Tishtar Yasht (chapter 8)
> Tishtar Yasht (chapter 8)  :
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8. 0  
(pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, tishtar i rayômañd i hvarahemañd bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomi ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô (Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.) tishtryehe stârô raêvatô hvarenanguhatô satavaêsahe frâpahe sûrahe mazdadhâtahe xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû. [1]
- May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani], the holy and master of holiness.... Unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, and unto the powerful Satavaesa, made by Mazda, who pushes waters forward, Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... (Ⅱ)
8. 1  
mraot ahurô mazdå spitamâi zarathushtrâi, pånghahe anghuthwemca ratuthwemca, månghemca maêthanemca myazdemca frâ-ýazamaide, ýat mê stârô hvarenanguhañtô hacåñte paraca må nerebyô hvarenô baxsheñti, ýazâi shôithrahe baxtârem tishtrîm stârem zaothrâbyô,
- Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: 'We worship the lordship and mastership [of Tishtrya], whereby he protects the Moon, the dwelling, the food, when my glorious stars come along and impart their gifts to men. I will sacrifice unto the star Tishtrya, that gives the fields their share [of waters]. (Ⅱ)
8. 2  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide râma-shayanem hushayanem aurushem raoxshnem frâderesrem vyâvañtem baêshazîm ravô-fraothmanem berezañtem dûrât vyâvañtem bânubyô raoxshnibyô anâhitaêibyô, apemca perethu-zrayanghem vanguhîmca dûrât frasrutãm gêushca nãma mazdadhâtem ukhremca kavaêm hvarenô fravashîmca spitamahe ashaonô zarathushtrahe.
- 'We offer up libations unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, that gives happy dwelling and good dwelling; the white, shining, seen afar, and piercing; the health-bringing, loud-snorting, and high, piercing from afar with its shining, undefiled rays; and unto the waters of the wide sea, the Vanguhi of wide renown, and the species of the Bull, made by Mazda, the awful kingly Glory, and the Fravashi of the holy Spitama Zarathushtra. (Ⅱ)
8. 3  
ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna tishtrîm stârem zaothrâbyô, tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana hizvô danghangha mãthraca vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide. [2]
- 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto the star Tishtrya. 'Unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, we offer up the libations, the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightly-spoken words. 'Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
8. 4  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide afshcithrem sûrem berezañtem amavañtem dûraêsûkem berezañtem uparô-kairîm ýahmât haca berezât haosravanghem apãm nafedhrat haca cithrem. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3). [3]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, who is the seed of the waters, powerful, tall, and strong, whose light goes afar; powerful and highly working, through whom the brightness and the seed of the waters come from the high Apam Napat. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 5  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýim paitishmareñte pasvasca staorâca mashyâca parô dareshvãnô kaêtaca parô druzhiñtô, kadha-nô aoi uzyarât tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå kadha xå aspô-staoyehîsh apãm tacåñti nava, ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3). [4]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star; for whom long flocks and herds and men, looking forward for him and deceived in their hope: "When shall we see him rise up, the bright and glorious star Tishtrya? When will the springs run with waves as thick as a horse's size and still thicker? Or will they never come?" 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 6  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýô avavat xshvaêwô vazâite avi zrayô vourukashem ýatha tikhrish mainyavaså ýim anghat erexshô xshviwi-ishush xshviwi-ishvatemô airyanãm airyô-xshuthat haca garôit hvanvañtem avi gairîm.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star; who flies, towards the sea Vouru-Kasha, as swiftly as the arrow darted through the heavenly space1, which Erekhsha, the swift archer, the Arya amongst the Aryas whose arrow was the swiftest, shot from Mount Khshaotha to Mount Hvanvant. (Ⅱ)
8. 7  
tadha dim ahurô mazdå avãn dâta tat âpô urvaråsca pairi-shê vouru-gaoyaoitish mithrô frâdhayat pañtãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [5]
