Warharan Yasht (chapter 14)
> Warharan Yasht (chapter 14)  :
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(Avestan version)

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14. 0  
(pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, bahirâm ýazat i pêrôzhgar i dushman zadâr amahe hutâshtahe bê rasât, ezh hamâ gunâh ... pa patit hôm!) xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomî ashem, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, (Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.) verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca uparatâtô xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca, ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! [1]
- May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!.... Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good.... I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra, one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura; For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Hawan], the holy and master of holiness.... Unto Verethraghna, made by Mazda, and unto the crushing Ascendant;1 Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification. Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.... (Ⅱ)
14. 1  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ahurem mazdãm, ahura mazda mainyô spênishta dâtare gaêthanãm astvaitinãm ashâum kô asti mainyavanãm ýazatanãm zayôtemô, âat mraot ahurô mazdå, verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô spitama zarathushtra.
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 2  
ahmâi paoiryô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô vâtahe kehrpa darshyôish srîrahe mazdadhâtahe vohu hvarenô mazdadhâtem barat hvarenô mazdadhâtem baêshazem uta amemca.
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him first, running in the shape of a strong, beautiful wind, made by Mazda; he bore the good Glory, made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda, that is both health and strength. (Ⅱ)
14. 3  
âat ahmâi amavastemô, ama ahmi amavastemô verethra ahmi verethravastemô hvarenangha ahmi hvarenanguhastemô ýâna ahmi ýânavastemô saoka ahmi saokavastemô baêshaza ahmi baêshazyôtemô.
- Then he, who is the strongest,2 said unto him:3 'I am the strongest in strength; I am the most victorious in victory; I am the most glorious in glory; I am the most favouring in favour; I am the best giver of welfare: I am the best-healing in health-giving. (Ⅱ)
14. 4  
âat tbaêshå taurvayeni vîspanãm tbishvatãm tbaêshå daêvanãm mashyânãmca ýâthwãm pairikanãmca sâthrãm kaoyãm karafnãmca.
- 'And I shall destroy the malice of all the malicious, the malice of Daevas and men, of the 'Yatus and Pairikas, of the oppressors, the blind, and the deaf. (Ⅱ)
14. 5  
ahe raya hvarenanghaca tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem zaothrâbyô, verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide ýâish dâtâish paoiryâish ahurahe haomayô gava baresmana hizvô danghangha mãthraca vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô. ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide! [2]
- 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard; namely, unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. We worship Verethraghna, made by Ahura, with an offering of libations, according to the primitive ordinances of Ahura; with the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightly-spoken words. 'Yenhe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
14. 6  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- 'We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura.' Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 7  
ahmâi bityô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô gêush kehrpa arshânahe srîrahe zaranyô-srvahe ýim upairi sruye sanat amô hutashtô huraodhô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [3]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the second time, running in the shape of a beautiful bull, with yellow ears and golden horns; upon whose horns floated the well-shapen Strength, and Victory, beautiful of form, made by Ahura: thus did he come, bearing the good Glory, made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda, that is both health and strength. Then he, who is the strongest, said unto him: 'I am the strongest in strength....,4 'And I shall destroy the malice of all malicious....5 For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard....6 (Ⅱ)
14. 8  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 9  
ahmâi thrityô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô aspahe kehrpa aurushahe srîrahe zairi-gaoshahe zaranyô-aiwidhânahe ýim upairi ainikem sanat amô hutashtô huraodhô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [4]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the third time, running in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with yellow ears and a golden caparison; upon whose forehead floated the well-shapen Strength, and Victory, beautiful of form, made by Ahura: thus did he come, bearing the good Glory, made by Mazda, that is both health and strength. Then he, who is the strongest, said unto him: 'I am the strongest in strength.... 'And I shall destroy the malice of all malicious....' For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 10  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 11  
