Vohukhshathra Gatha (chapter (51-52)
> Vohukhshathra Gatha (chapter (51-52)  :
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51. 1  
vohû xshathrem vairîm bâgem aibî-bairishtem vîdîshemnâish îzhâcît ashâ añtare-caraitî shyaothanâish mazdâ vahishtem tat nê nûcît vareshânê (2). (zôt,)
- The good, the precious Dominion, as a most surpassing portion, shall Right achieve for him that with zeal accomplishes what is best through his actions, O Mazda. This will I now work out for us. (Ⅱ)
51. 2  
tâ-vê mazdâ paourvîm ahurâ ashâ ýecâ taibyâcâ ârmaitê dôishâ-môi ishtôish xshathrem xshmâkem vohû mananghâ vahmâi dâidî savanghô.
- Before all, O Mazda Ahura, assure me the Dominion of your possession, O Right, and what is thine, O Piety. Your (Dominion) of blessing give through Good Thought to him that prays. (Ⅱ)
51. 3  
â-vê gêushâ hêmyañtû ýôi vê shyaothanâish sâreñtê ahurô ashâ-hizvå uxdhâish vanghêush mananghô ýaêshãm tû pouruyô mazdâ fradaxshtâ apî.
- Let your ears attend to those who in their deeds and utterances hold to your words, Ahura and Right, to those of Good Thought, for whom thou, Mazda, art the first teacher. (Ⅱ)
51. 4  
kuthrâ ârôish âfseratush kuthrâ merezhdikâ axshtat kuthrâ ýasô h'yên ashem kû speñtâ ârmaitish kuthrâ manô vahishtem kuthrâ thwâ xshathrâ mazdâ.
- Where is the recompense for wrong to be found, where pardon for the same? Where shall they attain the Right? Where is the holy Piety, where Best Thought? Thy Dominions, where are they, O Mazda? (Ⅱ)
51. 5  
vîspâ-tâ peresãs ýathâ ashât hacâ gãm vîdat vâstryô shyaothanâish ereshvô hãs huxratush nemanghâ ýê dâthaêibyô eresh-ratûm xshayãs ashivå cistâ.
- All this (I) ask, whether the husbandman shall find cattle in accordance with Right, he that is perfect in action, a man of understanding, when he prays to him, who hath promised unto the Wise the true Judge, in that he is Lord of the two destinies... (Ⅱ)
51. 6  
ýê vahyô vanghêush dazdê ýascâ hôi vârâi râdat ahurô xshathrâ mazdå at ahmâi akât ashyô dà ýê hôi nôit vîdâitî apêmê anghêush urvaêsê.
- Even he, Ahura Mazda, who through his Dominion appoints what is better than good to him that is attached to his will, but what is worse than evil to him that obeys him not, at the last end of life. (Ⅱ)
51. 7  
dâidî-môi ýê gãm tashô apascâ urvaråscâ ameretâtâ haurvâtâ spênishtâ mainyû mazdâ tevîshî utayûitî mananghâ vohû sêñnghê.
- Give me, O thou that didst create the Ox and Waters and Plants, Welfare and Immortality, by the Highest Spirit, O Mazda, strength and continuance through Good Thought at the (Judge's) sentence. (Ⅱ)
51. 8  
at zî tôi vaxshyâ mazdâ vîdushê zî-nâ mruyât hyat akôyâ dregvâitê ushtâ ýê ashem dâdrê hvô zî mãthrâ shyâtô ýê vîdushê mravaitî.
- Of these two things will I speak, O Mazda, - for one may speak to the wise, - the ill that is threatened to the Liar, and the happiness of him who clings to the Right. For he, the Prophet, is glad of every one who says this to the wise. (Ⅱ)
51. 9  
ýãm xshnûtem rânôibyâ då thwâ âthrâ suxrâ mazdâ ayanghâ xshustâ aibî ahvâhû daxshtem dâvôi râshayenghê dregvañtem savayô ashavanem.
- What recompense thou wilt give to the two parties by thy red Fire, by the molten metal, give us a sign of it in our souls - even the bringing of ruin to the Liar, of blessing to the Righteous. (Ⅱ)
51. 10  
at ýê mâ-nâ marexshaitê anyâthâ ahmât mazdâ hvô dâmôish drûjô hunush tâ duzhdå ýôi heñtî maibyô zbayâ ashem vanghuyâ ashî gat tê.
- Whoso, other than this one, seeks to kill me, Mazda, he is a son of the Lie's creation, ill-willed thus towards all that live. I call the Right to come to me with good destiny. (Ⅱ)
51. 11  
kê urvathô spitamâi zarathushtrâi nâ mazdâ kê vâ ashâ âfrashtâ kâ speñtâ ârmaitish kê vâ vanghêush mananghô acistâ magâi ereshvô.
- What man is friend to Spitama Zarathushtra, O Mazda? Who will let himself be counseled by Right? With whom is holy Piety? Or who as an upright man is intent on the brotherhood of Good Thought? (Ⅱ)
51. 12  
nôit tâ-îm xshnâush vaêpyô kevînô peretô zemô zarathushtrem spitâmem hyat ahmî urûraost ashtô hyat hôi îm caratascâ aodereshcâ zôishenû vâzâ.