- 'For Ahura Mazda gave him assistance; so did the waters and the plants; and Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, opened a wide way unto him. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 8  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýô pairikå taurvayeiti ýô pairikå titârayeiti ýå stârô keremå patañti añtare zãm asmanemca zraya vourukashaya amavatô huraodhahe jafrahe uruyâpahe, bâdha vairîm âcaraiti aspô-kehrpãm ashaonîm upâca tå âpô ýaozayeiti aiwica vâta våñti ýaoxtivañtô.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, that afflicts the Pairikas, that vexes the Pairikas, who, in the shape of worm-stars, fly between the earth and the heavens, in the sea Vouru-Kasha, the powerful sea, the large-sized, deep sea of salt waters. He goes to its lake in the shape of a horse, in a holy shape; and down there he makes the waters boil over, and the winds flow above powerfully all around. (Ⅱ)
8. 9  
âat tå âpô frashavayeiti satavaêsô avi haptô-kareshvairîsh, vyâhva ýat jasaiti srîrô hishtaiti râmanivå huyâiryå avi dainghush, kadha airyå dainghâvô huyâiryå bavåñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [6]
- 'Then Satavaesa makes those waters flow down to the seven Karshvares of the earth, and when he has arrived down there, he stands, beautiful, spreading ease and joy on the fertile countries (thinking in himself): "How shall the countries of the Aryas grow fertile?" 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 10  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide, ýô aoxta ahurâi mazdâi uityaojanô, ahura mazda mainyô spênishta dâtare gaêthanãm astvaitinãm ashâum
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, who spoke unto Ahura Mazda, saying: "Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! (Ⅱ)
8. 11  
ýedhi-zî-mâ mashyâka aoxtô-nâmana ýasna ýazayañta ýatha anye ýazatånghô aoxtô-nâmana ýasna ýaziñti frâ neruyô ashavaoyô thwarshtahe zrû âyu shushuyãm hvahe gayehe hvanvatô ameshahe upa thwarshtahe jakhmyãm aêvãm vâ avi xshapanem duyê vâ pañcâsatem vâ.
- '"If men would worship me with a sacrifice in which I were invoked by my own name, as they worship the other Yazatas with sacrifices in which they are invoked by their own names, then I should have come to the faithful at the appointed time; I should have come in the appointed time of my beautiful, immortal life, should it be one night, or two nights, or fifty, or a hundred nights." (Ⅱ)
8. 12  
tishtrîmca ýazamaide, tishtryaêinyasca ýazamaide upa-paoirîmca ýazamaide paoiryaêinyasca ýazamaide ave strêush ýã haptôiriñga paitishtâtêe ýâthwãm pairikanãmca, vanañtem stârem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide amaheca paiti hutâshtahe verethrakhnaheca paiti ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca paiti uparatâtô vîtare-ãzahyehe paiti vîtare- tbaêshahyeheca, tishtrîm drvô-cashmanem ýazamaide.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya; 'We sacrifice unto the rains of Tishtrya. 'We sacrifice unto the first star; we sacrifice unto the rains of the first star. 'I will sacrifice unto the stars Haptoiringa, to oppose the Yatus and Pairikas. 'We sacrifice unto Vanant, the star made by Mazda; for the well-shapen strength, for the Victory, made by Ahura, for the crushing Ascendant, for the destruction of what distresses us, for the destruction of what persecutes us. 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, whose eye-sight is sound. (Ⅱ)
8. 13  
paoiryå dasa xshapanô spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå kehrpem raêthwayeiti raoxshnushva vazemnô narsh kehrpa pañca-dasanghô xshaêtahe spiti-dôithrahe berezatô avi-amahe amavatô hunairyåñcô
- 'For ten nights, O Spitama Zarathushtra! Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a man of fifteen years of age, bright, with clear eyes, tall, full of strength, strong, and clever. (Ⅱ)
8. 14  
tadha ayaosh ýatha paoirîm vîrem avi ýå bavaiti tadha ayaosh ýatha paoirîm vîrem avi amô aêiti tadha ayaosh ýatha paoirîm vîrem erezushãm adaste.
- 'He is active as the first man was; he goes on with the strength of the first man; he has the virility of the first man. (Ⅱ)
8. 15  
hô ithra vyâxmanyeiti hô ithra paresanyeiti, kô mãm nûrãm frâyazâite gaomavaitibyô haomavaitibyô zaothrâbyô, kahmâi azem dadhãm vîrayãm îshtîm vîrayãm vãthwãm havaheca urunô ýaozhdâthrem, nûrãm ahmi ýesnyasca vahmyasca anguhe astvaite ashât haca ýat vahishtât.
- 'Here he calls for people to assemble, here he asks, saying: "Who now will offer me the libations with the Haoma and the holy meat? To whom shall I give wealth of male children, a troop of male children, and the purification of his own soul? Now I ought to receive sacrifice and prayer in the material world, by the law of excellent holiness." (Ⅱ)
8. 16  
bityå dasa xshapanô spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå kehrpem raêthwayeiti raoxshnushva vazemnô gêush kehrpa zaranyô-srvahe.
