Chapitre 2
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2. 82  
योऽधीतेऽहन्यहन्येतां त्रीणि वर्षाण्यतन्द्रितः ।
स ब्रह्म परं अभ्येति वायुभूतः खमूर्तिमान् । । २.८२ । ।
- He who daily recites that (verse), untired, during three years, will enter (after death) the highest Brahman, move as free as air, and assume an ethereal form. (Ⅲ)
2. 40  
नैतैरपूतैर्विधिवदापद्यपि हि कर्हि चित् ।
ब्राह्मान्यौनांश्च संबन्धान्नाचरेद्ब्राह्मणः सह । । २.४० । ।
- With such men, if they have not been purified according to the rule, let no Brahmana ever, even in times of distress, form a connexion either through the Veda or by marriage. (Ⅲ)
2. 41  
कार्ष्णरौरवबास्तानि चर्माणि ब्रह्मचारिणः ।
वसीरन्नानुपूर्व्येण शाणक्षौमाविकानि च । । २.४१ । ।
- Let students, according to the order (of their castes), wear (as upper dresses) the skins of black antelopes, spotted deer, and he-goats, and (lower garments) made of hemp, flax or wool. (Ⅲ)
2. 42  
मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला ।
क्षत्रियस्य तु मौर्वी ज्या वैश्यस्य शणतान्तवी । । २.४२ । ।
- The girdle of a Brahmana shall consist of a of a triple cord of Munga grass, smooth and soft; (that) of a Kshatriya, of a bowstring, made of Murva fibres; (that) of a Vaisya, of hempen threads. (Ⅲ)
2. 43  
मुञ्जालाभे तु कर्तव्याः कुशाश्मन्तकबल्वजैः ।
त्रिवृता ग्रन्थिनैकेन त्रिभिः पञ्चभिरेव वा । । २.४३ । ।
- If Munga grass (and so forth) be not procurable, (the girdles) may be made of Kusa, Asmantaka, and Balbaga (fibres), with a single threefold knot, or with three or five (knots according to the custom of the family). (Ⅲ)
2. 44  
कार्पासं उपवीतं स्याद्विप्रस्योर्ध्ववृतं त्रिवृत् ।
शणसूत्रमयं राज्ञो वैश्यस्याविकसौत्रिकम् । । २.४४ । ।
- The sacrificial string of a Brahmana shall be made of cotton, (shall be) twisted to the right, (and consist) of three threads, that of a Kshatriya of hempen threads, (and) that of a Vaisya of woollen threads. (Ⅲ)
2. 45  
ब्राह्मणो बैल्वपालाशौ क्षत्रियो वाटखादिरौ ।
पैलवाउदुम्बरौ वैश्यो दण्डानर्हन्ति धर्मतः । । २.४५ । ।
- A Brahmana shall (carry), according to the sacred law, a staff of Bilva or Palasa; a Kshatriya, of Vata or Khadira; (and) a Vaisya, of Pilu or Udumbara. (Ⅲ)
2. 46  
केशान्तिको ब्राह्मणस्य दण्डः कार्यः प्रमाणतः ।
ललाटसम्मितो राज्ञः स्यात्तु नासान्तिको विशः । । २.४६ । ।
- The staff of a Brahmana shall be made of such length as to reach the end of his hair; that of a Kshatriya, to reach his forehead; (and) that of a Vaisya, to reach (the tip of his) nose. (Ⅲ)
2. 47  
ऋजवस्ते तु सर्वे स्युरव्रणाः सौम्यदर्शनाः ।
अनुद्वेगकरा नॄणां सत्वचोऽनग्निदूषिताः । । २.४७ । ।
- Let all the staves be straight, without a blemish, handsome to look at, not likely to terrify men, with their bark perfect, unhurt by fire. (Ⅲ)
2. 48  
प्रतिगृह्येप्सितं दण्डं उपस्थाय च भास्करम् ।
प्रदक्षिणं परीत्याग्निं चरेद्भैक्षं यथाविधि । । २.४८ । ।
- Having taken a staff according to his choice, having worshipped the sun and walked round the fire, turning his right hand towards it, (the student) should beg alms according to the prescribed rule. (Ⅲ)
2. 49  
भवत्पूर्वं चरेद्भैक्षं उपनीतो द्विजोत्तमः ।
