Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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Whosoever perseveres in the invocation will find that lights come to him constantly and that the veils of invisible things are lifted from him.

Ibn' Ata' Allah

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