- 'The next ten nights, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a golden-horned bull. (Ⅱ)
8. 17  
hô ithra vyâxmanyeiti hô ithra paresanyeiti, kô mãm nûrãm frâyazâite gaomavaitibyô haomavaitibyô zaothrâbyô kahmâi azem dadhãm gaoyãm îshtîm gaoyãm vãthwãm havaheca urunô ýaozhdâthrem, nûrãm ahmi ýesnyasca vahmyasca anguhe astvaite ashât haca ýat vahishtât.
- 'Here he calls for people to assemble, here he asks, saying: "Who now will offer me the libations with the Haoma and the holy meat? To whom shall I give wealth of oxen, a herd of oxen, and the purification of his own soul? Now I ought to receive sacrifice and prayer in the material world, by the law of excellent holiness." (Ⅱ)
8. 18  
thrityå dasa xshapanô spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå kehrpem raêthwayeiti raoxshnushva vazemnô aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe.
- 'The next ten nights, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya mingles his shape with light, moving in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison. (Ⅱ)
8. 19  
hô ithra vyâxmanyeiti hô ithra paresanyeiti, kô mãm nûrãm frâyazâite gaomavaitibyô haomavaitibyô zaothrâbyô kahmâi azem dadhãm aspayãm îshtîm aspayãm vãthwãm havaheca urunô ýaozhdâthrem, nûrãm ahmi ýesnyasca vahmyasca anguhe astvaite ashât haca ýat vahishtât.
- 'Here he calls for people to assemble, here he asks, saying: "Who now will offer me the libations with the Haoma and the holy meat? To whom shall I give wealth of horses, a troop of horses, and the purification of his own soul? Now I ought to receive sacrifice and prayer in the material world, by the law of excellent holiness." (Ⅱ)
8. 20  
âat paiti avâiti spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå avi zrayô vourukashem aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe.
- 'Then, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya goes down to the sea Vouru-Kasha in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison. (Ⅱ)
8. 21  
â-dim paiti-ýãsh nizhdvaraiti daêvô ýô apaoshô aspahe kehrpa sâmahe kaurvahe kaurvô-gaoshahe kaurvahe kaurvô-bareshahe kaurvahe kaurvô-dûmahe dakhahe aiwidhâtô-tarshtôish.
- 'But there rushes down to meet him the Daeva Apaosha, in the shape of a dark horse, black with black ears, black with a black back, black with a black tail, stamped with brands of terror. (Ⅱ)
8. 22  
hãm tâcit bâzush baratô spitama zarathushtra tishtryasca raêvå hvarenanguhå daêvasca ýô apaoshô tå ýûidhyathô spitama zarathushtra thri-ayarem thri-xshaparem, â-dim bavaiti aiwi-aojå â-dim bavaiti aiwi-vanyå daêvô ýô apaoshô tishtrîm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem.
- 'They meet together, hoof against hoof, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya and the Daeva Apaosha. They fight together, O Spitama Zarathushtra! for three days and three nights. And then the Daeva Apaosha proves stronger than the bright and glorious Tishtrya, he overcomes him. (Ⅱ)
8. 23  
apa-dim adhât vyeiti zrayanghat haca vourukashât hâthrô-masanghem adhwanem, sâdrem urvishtremca nimrûite tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå sâdrem mê ahura mazda urvishtrem âpô urvaråsca baxtem daêne mâzdayesne, nôit mãm nûrãm mashyâka aoxtô- nâmana ýasna ýazeñte ýatha anye ýazatånghô aoxtô- nâmana ýasna ýazeñti.
- 'And Tishtrya flees from the sea Vouru-Kasha, as far as a Hathra's length. He cries out in woe and distress, the bright and glorious Tishtrya: "Woe is me, O Ahura Mazda! I am in distress, O Waters and Plants! O Fate and thou, Law of the worshippers of Mazda! Men do not worship me with a sacrifice in which I am invoked by my own name, as they worship the other Yazatas with sacrifices in which they are invoked by their own names. (Ⅱ)
8. 24  
ýeidhi-zî-mâ mashyâka aoxtô-nâmana ýasna ýazayañta ýatha anye ýazatånghô aoxtô-nâmana ýasna ýazeñti avi mãm avi-bawryãm dasanãm aspanãm aojô dasanãm ushtranãm aojô dasanãm gavãm aojô dasanãm gairinãm aojô dasanãm apãm nâvayanãm aojô.