भवन्मध्यं तु राजन्यो वैश्यस्तु भवदुत्तरम् । । २.४९ । ।
- An initiated Brahmana should beg, beginning (his request with the word) lady (bhavati); a Kshatriya, placing (the word) lady in the middle, but a Vaisya, placing it at the end (of the formula). (Ⅲ)
2. 50  
मातरं वा स्वसारं वा मातुर्वा भगिनीं निजाम् ।
भिक्षेत भिक्षां प्रथमं या चैनं नावमानयेत् । । २.५० । ।
- Let him first beg food of his mother, or of his sister, or of his own maternal aunt, or of (some other) female who will not disgrace him (by a refusal). (Ⅲ)
2. 51  
समाहृत्य तु तद्भैक्षं यावदन्नं अमायया ।
निवेद्य गुरवेऽश्नीयादाचम्य प्राङ्मुखः शुचिः । । २.५१ । ।
- Having collected as much food as is required (from several persons), and having announced it without guile to his teacher, let him eat, turning his face towards the east, and having purified himself by sipping water. (Ⅲ)
2. 52  
आयुष्यं प्राङ्मुखो भुङ्क्ते यशस्यं दक्षिणामुखः ।
श्रियं प्रत्यङ्मुखो भुङ्क्ते ऋतं भुङ्क्ते ह्युदङ्मुखः । । २.५२ । ।
- (His meal will procure) long life, if he eats facing the east; fame, if he turns to the south; prosperity, if he turns to the west; truthfulness, if he faces the east. (Ⅲ)
2. 53  
उपस्पृश्य द्विजो नित्यं अन्नं अद्यात्समाहितः ।
भुक्त्वा चोपस्पृशेत्सम्यगद्भिः खानि च संस्पृशेत् । । २.५३ । ।
- Let a twice-born man always eat his food with concentrated mind, after performing an ablution; and after he has eaten, let him duly cleanse himself with water and sprinkle the cavities (of his head). (Ⅲ)
2. 54  
पूजयेदशनं नित्यं अद्याच्चैतदकुत्सयन् ।
दृष्ट्वा हृष्येत्प्रसीदेच्च प्रतिनन्देच्च सर्वशः । । २.५४ । ।
- Let him always worship his food, and eat it without contempt; when he sees it, let him rejoice, show a pleased face, and pray that he may always obtain it. (Ⅲ)
2. 55  
पूजितं ह्यशनं नित्यं बलं ऊर्जं च यच्छति ।
अपूजितं तु तद्भुक्तं उभयं नाशयेदिदम् । । २.५५ । ।
- Food, that is always worshipped, gives strength and manly vigour; but eaten irreverently, it destroys them both. (Ⅲ)
2. 56  
नोच्छिष्टं कस्य चिद्दद्यान्नाद्यादेतत्तथान्तरा ।
न चैवात्यशनं कुर्यान्न चोच्छिष्टः क्व चिद्व्रजेत् । । २.५६ । ।
- Let him not give to any man what he leaves, and beware of eating between (the two meal-times); let him not over-eat himself, nor go anywhere without having purified himself (after his meal). (Ⅲ)
2. 57  
अनारोग्यं अनायुष्यं अस्वर्ग्यं चातिभोजनम् ।
अपुण्यं लोकविद्विष्टं तस्मात्तत्परिवर्जयेत् । । २.५७ । ।
- Excessive eating is prejudicial to health, to fame, and to (bliss in) heaven; it prevents (the acquisition of) spiritual merit, and is odious among men; one ought, for these reasons, to avoid it carefully. (Ⅲ)
2. 58  
ब्राह्मेण विप्रस्तीर्थेन नित्यकालं उपस्पृशेत् ।
कायत्रैदशिकाभ्यां वा न पित्र्येण कदा चन । । २.५८ । ।
- Let a Brahmana always sip water out of the part of the hand (tirtha) sacred to Brahman, or out of that sacred to Ka (Pragapati), or out of (that) sacred to the gods, never out of that sacred to the manes. (Ⅲ)
2. 59  
अङ्गुष्ठमूलस्य तले ब्राह्मं तीर्थं प्रचक्षते ।
कायं अङ्गुलिमूलेऽग्रे देवं पित्र्यं तयोरधः । । २.५९ । ।