ahmâi tûiryô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô ushtrahe kehrpa vadharyaosh dadãsaosh aiwi-tacinahe urvatô frasparanahe gaêthâush mashyô-vanghahe,
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the fourth time, running in the shape of a burden-bearing7 camel, sharp-toothed,8 swift ....,9 stamping forwards, long-haired, and living in the abodes of men;10 (Ⅱ)
14. 12  
ýô arshnãm franghereziñtãm mazishtem aojô âbaraiti mazishtemca âmananghem ýô xshathrishva avâiti avå zî xshathrîsh hupâtôtemå ýå ushtrô pâiti vadharish ash-bâzâush stvi-kaofô smarshnô-daêma jîrô-sârô raêva berezô amavå,
- Who of all males in rut shows greatest strength and greatest fire, when he goes to his females. Of all females those are best kept whom a burden-bearing camel keeps, who has thick forelegs and large humps, ....,11 quick-eyed, long-headed, bright, tall, and strong; (Ⅱ)
14. 13  
ýãm hê dûraêsûkem dûire fravâiti aêtahe tãthryãm aipi xshapanem, ýô kafem aipi-spayeiti spaêititem upa vakhdhanem huxshnaothre hupaitishtâne ýô hishtaite vîdidhvå ýatha sâsta hamô-xshathrô, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [5]
- Whose piercing look goes afar ....,12 even in the dark of the night; who throws white foam along his mouth; well-kneed, well-footed, standing with the countenance of an all-powerful master: Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
14. 14  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 15  
ahmâi puxdhô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô hû kehrpa varâzahe paiti-erenô tizhi-dãstrahe arshnô tizhi-asûrahe hakeret-janô varâzahe anupôithwahe grañtahe parshvanikahe taxmahe ýûxdhahe pâirivâzahe, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [6]
- 'Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the fifth time, running in the shape of a boar, opposing the foes, a sharp-toothed he-boar, a sharp-jawed boar, that kills at one stroke, pursuing, wrathful, with a dripping face,13 strong, and swift to run, and rushing all around.14 Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda. (Ⅱ)
14. 16  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethragna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 17  
ahmâi xshtvô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô narsh kehrpa pañca-dasanghô xshaêtahe spiti-dôithrahe kasu-pâshnahe srîrahe, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [7]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the sixth time, running in the shape of a beautiful youth of fifteen, shining, clear-eyed, thin-heeled. Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
14. 18  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 19  
ahmâi haptathô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô merekhahe kehrpa vârekhnahe urvatô adhara-naêmât pishatô upara-naêmât ýô vayãm asti âsishtô reñjishtô fravazemnanãm.
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the seventh time, running in the shape of a raven that ...15 below and ...15 above, and that is the swiftest of all birds, the lightest of the flying creatures. (Ⅱ)
14. 20  
hô aêvô ushtanavatãm ishva-vasma apayeiti [hascit vâ nôit vâ] ýatcit vazaite hvastem, ýô vazaite zarshayamnô akhrãm usaitîm ushånghem axshafni xshafnîm isemnô asûiri sûirîm isemnô,
- He alone of living things, — he or none, — overtakes the flight of an arrow, however well it has been shot. He flies up joyfully at the first break of dawn, wishing the night to be no more, wishing the dawn, that has not yet come, to come.16 (Ⅱ)
14. 21  
vîgâthô marezat kaofanãm bareshnavô marezat gairinãm jãfnavô marezat raonãm saênish marezat urvaranãm vayãm vâcim susrushemnô, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [8]
- He grazes the hidden ways17 of the mountains, he grazes the tops of the mountains, he grazes the depths of the vales, he grazes the summits18 of the trees, listening to the voices of the birds. Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda,19 the Glory made by Mazda. (Ⅱ)
14. 22  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world. thou Holy One! Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 23  
ahmâi ashtemô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô maêshahe kehrpa aurunahe srîrahe nivashtakô-srvahe, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [9]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the eighth time, running in the shape of a wild, beautiful ram, with horns bent round.20 Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda,21 the Glory made by Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
14. 24  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 25  
ahmâi naomô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô bûzahe kehrpa rênahe srîrahe tizhi-srvahe, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [10]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the ninth time, running in the shape of a beautiful, fighting buck, with sharp horns. Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda.... (Ⅱ)
14. 26  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ... spitama zarathushtra. (cf. verse 1.)