- '"If men had worshipped me with a sacrifice in which I had been invoked by my own name, as they worship the other Yazatas with sacrifices in which they are invoked by their own names, I should have taken to me the strength of ten horses, the strength of ten camels, the strength of ten bulls, the strength of ten mountains, the strength of ten rivers." (Ⅱ)
8. 25  
azem ýô ahurô mazdå tishtrîm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem aoxtô-nâmana ýasna ýaze, avi dim avi-barâmi dasanãm aspanãm aojô dasanãm ushtranãm aojô dasanãm gavãm aojô dasanãm gairinãm aojô dasanãm apãm nâvayanãm aojô.
- 'Then I, Ahura Mazda, offer up to the bright and glorious Tishtrya a sacrifice in which he is invoked by his own name, and I bring him the strength of ten horses, the strength of ten camels, the strength of ten bulls, the strength of ten mountains, the strength of ten rivers. (Ⅱ)
8. 26  
âat paiti avâiti spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå avi zrayô vourukashem aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe.
- 'Then, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya goes down to the sea Vouru-Kasha in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and golden caparison. (Ⅱ)
8. 27  
â-dim paiti-ýãsh nizhdvaraiti daêvô ýô apaoshô aspahe kehrpa sâmahe kaurvahe kaurvô-gaoshahe kaurvahe kaurvô-bareshahe kaurvahe kaurvô-dûmahe dakhahe aiwidhâtô-tarshtôish.
- 'But there rushes down to meet him the Daeva Apaosha in the shape of a dark horse, black with black ears, black with a black back, black with a black tail, stamped with brands of terror. (Ⅱ)
8. 28  
hãm tâcit bâzush baratô spitama zarathushtra tishtryasca raêvå hvarenanguhå daêvasca ýô apaoshô tå ýûidhyathô spitama zarathushtra thri-ayarem thri-xshaparem, â-dim bavaiti aiwi-aojå â-dim bavaiti aiwi-vanyå daêvô ýô apaoshô tishtrîm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem.
- 'They meet together, hoof against hoof, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya, and the Daeva Apaosha; they fight together, O Zarathushtra! till the time of noon. Then the bright and glorious Tishtrya proves stronger than the Daeva Apaosha, he overcomes him. (Ⅱ)
8. 29  
apa-dim adhât vyeiti zrayanghat haca vourukashât hâthrô-masanghem adhwanem, ushtatâtem nimravaite tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå ushta-mê ahura mazda ushta âpô urvaråsca ushta daêne mâzdayesne ushta â-bavât dainghavô us vô apãm adhavô apaiti-eretå jasåñti ash-dânunãmca ýavanãm kasu-dânunãmca vâstranãm gaêthanãmca astvaitinãm.
- 'Then he goes from the sea Vouru-Kasha as far as a Hathra's length: "Hail!" cries the bright and glorious Tishtrya. "Hail unto me, O Ahura Mazda! Hail unto you, O waters and plants! Hail, O Law of the worshippers of Mazda! Hail will it be unto you, O lands! The life of the waters will flow down unrestrained to the big-seeded corn fields, to the small-seeded pasture-fields, and to the whole of the material world!" (Ⅱ)
8. 30  
âat paiti avâiti spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå avi zrayô vourukashem aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe.
- Then the bright and glorious Tishtrya goes back down to the sea Vouru-Kasha, in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison. (Ⅱ)
8. 31  
hô zrayô âyaozayeiti hô zrayô vîvaozayeiti hô zrayô âkhzrâdhayeiti hô zrayô vîkhzrâdhayeiti hô zrayô âkhzhârayeiti hô zrayô vîkhzhârayeiti ýaozeñti vîspe karanô zrayâi vourukashaya â vîspô maidhyô ýaozaiti.
- 'He makes the sea boil up and down; he makes the sea stream this and that way; he makes the sea flow this and that way: all the shores of the sea Vouru-Kasha are boiling over, all the middle of it is boiling over. (Ⅱ)
8. 32  
us paiti adhât hishtaiti spitama zarathushtra tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå zrayanghat haca vourukashât, us adhât hishtât satavaêsô raêvå hvarenanguhå zrayanghat haca vourukashât, âat tat dunmãn hãm-hishteñti us hiñdavat paiti garôit ýô hishtaite maidhim zrayanghô vourukashahe.