- They call (the part) at the root of the thumb the tirtha sacred to Brahman, that at the root of the (little) finger (the tirtha) sacred to Ka (Pragapati), (that) at the tips (of the fingers, the tirtha) sacred to the gods, and that below (between the index and the thumb, the tirtha) sacred to the manes. (Ⅲ)
2. 60  
त्रिराचामेदपः पूर्वं द्विः प्रमृज्यात्ततो मुखम् ।
खानि चैव स्पृशेदद्भिरात्मानं शिर एव च । । २.६० । ।
- Let him first sip water thrice; next twice wipe his mouth; and, lastly, touch with water the cavities (of the head), (the seat of) the soul and the head. (Ⅲ)
2. 61  
अनुष्णाभिरफेनाभिरद्भिस्तीर्थेन धर्मवित् ।
शौचेप्सुः सर्वदाचामेदेकान्ते प्रागुदङ्मुखः । । २.६१ । ।
- He who knows the sacred law and seeks purity shall always perform the rite of sipping with water neither hot nor frothy, with the (prescribed) tirtha, in a lonely place, and turning to the east or to the north. (Ⅲ)
2. 62  
हृद्गाभिः पूयते विप्रः कण्ठगाभिस्तु भूमिपः ।
वैश्योऽद्भिः प्राशिताभिस्तु शूद्रः स्पृष्टाभिरन्ततः । । २.६२ । ।
- A Brahmana is purified by water that reaches his heart, a Kshatriya by water reaching his throat, a Vaisya by water taken into his mouth, (and) a Sudra by water touched with the extremity (of his lips). (Ⅲ)
2. 63  
उद्धृते दक्षिने पाणावुपवीत्युच्यते द्विजः ।
सव्ये प्राचीनावीती निवीती कण्ठसज्जने । । २.६३ । ।
- A twice-born man is called upavitin when his right arm is raised (and the sacrificial string or the dress, passed under it, rests on the left shoulder); (when his) left (arm) is raised (and the string, or the dress, passed under it, rests on the right shoulder, he is called) prakinavitin; and nivitin when it hangs down (straight) from the neck. (Ⅲ)
2. 64  
मेखलां अजिनं दण्डं उपवीतं कमण्डलुम् ।
अप्सु प्रास्य विनष्टानि गृह्णीतान्यानि मन्त्रवत् । । २.६४ । ।
- His girdle, the skin (which serves as his upper garment), his staff, his sacrificial thread, (and) his water-pot he must throw into water, when they have been damaged, and take others, reciting sacred formulas. (Ⅲ)
2. 65  
केशान्तः षोडशे वर्षे ब्राह्मणस्य विधीयते ।
राजन्यबन्धोर्द्वाविंशे वैश्यस्य द्व्यधिके मतः । । २.६५ । ।
- (The ceremony called) Kesanta (clipping the hair) is ordained for a Brahmana in the sixteenth year (from conception); for a Kshatriya, in the twenty-second; and for a Vaisya, two (years) later than that. (Ⅲ)
2. 66  
अमन्त्रिका तु कार्येयं स्त्रीणां आवृदशेषतः ।
संस्कारार्थं शरीरस्य यथाकालं यथाक्रमम् । । २.६६ । ।
- This whole series (of ceremonies) must be performed for females (also), in order to sanctify the body, at the proper time and in the proper order, but without (the recitation of) sacred texts. (Ⅲ)
2. 67  
वैवाहिको विधिः स्त्रीणां संस्कारो वैदिकः स्मृतः ।
पतिसेवा गुरौ वासो गृहार्थोऽग्निपरिक्रिया । । २.६७ । ।
- The nuptial ceremony is stated to be the Vedic sacrament for women (and to be equal to the initiation), serving the husband (equivalent to) the residence in (the house of the) teacher, and the household duties (the same) as the (daily) worship of the sacred fire. (Ⅲ)
2. 68  
एष प्रोक्तो द्विजातीनां औपनायनिको विधिः ।
उत्पत्तिव्यञ्जकः पुण्यः कर्मयोगं निबोधत । । २.६८ । ।
- Thus has been described the rule for the initiation of the twice-born, which indicates a (new) birth, and sanctifies; learn (now) to what duties they must afterwards apply themselves. (Ⅲ)