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'Who is the best-armed of the heavenly gods?' Ahura Mazda answered: 'It is Verethraghna, made by Ahura, O Spitama Zarathushtra!' (Ⅱ)
14. 27  
ahmâi dasemô âjasat vazemnô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô vîrahe kehrpa raêvatô srîrahe mazdadhâtahe, barat karetem zaranyô-saorem frapixshtem vîspô-paêsanghem, avatha âjasat. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [11]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, came to him the tenth time, running in the shape of a man, bright and beautiful, made by Mazda: he held a sword with a golden blade, inlaid with all sorts of ornaments. Thus did Verethraghna come, bearing the good Glory made by Mazda, the Glory made by Mazda. (Ⅱ)
14. 28  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide arshô-karem marshô-karem frashô-karem hvâxshtem hvâyaonem, tem ýazata ýô ashava zarathushtrô verethrakhnahe paiti manahi verethrakhnahe paiti vacahi verethrakhnahe paiti shyaothne verethrakhnahe paiti fravâke verethrakhnahe paiti pâitivâke.
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura, who makes virility, who makes death, who makes resurrection, who possesses peace, who has a free way. Unto him did the holy Zarathushtra offer up a sacrifice, [asking] for victorious thinking, victorious speaking, victorious doing, victorious addressing, and victorious answering. (Ⅱ)
14. 29  
ahmâi dathat verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô erezôish xå bâzvå aojô tanvô vîspayå drvatâtem tanvô vîspayå vazdvare aomca sûkem ýim baraiti karô masyô upâpô ýô ranghayå dûraêpârayå jafrayå hazangrô-vîrayå varesô-stavanghem âpô urvaêsem mârayeite. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [12]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, gave him the fountains of manliness,22 the strength of the arms, the health of the whole body, the sturdiness of the whole body, and the eye-sight of the Kara fish,23 that lives beneath the waters and can measure24 a rippling of the water, not thicker than a hair, in the Rangha whose ends lie afar, whose depth is a thousand times the height of a man.25 For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 30  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide arshô-karem marshô-karem frashô-karem hvâxshtem hvâyaonem, tem ýazata ýô ashava zarathushtrô verethrakhnahe paiti manahi verethrakhnahe paiti vacahi verethrakhnahe paiti shyaothne verethrakhnahe paiti fravâke verethrakhnahe paiti pâitivâke.
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura, who makes virility, who makes death, who makes resurrection, who possesses peace, who has a free way. Unto him did the holy Zarathushtra offer up a sacrifice, [asking] for victorious thinking, victorious speaking, victorious doing, victorious addressing, and victorious answering. (Ⅱ)
14. 31  
ahmâi dathat verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô erezôish xå bâzvå aojô tanvô vîspayå drvatâtem tanvô vîspayå vazdvare aomca sûkem ýim baraiti karô masyô upâpô ýô ranghayå dûraêpârayå jafrayå hazangrô-vîrayå varesô-stavanghem âpô urvaêsem mârayeite. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [12]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, gave him the fountains of manliness, the strength of the arms, the health of the whole body, the sturdiness of the whole body, and the eye-sight of the male horse, that, in the dark of the night, in its first half26 and through the rain, can perceive a horse's hair lying on the ground and knows whether it is from the head or from the tail. For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 32  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide arshô-karem marshô-karem frashô-karem hvâxshtem hvâyaonem, tem ýazata ýô ashava zarathushtrô verethrakhnahe paiti manahi verethrakhnahe paiti vacahi verethrakhnahe paiti shyaothne verethrakhnahe paiti fravâke verethrakhnahe paiti pâitivâke.
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura, who makes virility, who makes death, who makes resurrection, who possesses peace, who has a free way. Unto him did the holy Zarathushtra sacrifice, [asking] for victorious thinking, victorious speaking, victorious doing, victorious addressing, and victorious answering. (Ⅱ)
14. 33  
ahmâi dathat verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô erezôish xå bâzvå aojô tanvô vîspayå drvatâtem tanvô vîspayå vazdvare aomca sûkem ýim baraiti karô masyô upâpô ýô ranghayå dûraêpârayå jafrayå hazangrô-vîrayå varesô-stavanghem âpô urvaêsem mârayeite. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [12]
- Verethraghna, made by Ahura, gave him the fountains of virility, the strength of the arms, the health of the whole body, the sturdiness of the whole body, and the eye-sight of the vulture with a golden collar,27 that, from as far as nine districts, can perceive a piece of flesh not thicker than the fist, giving just as much light as a needle gives, as the point of a needle gives.28 For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 34  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ahurem mazdãm, ahura mazda mainyô spênishta dâtare gaêthanãm astvaitinãm ashâum ýat bavâni aiwi-sastô aiwi-shmaretô pouru-narãm tbishyañtãm cish ainghe asti baêshazô.