- 'And the bright and glorious Tishtrya rises up from the sea Vouru-Kasha, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Satavaesa rises up from the sea Vouru-Kasha; and vapours rise up above Mount Us-hindu, that stands in the middle of the sea Vouru-Kasha. (Ⅱ)
8. 33  
âat tat dunmãn frashâupayeiti maêkhô-kara ashavanô frâ pourvô vâtãm vazaiti ýãm pathô âiti haomô frâshmish frâdat- gaêthô, athra pascaêta vazaite vâtô darshish mazdadhâtô vâremca maêkhemca fyanghumca avi aså avi shôithrå avi karshvãn ýâish hapta.
- 'Then the vapours push forward, in the regular shape of clouds; they go following the wind, along the ways which Haoma traverses, the increaser of the world. Behind him travels the mighty wind, made by Mazda, and the rain, and the cloud, and the sleet, down to the several places, down to the fields, down to the seven Karshvares of the earth. (Ⅱ)
8. 34  
apãm napåse-tå âpô spitama zarathushtra anguhe astvaite shôithrô-baxtå vî-baxshaiti vâtasca ýô darshish awzhdâtemca hvarenô ashaonãmca fravashayô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [7]
- 'Apam Napat, O Spitama Zarathushtra! divides the waters amongst the countries in the material world, in company with the mighty wind, the Glory, made by the waters, and the Fravashis of the faithful. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 35  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýô avadhât fravazâite xshôithnyât hish ushayât dûraêurvaêsem paiti pañtãm bakhô-baxtem paiti ýaonem frathwarshtem paiti âfeñtem zaoshâi ahurahe mazdå zaoshâi ameshanãm speñtanãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [8]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, who from the shining east, moves along his long winding course, along the path made by the gods, along the way appointed for him the watery way, at the will of Ahura Mazda, at the will of the Amesha-Spentas. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 36  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýim ýâre-carshô mashyehe ahuraca xratugûtô aurunaca gairishâcô sizhdraca ravascarâtô uzyôreñtem hispôseñtem huyâiryâca dainghave uzjaseñtem duzhyâiryâca, kadha airyå dainghâvô huyâiryå bavåñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [9]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, whose rising is watched by men who live on the fruits of the year, by the chiefs of deep understanding; by the wild beasts in the mountains, by the tame beasts that run in the plains; they watch him, as he comes up to the country for a bad year, or for a good year, (thinking in themselves): "How shall the Aryan countries be fertile?" 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 37  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide âsu-xshvaêwem xshviwi-vâzem ýô avavat xshvaêwô vazaite avi zrayô vourukashem ýatha tikhrish mainyavaså ýim anghat erexshô xshviwi-ishush xshviwi-ishvatemô airyanãm airyô-xshuthat haca garôit hvanvañtem avi gairîm.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, swift-flying and swift-moving, who flies towards the sea Vouru-Kasha, as swiftly as the arrow darted through the heavenly space, which Erekhsha, the swift archer, the Arya amongst the Aryas whose arrow was the swiftest, shot from Mount Khshaotha to Mount Hvanvant. (Ⅱ)
8. 38  
avi dim ahurô mazdå avãn ameshå speñta vouru-gaoyaoitish hê mithrô pouru pañtãm fracaêshaêtem â-dim paskât anumarezatem ashishca vanguhi berezaiti pâreñdica raoratha vîspem-â ahmât ýat aêm paiti-apayat vazemnô hvanvañtem avi gairîm hvanvata paiti nirat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [10]
- 'Ahura Mazda gave him assistance, and the Amesha-Spentas and Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, pointed him the way: behind him went the tall Ashish Vanguhi and Parendi on her light chariot: always till, in his course, he reached Mount Hvanvant on the shining waters. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 39  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýô pairikå taurvayeiti ýô pairikå titârayeiti ýå uzånghat angrô mainyush mamnûsh stârãm afshcithranãm vîspanãm paiti-eretêe.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, who afflicts the Pairikas, who destroys the Pairikas, that Angra Mainyus flung to stop all the stars that have in them the seed of the waters. (Ⅱ)
8. 40  
tå tishtryô taurvayeiti vîvâiti hish zrayanghat haca vourukashât, âat maêkha us-fravåñte huyâiryå âpô bareñtish ýâhva urvâitish awrå perethu aipi vîjasâitîsh avô urvaitîsh hapta karshvãn. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [11]
- 'Tishtrya afflicts them, he blows them away from the sea Vouru-Kasha; then the wind blows the clouds forward, bearing the waters of fertility, so that the friendly showers spread wide over, they spread helpingly and friendly over the seven Karshvares. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 41  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýim âpô paitishmareñte aremaêshtå frâtat-caratasca xãyå thraotô- stâtasca parshuyå vairyåsca,