2. 69  
उपनीय गुरुः शिष्यं शिक्षयेच्छौचं आदितः ।
आचारं अग्निकार्यं च संध्योपासनं एव च । । २.६९ । ।
- Having performed the (rite of) initiation, the teacher must first instruct the (pupil) in (the rules of) personal purification, of conduct, of the fire-worship, and of the twilight devotions. (Ⅲ)
2. 70  
अध्येष्यमाणस्त्वाचान्तो यथाशास्त्रं उदङ्मुखः ।
ब्रह्माञ्जलिकृतोऽध्याप्यो लघुवासा जितेन्द्रियः । । २.७० । ।
- But (a student) who is about to begin the Study (of the Veda), shall receive instruction, after he has sipped water in accordance with the Institutes (of the sacred law), has made the Brahmangali, (has put on) a clean dress, and has brought his organs under due control. (Ⅲ)
2. 83  
एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म प्राणायामः परं तपः ।
सावित्र्यास्तु परं नास्ति मौनात्सत्यं विशिष्यते । । २.८३ । ।
- The monosyllable (Om) is the highest Brahman, (three) suppressions of the breath are the best (form of) austerity, but nothing surpasses the Savitri truthfulness is better than silence. (Ⅲ)
2. 84  
क्षरन्ति सर्वा वैदिक्यो जुहोतियजतिक्रियाः ।
अक्षरं दुष्करं ज्ञेयं ब्रह्म चैव प्रजापतिः । । २.८४ । ।
- All rites ordained in the Veda, burnt oblations and (other) sacrifices, pass away; but know that the syllable (Om) is imperishable, and (it is) Brahman, (and) the Lord of creatures (Pragapati). (Ⅲ)
2. 85  
विधियज्ञाज्जपयज्ञो विशिष्टो दशभिर्गुणैः ।
उपांशुः स्याच्छतगुणः साहस्रो मानसः स्मृतः । । २.८५ । ।
- An offering, consisting of muttered prayers, is ten times more efficacious than a sacrifice performed according to the rules (of the Veda); a (prayer) which is inaudible (to others) surpasses it a hundred times, and the mental (recitation of sacred texts) a thousand times. (Ⅲ)
2. 120  
ऊर्ध्वं प्राणा ह्युत्क्रामन्ति यूनः स्थविर आयति ।
प्रत्युत्थानाभिवादाभ्यां पुनस्तान्प्रतिपद्यते । । २.१२० । ।
- For the vital airs of a young man mount upwards to leave his body when an elder approaches; but by rising to meet him and saluting he recovers them. (Ⅲ)
2. 121  
अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपसेविनः ।
चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्धर्मो यशो बलम् । । २.१२१ । ।
- He who habitually salutes and constantly pays reverence to the aged obtains an increase of four (things), (viz.) length of life, knowledge, fame, (and) strength. (Ⅲ)
2. 122  
अभिवादात्परं विप्रो ज्यायांसं अभिवादयन् ।
असौ नामाहं अस्मीति स्वं नाम परिकीर्तयेत् । । २.१२२ । ।
- After the (word of) salutation, a Brahmana who greets an elder must pronounce his name, saying, 'I am N. N.' (Ⅲ)
2. 123  
नामधेयस्य ये के चिदभिवादं न जानते ।
तान्प्राज्ञोऽहं इति ब्रूयात्स्त्रियः सर्वास्तथैव च । । २.१२३ । ।
- To those (persons) who, when a name is pronounced, do not understand (the meaning of) the salutation, a wise man should say, 'It is I;' and (he should address) in the same manner all women. (Ⅲ)
2. 124  
भोःशब्दं कीर्तयेदन्ते स्वस्य नाम्नोऽभिवादने ।
नाम्नां स्वरूपभावो हि भोभाव ऋषिभिः स्मृतः । । २.१२४ । ।
- In saluting he should pronounce after his name the word bhoh; for the sages have declared that the nature of bhoh is the same as that of (all proper) names. (Ⅲ)