- We sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura. Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! 'If I have a curse thrown upon me, a spell told upon me by the many men who hate me, what is the remedy for it?' (Ⅱ)
14. 35  
âat mraot ahurô mazdå, merekhahe peshô-parenahe vâreñjinahe parenem ayasaêsha spitama zarathushtra, ana parena tanûm aiwi-sifôish ana parena hamerethem paiti-sanghaêsha.
- Ahura Mazda answered: 'Take thou a feather of that bird with ...29 feathers, the Varenjana, O Spitama Zarathushtra! With that feather thou shalt rub thy own body,30 with that feather thou shalt curse back thy enemies. (Ⅱ)
14. 36  
ýânå baraiti astavô vâ taxmahe merekhahe parenavô vâ taxmahe merekhahe, naêdha-cish raêva mashya jaiñti naêdha fraêshyeiti paourva-hê nemô baraiti paourva hvarenå, vîdhârayeiti upastãm merekhahe parenô merekhanãm.
- 'If a man holds a bone of that strong bird, or a feather of that strong bird, no one can smite or turn to flight that fortunate man. The feather of that bird of birds brings him help; it brings unto him the homage of men, it maintains in him his glory. (Ⅱ)
14. 37  
tå ahurô sâstranãm dainghupaitish nôit satem jaiñti vîraja nôit hakeret jaiñti vaêsaêpa ôim jaiñti frasha aêiti.
- 'Then the sovereign, the lord of countries, will no longer kill his30 hundreds, though he is a killer of men; the ....31 will not kill at one stroke; he alone smites and goes forwards. (Ⅱ)
14. 38  
vîspe tereseñti perenine avatha mâvayacit tanuye vîspe tereseñtu aurvatha vîspe tereseñtu dush-mainyush amemca verethrakhnemca nidhâtem tanuye manô,
- 'All tremble before him who holds the feather, they tremble therefore before me; all my enemies tremble before me and fear my strength and victorious force and the fierceness established in my body. (Ⅱ)
14. 39  
ýim vashåñte ahurånghô vashåñte âhûiryånghô vashåñte haosravanghanô tem vashata kava usa, ýim aspô arsha baraiti ýim ushtrô vadhairish baraiti ýim âfsh nâvaya baraiti,
- 'He carries the chariot of the lords; he carries the chariots of the lordly ones, the chariots of the sovereigns. He carried the chariot of Kavi Usa;33 upon his wings runs the male horse,34 runs the burden-bearing camel, runs the water of the river. (Ⅱ)
14. 40  
ýim thraêtaonô taxmô barat ýô janat azhîm dahâkem thrizafanem thrikameredhem xshvash-ashîm hazangrâ-ýaoxshtîm ashaojanghem daêvîm drujem akhem gaêthâvyô drvañtem ýãm ashaojastemãm drujem fraca kereñtat angrô mainyush aoi ýãm astvaitîm gaêthãm mahrkâi ashahe gaêthanãm. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [15]
- 'Him rode the gallant Thraetaona, who smote Azhi Dahaka, the three-mouthed, the three-headed, the six-eyed, who had a thousand senses; that most powerful, fiendish Druj, that demon, baleful to the world, the strongest Druj that Angra Mainyu created against the material world, to destroy the world of the good principle.35 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 41  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, verethrakhnô avi imat nmânem gaosurâbyô hvarenô pairi-verenavaiti ýatha hâu maza merekhô saênô ýatha ave awrå upâpå masitô gairîsh nivâneñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [16]
- 'We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura. 'Verethraghna confounds the glory of this house with its wealth in cattle. He is like that great bird, the Saena;36 he is like the big clouds, full of water, that beat the mountains. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard.... (Ⅱ)
14. 42  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, peresat zarathushtrô ahurem mazdãm, ahura mazda mainyô spênishta dâtare gaêthanãm astvaitinãm ashâum kva asti verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe nãma-azbâitish kva upa-stûitish kva nishtûitish.