- The Kavi's wanton did not please Zarathushtra Spitama at the Winter Gate, in that he stayed him from taking refuge with him, and when there came to him also (Zarathushtra's) two steeds shivering with cold. (Ⅱ)
51. 13  
tâ dregvatô maredaitî daênâ erezâush haithîm ýehyâ urvâ xraodaitî cinvatô peretå âkå h'âish shyaothanâish hizvascâ ashahyâ nãsvå pathô.
- Thus the Self of the Liar destroys for himself the assurance of the right Way; whose soul shall tremble at the Revelation on the Bridge of the Separator, having turned aside with deeds and tongue from the Path of Right. (Ⅱ)
51. 14  
nôit urvâtâ dâtôibyascâ karapanô vâstrât arêm gavôi ârôish âsêñdâ hvâish shyaothanâishcâ sêñghâishcâ ýê-îsh sêñghô apêmem drûjô demânê âdât.
- The Karapans will not obey the statutes and ordinances concerning husbandry. For the pain they inflict upon the cattle, fulfill upon them through their actions and judgments that judgment which at the last shall bring them to the House of the Lie. (Ⅱ)
51. 15  
hyat mîzhdem zarathushtrô magavabyô côisht parâ garô demânê ahurô mazdå jasat pouruyô tâ vê vohû mananghâ ashâicâ savâish civîshî.
- When Zarathushtra hath promised to the men of his brotherhood, (which) in the House of Song Ahura Mazda hath first attained, for all this I have looked through your blessings, Good Thought, and those of Right. (Ⅱ)
51. 16  
tãm kavâ vîshtâspô magahyâ xshathrâ nãsat vanghêush padebîsh mananghô ýãm cistîm ashâ mañtâ speñtô mazdå ahurô athâ-nê sazdyâi ushtâ.
- Kavi Vishtaspa hath the creed which the holy Mazda Ahura with Right hath devised, together with the dominion of the Brotherhood, and the path of Good Thought. So be it accomplished after our desire. (Ⅱ)
51. 17  
berexdhãm môi ferashaoshtrô hvô-gvô daêdôisht kehrpêm daênayâi vanghuyâi ýãm hôi ishyãm dâtû xshayãs mazdå ahurô ashahyâ âzhdyâi gerezdîm.
- The fair form of one that is dear hath Frashaoshtra Hvogva promised unto me: may sovereign Mazda Ahura grant that she attain possession of the Right for her good Self. (Ⅱ)
51. 18  
tãm cistîm dêjâmâspô hvô-gvô ishtôish hvarenå ashâ vereñtê tat xshathrem mananghô vanguhîsh vîdô tat môi dâidî ahurâ hyat mazdâ rapên tavâ.
- This creed Jamaspa Hvogva chooses through Right, lordly in substance. This Dominion they (choose) who have part in Good Thought. This grant me, Ahura, that they may find in thee, Mazda, their protection. (Ⅱ)
51. 19  
hvô tat nâ maidyôi-månghâ spitamâ ahmâi dazdê daênayâ vaêdemnô ýê ahûm ishasãs aibî mazdå dâtâ mraot gayehyâ shyaothanâish vahyô.
- The man himself, O Maidyoi-Maungha Spitama, hath set this before him after conceiving it in his own self. He that would see life indeed, to him will he make known what in actions by Mazda's ordinance is better during (this) existence. (Ⅱ)
51. 20  
tat vê-nê hazaoshånghô vîspånghô daidyâi savô ashem vohû mananghâ uxdhâ ýâish ârmaitish ýazemnånghô nemanghâ mazdå rafedhrem cagedô.
- Your blessings shall ye give us, all that are one in will, with whom Right, Good Thought, Piety, and Mazda (are one) according to promise, giving your aid when worshipped with reverence. (Ⅱ)
51. 21  
ârmatôish nâ speñtô hvô cistî uxdhâish shyaothanâ daênâ ashem spênvat vohû xshathrem mananghâ mazdå dadât ahurô têm vanguhîm ýâsâ ashîm.
- By Piety the man becomes Holy. Such person advances Right through his thinking, his words, his action, his Self. By Good Thought Mazda Ahura will give the Dominion. For this good Destiny I long. (Ⅱ)
51. 22  
ýehyâ môi ashât hacâ vahishtem ýesnê paitî vaêdâ mazdå ahurô ýôi ångharecâ heñticâ tã ýazâi hvâish nâmênîsh pairicâ jasâi vañtâ!
(zôt u râspî,) ushtâ ahmâi ... gaêm mananghô (2). ashem vohû ... (3). tat-thwâ-peresãm hâitîm ýazamaide. ýenghê hâtãm ... tåscâ ýazamaide!!
- He, I ween, that Mazda Ahura knoweth among all that have been and are, as one to whom in accordance with Right the best portion falls for his prayer, these will I reverence by their own names and go before them with honor. (Ⅱ)

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