(pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mihir i frâgayôt i dâwar i râst bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish râmanasca hvâstrahe xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! [1]
- May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas, and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani], the holy and master of holiness.... Unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who has a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes, a Yazata invoked by his own name, and unto Rama Hvastra,1 Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... (Ⅱ)
mraot ahurô mazdå spitamâi zarathushtrâi, âat ýat mithrem ýim vouru-gaoyaoitîm frâdadhãm azem spitama âat dim dadhãm avåñtem ýesnyata avåñtem vahmyata ýatha mãmcit ýim ahurem mazdãm.
- Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathushtra, saying: 'Verily, when I created Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, O Spitama! I created him as worthy of sacrifice, as worthy of prayer as myself, Ahura Mazda.2 (Ⅱ)
mereñcaite vîspãm dainghaom mairyô mithrô-druxsh spitama, ýatha satem kayadhanãm avavat ashava-jacit, mithrem mâ janyå spitama mâ ýim drvatat peresånghe mâ ýim hvâdaênât ashaonat, vayå zî asti mithrô drvataêca ashaonaêca.
- 'The ruffian who lies unto Mithra3 brings death unto the whole country, injuring as much the faithful world as a hundred evil-doers4 could do. Break not the contract, O Spitama! neither the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the unfaithful, nor the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the faithful who is one of thy own faith.5 For Mithra stands for both the faithful and the unfaithful. (Ⅱ)
âsu-aspîm dadhâiti mithrô ýô vouru- gaoyaoitish ýôi mithrem nôit aiwi-druzhiñti, razishtem pañtãm dadhâiti âtarsh mazdå ahurahe ýôi mithrem nôit aiwi-druzhiñti, ashaonãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô dadhâiti âsnãm frazaiñtîm ýôi mithrem nôit aiwi-druzhiñti.
- 'Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, gives swiftness to the horses of those who lie not unto Mithra. 'Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda, gives the straightest way to those who lie not unto Mithra. 'The good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful give a virtuous offspring to those who lie not unto Mithra. (Ⅱ)
ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm zaothrâbyô, mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide râma-shayanem hushayanem airyâbyô dainghubyô.
- 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. 'We offer up libations unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who gives a happy dwelling and a good dwelling to the Aryan nations. (Ⅱ)
âca-nô jamyât avanghe âca-nô jamyât ravanghe âca-nô jamyât rafnanghe âca-nô jamyât marzhdikâi âca-nô jamyât baêshazâi âca-nô jamyât verethrakhnâi âca-nô jamyât havanghâi âca-nô jamyât ashavastâi ukhrô aiwithûrô ýasnyô vahmyô anaiwidruxtô vîspemâi anguhe astvaite mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish.
- 'May he come to us for help! May he come to us for ease! May he come to us for joy! May he come to us for mercy! May he come to us for health! May he come to us for victory! May he come to us for good conscience!6 May he come to us for bliss!7 he, the awful and overpowering, worthy of sacrifice and prayer, not to be deceived anywhere in the whole of the material world, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. (Ⅱ)
tem amavañtem ýazatem sûrem dâmôhu sevishtem mithrem ýazâi zaothrâbyô, tem pairi-jasâi vañtaca nemanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm zaothrâbyô, mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide haomayô gava baresmana, hizvô danghangha mãthraca, vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca, arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide! [2]
- 'I will offer up libations unto him, the strong Yazata, the powerful Mithra, most beneficent to the creatures: I will apply unto him with charity8 and prayers: I will offer up a sacrifice worth being heard unto him, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, with the Haoma and meat, with the baresma, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the holy spells, with the speech, with the deeds, with the libations, and with the rightly-spoken words. 'Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda....9 (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide arsh-vacanghem vyâxanem hazangra-gaoshem hutâshtem baêvare-cashmanem berezañtem perethu-vaêdhayanem sûrem ahvafnem jakhâurvånghem.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who is truth-speaking, a chief in assemblies, with a thousand ears, well-shapen, with ten thousand eyes, high, with full knowledge,10 strong, sleepless, and ever awake;11 (Ⅱ)
ýim ýazeñte dainghupatayô arezahe ava-jaseñtô avi haênayå xrvishyeitîsh avi hãm-ýañta rasmaoyô añtare dainghu pâperetâne.
