýâ thwahmî xshathrôi vâcî. (Ⅱ)
If thy provident side, such as an understanding man who has the power would give to his friends, comes to me by the Dominion through Right, then I will bestir myself to set myself in opposition against the foes of thy Law, together with all those who are mindful of thy words.
- hyat nâ fryâi vaêdamnô isvâ daidît maibyô mazdâ tavâ rafenô frâxshnenem hyat thwâ xshathrâ ashât hacâ frãshtâ uzereidyâi azêm saredanå sêñghahyâ mat tâish vîspâish ýôi-tôi mãthrå mareñtî! (Ⅱ)
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me, when the best Tushna-Matay taught me to declare: "Let not men seek again and again to please the Liars, for they make all the righteous enemies."
- speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ daxshat ushyâi tushnâ maitish vahishtâ nôit nâ pourûsh dregvatô h'yât cixshnushô at tôi vîspêñg añgrêñg ashâunô âdarê. (Ⅱ)
And Zarathushtra himself, O Ahura, chooses each one of thy holiest Spirit, O Mazda. May Right be embodied full of life and strength! May Piety abide in the Dominion bright as the sun! May Good Thought give destiny to men according to their works!
- at ahurâ hvô mainyûm zarathushtrô vereñtê mazdâ ýastê cishcâ spênishtô astvat ashem h'yât ushtânâ aojôñghvat hvêñg daresôi xshathrôi h'yât ârmaitish ashîm shyaothanâish vohû daidît mananghâ! (17) (zôt u râspî,) ushtâ ahmâi ... gaêm mananghô (2). ashem vohû ... (3). ushtâvaitîm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!! (Ⅱ)