2. 125  
आयुष्मान्भव सौम्येति वाच्यो विप्रोऽभिवादने ।
अकारश्चास्य नाम्नोऽन्ते वाच्यः पूर्वाक्षरः प्लुतः । । २.१२५ । ।
- A Brahmana should thus be saluted in return, 'May'st thou be long-lived, O gentle one!' and the vowel 'a' must be added at the end of the name (of the person addressed), the syllable preceding it being drawn out to the length of three moras. (Ⅲ)
2. 126  
यो न वेत्त्यभिवादस्य विप्रः प्रत्यभिवादनम् ।
नाभिवाद्यः स विदुषा यथा शूद्रस्तथैव सः । । २.१२६ । ।
- A Brahmana who does not know the form of returning a salutation, must not be saluted by a learned man; as a Sudra, even so is he. (Ⅲ)
2. 127  
ब्राह्मणं कुशलं पृच्छेत्क्षत्रबन्धुं अनामयम् ।
वैश्यं क्षेमं समागम्य शूद्रं आरोग्यं एव च । । २.१२७ । ।
- Let him ask a Brahmana, on meeting him, after (his health, with the word) kusala, a Kshatriya (with the word) anamaya, a Vaisya (with the word) kshema, and a Sudra (with the word) anarogya. (Ⅲ)
2. 128  
अवाच्यो दीक्षितो नाम्ना यवीयानपि यो भवेत् ।
भोभवत्पूर्वकं त्वेनं अभिभाषेत धर्मवित् । । २.१२८ । ।
- He who has been initiated (to perform a Srauta sacrifice) must not be addressed by his name, even though he be a younger man; he who knows the sacred law must use in speaking to such (a man the particle) bhoh and (the pronoun) bhavat (your worship). (Ⅲ)
2. 129  
परपत्नी तु या स्त्री स्यादसंबन्धा च योनितः ।
तां ब्रूयाद्भवतीत्येवं सुभगे भगिनीति च । । २.१२९ । ।
- But to a female who is the wife of another man, and not a blood-relation, he must say, 'Lady' (bhavati) or 'Beloved sister!' (Ⅲ)
2. 130  
मातुलांश्च पितृव्यांश्च श्वशुरानृत्विजो गुरून् ।
असावहं इति ब्रूयात्प्रत्युत्थाय यवीयसः । । २.१३० । ।
- To his maternal and paternal uncles, fathers-in-law, officiating priests, (and other) venerable persons, he must say, 'I am N. N.,' and rise (to meet them), even though they be younger (than himself). (Ⅲ)
2. 86  
ये पाकयज्ञास्चत्वारो विधियज्ञसमन्विताः ।
सर्वे ते जपयज्ञस्य कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम् । । २.८६ । ।
- The four Pakayagnas and those sacrifices which are enjoined by the rules (of the Veda) are all together not equal in value to a sixteenth part of the sacrifice consisting of muttered prayers. (Ⅲ)
2. 87  
जप्येनैव तु संसिध्येद्ब्राह्मणो नात्र संशयः ।
कुर्यादन्यन्न वा कुर्यान्मैत्रो ब्राह्मण उच्यते । । २.८७ । ।
- But, undoubtedly, a Brahmana reaches the highest goal by muttering prayers only; (whether) he perform other (rites) or neglect them, he who befriends (all creatures) is declared (to be) a (true) Brahmana. (Ⅲ)
2. 88  
इन्द्रियाणां विचरतां विषयेष्वपहारिषु ।
संयमे यत्नं आतिष्ठेद्विद्वान्यन्तेव वाजिनाम् । । २.८८ । ।
- A wise man should strive to restrain his organs which run wild among alluring sensual objects, like a charioteer his horses. (Ⅲ)
2. 89  
एकादशेन्द्रियाण्याहुर्यानि पूर्वे मनीषिणः ।
तानि सम्यक्प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावदनुपूर्वशः । । २.८९ । ।
- Those eleven organs which former sages have named, I will properly (and) precisely enumerate in due order, (Ⅲ)

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