- 'To whom the chiefs of nations offer up sacrifices, as they go to the field, against havocking hosts, against enemies coming in battle array, in the strife of conflicting nations. (Ⅱ)
ýatâra vâ-dim paurva frâyazâiti fraoret fraxshni avi manô zarazdâtôit anguhyat haca âtarathra fraorisyeiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish hathra vâta verethrâjanô hathra dâmôish upamanô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [3]
- 'On whichever side he has been worshipped first in the fulness of faith of a devoted heart, to that side turns Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, with the fiend-smiting wind, with the cursing thought of the wise.12 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake. (Ⅱ)
ýim ýazeñte rathaêshtârô bareshaêshu paiti aspanãm zâvare jaidhyañtô hitaêibyô drvatâtem tanubyô pouru-spaxshtîm tbishyañtãm paiti-jaitîm dushmainyunãm hathrâ-nivâitîm hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [4]
- 'Whom the horsemen worship on the back of their horses, begging swiftness for their teams, health for their own bodies, and that they may watch with full success those who hate them, smite down their foes, and destroy at one stroke their adversaries, their enemies, and those who hate them.13 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; (Ⅱ)
ýô paoiryô mainyavô ýazatô tarô harãm âsnaoiti paurva-naêmât ameshahe hû ýat aurvat-aspahe, ýô paoiryô zaranyô-pîsô srîrå bareshnava gerewnâiti adhât vîspem âdidhâiti airyô-shayanem sevishtô,
- 'Who first of the heavenly gods reaches over the Hara14, before the undying, swift-horsed sun15; who, foremost in a golden array, takes hold of the beautiful summits, and from thence looks over the abode of the Aryans with a beneficent eye. (Ⅱ)
ýahmya sâstârô aurva paoirish îrå râzayeñte ýahmya garayô berezañtô pouru-vâstrånghô âfeñtô thâtairô gave frâdhayeñte ýahmya jafra varayô urvâpånghô hishteñte ýahmya âpô nâvayå perethwish xshaodhangha thwaxsheñte âishatem pourutemca mourum hârôyum gaomca suxdhem hvâirizemca
- 'Where the valiant chiefs draw up their many troops in array;16 where the high mountains, rich in pastures and waters, yield plenty to the cattle;17 where the deep lakes, with salt waters, stand;18 where wide-flowing rivers swell and hurry towards Ishkata and Pouruta, Mouru and Haroyu, the Gava-Sughdha and Hvairizem;19 (Ⅱ)
avi arezahi savahi avi fradadhafshu vîdadhafshu avi vouru-bareshti vouru-jareshti avi imat karshvare ýat hvanirathem bâmîm gavashayanem gavashitîmca baêshazyãm mithrô sûrô âdidhâiti.
- 'On Arezahi and Sawahi, on Fradadhafshu and Widadhafshu, on Wouru-bareshti and Wourujareshti, on this bright karshwar of Xwaniratha20, the abode of cattle, the dwelling of cattle, the powerful Mithra looks with a health-bringing eye; (Ⅱ)
ýô vîspâhu karshvôhu mainyavô ýazatô vazaite hvarenô-då ýô vîspâhu karshvôhu mainyavô ýazatô vazaite xshathrô-då, aêshãm gûnaoti verethrakhnem ýôi dim dahma vîdush-asha zaothrâbyô frâyazeñte. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [5]
- 'He who moves along all the karshwars, a Yazata unseen, and brings glory; he who moves along all the karshwars, a Yazata unseen, and brings sovereignty; and increases21 strength for victory to those who, with a pious intent, holily offer him libations. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, ýô nôit kahmâi aiwi-draoxdhô nôit nmânahe nmânô-patêe nôit vîsô vîspatêe nôit zañtêush zañtupatêe nôit dainghêush dainghupatêe.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Unto whom nobody must lie, neither the master of a house, nor the lord of a borough, nor the lord of a town, nor the lord of a province. (Ⅱ)
ýezi vâ-dim aiwi-druzhaiti nmânahe vâ nmânô-paitish vîsô vâ vîspaitish zañtêush vâ zañtupaitish dainghêush vâ dainghupaitish frasha upa-scañdayeiti mithrô grañtô upa-tbishtô uta nmânem uta vîsem uta zañtûm uta dah'yûm uta nmânanãm nmânô-paitish uta vîsãm vîspaitish uta zañtunãm zañtupaitish uta dah'yunãm dainghupaitish uta dah'yunãm fratemadhâtô.