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, for whom long the standing waters, and the running spring-waters, the stream-waters, and the rain-waters: (Ⅱ)
8. 42  
kadha-nô avi vyarât tishtryô raêvå hvarenanguhå kadha xå aspô-staoyehîsh apãm khzhârãm aiwikhzhârem srîråsca asô-shôithråsca gaoyaoitîshca âtaciñtîsh â-vareshajish urvaranãm sûra vaxshyeñte vaxsha. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [12]
- '"When will the bright and glorious Tishtrya rise up for us? When will the springs with a flow and overflow of waters, thick as a horse's shoulder, run to the beautiful places and fields, and to the pastures, even to the roots of the plants, that they may grow with a powerful growth?" 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 43  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýô vîspâish naênizhaiti simå apaya vazhedrish uxshyeiti vîspåse-tå dâmãn baêshazyatica sevishtô ýezi aêm bavaiti ýashtô xshnûtô frithô paiti-zañtô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [13]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, who washes away all things of fear, who stunts the growth of all ...., and brings health to all these creations, being most beneficent, when he has been worshipped with a sacrifice and propitiated, rejoiced, and satisfied. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 44  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýim ratûm paiti-daêmca vîspaêshãm stârãm fradathat ahurô mazdå ýatha narãm zarathushtrem, ýim nôit merekheñte angrô mainyush nôit ýâtavô pairikåsca nôit ýâtavô mashyânãm naêdha vîspe hathra daêva mahrkathâi upadarzhnvaiñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [14]
- 'I will sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, whom Ahura Mazda has established as a lord and overseer above all stars, in the same way as he has established Zarathushtra above men; whom neither Angra Mainyu, nor the Yatus and the Pairikas, nor the men Yatus can deliver unto death, nor can all the Daevas together prevail for his death. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 45  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýahmâi hazangrem ýaoxshtinãm fradathat ahurô mazdå afshcithraêshva sevishtâi ýô afshcithraêibyô âiti raoxshnushva vazemnô.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, to whom Ahura Mazda has given a thousand senses, and who is the most beneficent amongst the stars that have in them the seed of the waters: (Ⅱ)
8. 46  
hô zrayanghô vourukashahe amavatô huraodhahe jafrahe uruyâpahe vîspê vairish âcaraiti vîspêsca srîrê nimraokê vîspêsca srîrê apakhzhâire aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe.
- 'Who moves in light with the stars that have in them the seed of the waters: he, from the sea Vouru-Kasha, the powerful sea, the large-sized, deep, and salt of waters, goes to all the lakes, and to all the beautiful caves, and to all the beautiful channels, in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison. (Ⅱ)
8. 47  
âat âpô ava-bareñte spitama zarathushtra zrayanghadha haca vourukashât tâtå urvâthrå baêshazyå tå avadha vîbaxshaiti âbyô dainghubyô sevishtô ýatha aêm bavaiti ýashtô xshnûtô frithô paiti-zañtô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [15]
- 'Then, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the waters flow down from the sea Vouru-Kasha, mother-like, friendly, and healing: he divides them amongst these countries, being most beneficent, when he has been worshipped with a sacrifice and propitiated rejoiced, and satisfied. 'For his brigbtness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 48  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ýim vîspâish paitishmareñte ýâish speñtahe mainyêush dâmãn adhairi-zemâishca upairi-zemâishca ýâca upâpa ýâca upasma ýâca frapterejãn ýâca ravascarãn ýâca upairi tå akarana anakhra ashaonô stish âidhi. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide (See verse 3)! [16]
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, for whom long all the creatures of Spenta-Mainyu, those that live under the ground, and those that live above the ground; those that live in the waters, and those that live on dry land; those that fly, and those that run in the plains; and all those that live within this boundless and endless world of the holy Spirit. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
8. 49  
tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide thamananguhañtem varecanguhañtem ýaoxshtivañtem xshayamnem isânem hazangrâi ayaptanãm ýô dadhâiti kuxshnvãnâi paurush ayaptå jaidhyañtâi ajaidhyamnâi mashyâi.
- 'We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the bright and glorious star, the healthful, wise, happy, and powerful, who is the lord of a thousand boons, and grants many boons to that man who has pleased him, whether begging or not begging for them. (Ⅱ)

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