- 'We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura.' Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world thou Holy One! 'Where is it that we must invoke the name of Verethraghna, made by Ahura? Where is it that we must praise him? That we must humbly praise him?' (Ⅱ)
14. 43  
âat mraot ahurô mazdå, ýat spâdha hañjasåñte spitama zarathushtra rashtem rasma katarascit vashtånghô ahmya nôit vazyåñte jatånghô ahmya nôit janyåñte.
- Ahura Mazda answered: 'When armies meet together in full array, O Spitama Zarathushtra! (asking) which of the two is the party that conquers and is not crushed, that smites and is not smitten; (Ⅱ)
14. 44  
catangrô perenå vîdhârayôish avi pathãm katarascit, ýatârô pourvô frâyazâite amô hutashtô huraodhô verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô atârô verethra hacaite.
- 'Do thou throw37 four feathers38 in the way. Whichever of the two will first worship the well-shapen Strength, and Verethraghna, beautiful of form. made by Mazda, on his side will victory stand. (Ⅱ)
14. 45  
amemca verethrakhnemca âfrînâmi dva apâtâra dva nipâtâra dva nishharetâra dva adhwôzhen dva vîdhwôzhen dva fradhwôzhen dva âmarezen dva vîmarezen dva framarezen.
- 'I will bless Strength and Victory, the two keepers, the two good keepers, the two maintainers; the two who ...,39 the two who ...39 the two who ...39; the two who forgive, the two who strike off, the two who forget.40 (Ⅱ)
14. 46  
zarathushtra aêtem mãthrem mâ fradaêsayôish ainyat pithre vâ puthrâi brâthre vâ hadhô-zâtâi âthravanâi vâ thrâyaone, aêtaêca-tê vâcô ýôi ukhra âs derezra âs ukhra âs vyâxaine âs ukhra âs verethrakhne âs ukhra âs baêshazya âs, aêtaêca-tê vâcô ýôi peshemcit sârem buñjaiñti uzgereptemcit snathem apasha apa-hvanvaiñti. ahe raya ... tåscâ ýazamaide! (Repeat verse 5.) [17]
- 'O Zarathushtra! let not that spell be shown to any one, except by the father to his son, or by the brother to his brother from the same womb, or by the Athravan to his pupil.41 These are words that are awful and powerful, awful and assembly-ruling, awful and victorious, awful and healing: these are words that save the head that was lost and chant away the uplifted weapon.' (Ⅱ)
14. 47  
verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide ýô vîrâzaiti añtare râshta rasmana âca paraca peresaite hadha mithra hadha rashnvô, kô mithrem aiwi-druzhaiti kô rashnûm paiti-irinaxti kahmâi ýaskemca mahrkemca azem baxshâni xshayamnô.
- We sacrifice to Verethraghna, made by Ahura: who goes along the armies arrayed, and goes here and there asking, along with Mithra and Rashnu: 'Who is it who lies unto Mithra? Who is it who thrusts [his oath] against Rashnu?42 To whom shall I, in my might, impart illness and death?'43 (Ⅱ)
14. 48  
âat mraot ahurô mazdå, ýat mashyâka frâyazåñte verethrakhnô ahuradhâtô dâtahe ýim shyeiti dâityôtema ýasnasca vahmasca ashât haca ýat vahishtât nôit ithra airyå dainghâvô frãsh hyât haêna nôit vôikhna nôit pâma nôit kapastish nôit haênyô rathô nôit uzgereptô drafshô.
- Ahura Mazda said: 'If men sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura, if the due sacrifice and prayer is offered unto him just as it ought to be performed in the perfection of holiness, never will a hostile horde enter the Aryan countries, nor any plague, nor leprosy, nor venomous plants, nor the chariot of a foe, nor the uplifted spear of a foe. (Ⅱ)
14. 49  
paiti dim peresat zarathushtrô, kat zî asti ahura mazda verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe dâityôtema ýasnasca vahmasca ashât haca ýat vahishtât.
- Zarathushtra asked: 'What is then, O Ahura Mazda! the sacrifice and invocation in honour of Verethraghna, made by Ahura, as it ought to be performed in the perfection of holiness?' (Ⅱ)

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