- 'If the master of a house lies unto him, or the lord of a borough, or the lord of a town, or the lord of a province, then comes Mithra, angry and offended, and he breaks asunder the house, the borough, the town, the province; and the masters of the houses, the lords of the boroughs, the lords of the towns, the lords of the provinces, and the foremost men of the provinces. (Ⅱ)
ahmâi naêmâi uzjasâiti mithrô grañtô upa-tbishtô ýahmâi naêmanãm mithrô-druxsh naêdha mainyu paiti-pâite.
- 'On whatever side there is one who has lied unto Mithra, on that side Mithra stands forth, angry and offended, and his wrath22 is slow to relent.23 (Ⅱ)
aspacit ýôi mithrô-drujãm vazyãstra bavaiñti taciñtô nôit apayeiñti bareñtô nôit frastanvañti vazeñtô nôit framanyeñti, apashi vazaite arshtish ýãm anghayeiti avi-mithrish frêna akhanãm mãthranãm ýå verezyeiti avi-mithrish.
- 'Those who lie unto Mithra, however swift they may be running, cannot overtake;24 riding, cannot ....; driving, cannot ..... The spear that the foe of Mithra flings, darts backwards, for the number of the evil spells that the foe of Mithra works out.25 (Ⅱ)
ýatcit hvastem anghayeiti ýatcit tanûm apayeiti atcit dim nôit râshayeñte frêna akhanãm mãthranãm ýå verezyeiti avi-mithrish, vâtô tãm arshtîm baraiti ýãm anghayeiti avi-mithrish frêna akhanãm mãthranãm ýå verezyeiti avi-mithrish. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [6]
- 'And even though the spear be flung well, even though it reach the body, it makes no wound, for the number of the evil spells that the foe of Mithra works out.26 The wind drives away the spear that the foe of Mithra flings, for the number of the evil spells that the foe of Mithra works out. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýô narem anaiwi-druxtô apa ãzanghat baraiti apa ithyajanghat baraiti.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Who takes out of distress the man who has not lied unto him, who takes him out of death. (Ⅱ)
apa-nô haca ãzanghat apa haca ãzanghibyô mithra barôish anâdruxtô, tûm ana mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm avi hvaêpaithyåse tanvô thwyãm ava-barahi, apa aêshãm bâzvå aojô tûm grañtô xshayamnô barahi apa pâdhayå zâvare apa cashmanå sûkem apa gaoshayå sraoma.
- 'Take us out of distress, take us out of distresses, O Mithra! as we have not lied unto thee. Thou bringest down terror upon the bodies of the men who lie unto Mithra; thou takest away the strength from their arms, being angry and all-powerful; thou takest the swiftness from their feet, the eye-sight from their eyes, the hearing from their ears. (Ⅱ)
nôit dim arshtôish huxshnutayå nôit ishaosh para-pathwatô ava-ashnaoiti shanmaoyô ýahmâi fraxshni avi manô mithrô jasaiti avainghe ýô baêvare-spasanô sûrô vîspô-vîdhvå adhaoyamnô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [7]
- 'Not the wound27 of the well-sharpened spear or of the flying arrow reaches that man to whom Mithra comes for help with all the strength of his soul, he, of the ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-seeing, undeceivable Mithra. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ahurem gufrem amavañtem dâtô-saokem vyâxanem vahmô-señdanghem berezañtem ashahunarem tanumãthrem bâzush-aojanghem rathaêshtãm
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Who is lordly, deep, strong, and weal-giving; a chief in assemblies, pleased with prayers,28 high, holily clever, the incarnate Word, a warrior with strong arms; (Ⅱ)
kameredhô-janem daêvanãm akatarem sraoshyanãm acaêtârem mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm hamaêstârem pairikanãm ýô dainghaom anâdruxtô uparâi amâi dadhâiti ýô dainghaom anâdruxtô uparâi verethrâi dadhâiti,
- 'Who breaks the skulls of the Daevas, and is most cruel in exacting pains; the punisher of the men who lie unto Mithra, the withstander of the Pairikas; who, when not deceived, establisheth nations in supreme strength; who, when not deceived, establisheth nations in supreme victory; (Ⅱ)
ýô dainghêush rãxshyãithyå para razishtå baraiti paiti hvarenå vârayeiti apa verethrakhnem baraiti avarethå hîsh apivaiti baêvare khenãnå nisirinaoiti ýô baêvare-spasanô sûrô vîspô-vîdhvå adhaoyamnô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [8]
- 'Who confounds the ways of the nation that delights in havoc, who turns away their Glory,29 takes away their strength for victory, blows them away helpless,30 and delivers them unto ten thousand strokes; he, of the ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-seeing, undeceivable Mithra. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýô stunå vîdhârayeiti berezimitahe nmânahe stawrå ãithyå kerenaoiti, âat ahmâi nmânâi dadhâiti gêushca vãthwa vîranãmca ýahva xshnûtô bavaiti, upa anyå sciñdayeiti ýâhva tbishtô bavaiti.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Who upholds the columns of the lofty house and makes its pillars31 solid; who gives herds of oxen and male children to that house in which he has been satisfied; he breaks to pieces those in which he has been offended. (Ⅱ)
tûm akô vahishtasca mithra ahi dainghubyô tûm akô vahishtasca mithra ahi mashyâkaêibyô, tûm âxshtôish anâxshtôishca mithra xshayehe dah'yunãm.
- 'Thou, O Mithra! art both bad and good to nations; thou, O Mithra! art both bad and good to men; thou, O Mithra! keepest in thy hands both peace and trouble for nations. (Ⅱ)
tûm sraogenå sraorathå nishtaretô-spayå nidhâtô-barezishtå nmânå masitå dadhâhi tûm sraogenem sraorathem nishtaretô-aspaêm nidhâtô-barezishtem nmânem dadhâhi berezimitem ýase-thwâ aoxtô-nâmana ýasna rathwya vaca ýazaite barô-zaothrô ashava.
- 'Thou makest houses large, beautiful with women, beautiful with chariots, with well-laid foundations,32 and high above their groundwork;33 thou makest that house lofty, beautiful with women, beautiful with chariots, with well-laid foundations, and high above its groundwork, of which the master, pious and holding libations in his hand, offers thee a sacrifice, in which thou art invoked by thy own name and with the proper words. (Ⅱ)
aoxtô-nâmana thwâ ýasna rathwya vaca sûra mithra ýazâi zaothrâbyô, aoxtô-nâmana thwâ ýasna rathwya vaca sevishta mithra ýazâi zaothrâbyô, aoxtô-nâmana thwâ ýasna rathwya vaca adhaoyamna mithra ýazâi zaothrâbyô.
- 'With a sacrifice, in which thou art invoked by thy own name, with the proper words will I offer thee libations, O powerful Mithra! 'With a sacrifice, in which thou art invoked by thy own name, with the proper words will I offer thee libations, O most beneficent Mithra! 'With a sacrifice, in which thou art invoked by thy own name, with the proper words will I offer thee libations, O thou undeceivable Mithra! (Ⅱ)
surunuyå nô mithra ýasnahe xshnuyå nô mithra ýasnahe upa-nô ýasnem âhisha paiti-nô zaothrå vîsanguha hãm hîsh cimâne baranguha nî-hîsh dasva garônmâne.
- 'Listen unto our sacrifice,34 O Mithra! Be thou pleased with our sacrifice, O Mithra! Come and sit at our sacrifice! Accept our libations! Accept them as they have been consecrated!35 Gather them together with love and lay them in the Garo-nmana!36. (Ⅱ)
dazdi ahmâkem tat âyaptem ýase-thwâ ýâsâmahi sûra urvaiti dâtanãm sravanghãm îshtîm amem verethrakhnemca havanghum ashavastemca haosravanghem hurunîmca mastîm spânô vaêidhîmca verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem ýãm ashahe vahishtahe paiti-parshtîmca mãthrahe speñtahe,
- 'Grant us these boons which we beg of thee, O powerful god! in accordance37 with the words of revelation, namely, riches, strength, and victory, good conscience and bliss,38 good fame and a good soul; wisdom and the knowledge that gives happiness,39 the victorious strength given by Ahura, the crushing Ascendant of Asha Vahishta, and conversation (with God) on the Holy Word.40 (Ⅱ)
ýatha vaêm humananghô framananghasca urvâzemna haomananghimna vanâma vîspê harethê, ýatha vaêm humananghô framananghasca urvâzemna haomananghimna vanâma vîspê dushmainyush, ýatha vaêm humananghô framananghasca urvâzemna haomananghimna vanâma vîspå tbaêshå taurvayama daêvanãm mashyânãmca ýâthwãm pairikanãmca sâthrãm kaoyãm karafnãmca. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [9]
- 'Grant that we, in a good spirit and high spirit, exalted in joy and a good spirit, may smite all our foes; that we, in a good spirit and high spirit, exalted in joy and a good spirit, may smite all our enemies; that we, in a good spirit and high spirit, exalted in joy and a good spirit, may smite all the malice of Daevas and Men, of the Yatus and Pairikas, of the oppressors, the blind, and the deaf.41 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem arenat-caêshem viñdat-spâdhem hazangra-ýaoxshtîm xshayañtem xshayamnem vîspô-vîdhvånghem,
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Victory-making42, army-governing, endowed with a thousand senses43; power-wielding, power-possessing, and all-knowing; (Ⅱ)
ýô arezem frashâvayeiti ýô areze paiti hishtaiti ýô areze paiti hishtemnô frâ rasmanô scañdayeiti, ýaozeñti vîspe karanô rasmanô arezô-shûtahe frâ maidhyãnem xrånghayete spâdhahe xrvîshyañtahe.
- 'Who sets the battle a going, who stands against (armies) in battle, who, standing against (armies) in battle, breaks asunder the lines arrayed. The wings of the columns gone to battle shake, and he throws terror upon the centre of the havocking host. (Ⅱ)
avi dîsh aêm xshayamnô âithîm barâiti thwyãmca, para kameredhå spayeiti mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm para kameredhå vazaite mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm.
- 'He can bring and does bring down upon them distress and fear; he throws down the heads of those who lie to Mithra, he takes off the heads of those who lie unto Mithra. (Ⅱ)
xrûmå shaitayô fraziñte anashitå maêthanyå ýâhva mithrô-drujô shyete haithîm-ashava-janasca drvañtô, xrûmîm gâush ýâ cangranghâxsh varaithîm pañtãm azaite ýâ darenâhu mithrô-drujãm mashyânãm frazarshta aêshãm raithya asrû azânô hishteñte anu-zafanô takahe.
- 'Sad is the abode, unpeopled with children, where abide men who lie unto Mithra, and, verily, the fiendish killer of faithful men. The grazing cow goes a sad straying way, driven along the vales44 of the Mithradrujes: they45 stand on the road, letting tears run over their chins46. (Ⅱ)
ishavascit aêshãm erezifyô-parena huthaxtat haca thanvanât jya-jatånghô vazemna ashemnô-vîdhô bavaiti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish, arshtayascit aêshãm huxshnuta tikhra darekha-arshtaya vazemna haca bâzubyô ashemnô-vîdhô bavaiti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish, zarshtvacit aêshãm fradaxshanya vazemna haca bâzubyô ashemnô-vîdhô bavaiti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish.
- 'Their falcon-feathered arrows, shot from the string of the well-bent bow, fly towards the mark, and hit it not, as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, angry, offended, and unsatisfied, comes and meets them. 'Their spears, well whetted and sharp, their long spears fly from their hands towards the mark, and hit it not, as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, angry, offended, and unsatisfied, comes and meets them. (Ⅱ)
karetacit aêshãm hufrâyuxta ýôi nikhrâire sarahu mashyâkanãm ashemnô-janô bavaiti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish, vazracit aêshãm hunivixta ýôi nikhrâire sarahu mashyâkanãm ashemnô-janô bavaiti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish.
- 'Their swords, well thrust and striking at the heads of men, hit not the mark, as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, angry, offended, and unsatisfied, comes and meets them. 'Their clubs, well falling and striking at the heads of men, hit not the mark, as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, angry, offended, and unsatisfied, comes and meets them. (Ⅱ)
mithrô avi-thrånghayete rashnush paiti-thrånghayete sraoshô ashyô vîspaêibyô naêmaêibyô hãm-vâiti paiti thrâtâra ýazata, tê rasmanô raêcayeiñti ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô apaiti-zañtô mithnâiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish
- 'Mithra strikes fear into them; Rashnu47 strikes a counter-fear into them48; the holy Sraosha blows them away from every side towards the two Yazatas, the maintainers of the world.49 They make the ranks of the army melt away, as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, angry, offended, and unsatisfied, comes and meets them.50 (Ⅱ)
uityaojanå mithrâi vouru-gaoyaoitêe, âi mithra vouru-gaoyaoite ime nô aurvañtô aspa para mithrâdha nayeñte ime nô ukhra-bâzava kareta mithra sciñdayeiñti.
- 'They cry unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, saying: "O Mithra, thou lord of wide pastures! here are our fiery horses taking us away, as they flee from Mithra; here are our sturdy arms cut to pieces by the sword, O Mithra!" (Ⅱ)
pascaêta dîsh fraspayeiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish pañcasakhnâi satakhnâishca satakhnâi hazangrakhnâishca hazangrakhnâi baêvarekhnâishca baêvarekhnâi ahãxshtakhnâishca ýatha grañtô upa-tbishtô mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [10]
- 'And then Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, throws them to the ground, killing their fifties and their hundreds, their hundreds and their thousands, their thousands and their tens of thousands, their tens of thousands and their myriads of myriads; as Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, is angry and offended. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem ýenghe zem-frathô maêthanem vîdhâtem astvañti anghvô mazat anãzô bâmîm perethu aipi vouru-ashtem,
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'Whose dwelling, wide as the earth, extends over the material world, large51, unconfined51, and bright, a far-and-wide-extending abode. (Ⅱ)
ýenghe ashta râtayô vîspâhu paiti barezâhu vîspâhu vaêdhayanâhu spasô ånghâire mithrahe mithrô-drujem hispôsemna ave aipi daidhyañtô ave aipi hishmareñtô ýôi paurva mithrem druzhiñti avaêshãmca pathô påñtô ýim iseñti mithrô-drujô haithîm-ashava-janasca drvañtô
- 'Whose eight friends52 sit as spies for Mithra, on all the heights, at all the watching-places, observing the man who lies unto Mithra, looking at those, remembering those who have lied unto Mithra, but guarding the ways of those whose life is sought by men who lie unto Mithra, and, verily, by the fiendish killers of faithful men. (Ⅱ)
avå pavå pasca pavå parô pavå spash vîdhaêta adhaoyamnô frâ anghe vîsaiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish ýahmâi frashni avi manô mithrô jasaiti avainghe ýô baêvare-spasanô sûrô vîspô-vîdhvå adhaoyamnô. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [11]
- 'Helping and guarding, guarding behind and guarding in front, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, proves an undeceivable spy and watcher for the man to whom he comes to help with all the strength of his soul, he of the ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable god. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem, ýim frasrûtem zaranimnem perethu-safånghô vazeñti avi haênayå xrvishyeitish avi hãm-ýañta rasmaoyô añtare dainghu pâperetâne.
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; 'A god of high renown and old age53, whom wide-hoofed horses carry against havocking hosts, against enemies coming in battle array, in the strife of conflicting nations54. (Ⅱ)
âat ýat mithrô fravazaite avi haênayå xrvishyeitish avi hãm-ýañta rasmaoyô añtare dainghu pâperetâne athra narãm mithrô-drujãm apãsh gavô darezayeiti para daêma vârayeiti apa gaosha taoshayeiti nôit pâdha vîdhârayeiti nôit paiti-tavå bavaiti tâ dainghâvô tê hamerethê ýatha duzhbereñtô baraiti mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! [12]
- 'And when Mithra drives along towards the havocking hosts, towards the enemies coming in battle array, in the strife of the conflicting nations, then he binds the hands of those who have lied unto Mithra, he confounds their eye-sight, he takes the hearing from their ears; they can no longer move their feet; they can no longer withstand those people, those foes, when Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, bears them ill-will. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ... jakhaurvånghem,
- 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake; (Ⅱ)